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Community Service

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  • Community Service

    “BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP,” Samantha’s alarm blared. She rolled over and hit snooze. It was 6 am on Saturday. “It’s too early for this,” she thought. But she had to do what she had to do. Rolling out of of bed she groggily picked out her clothes.
    Today was the day of her community service sentence. She was required to spend all day outside cleaning a city park. “If I had just used the restroom before leaving the club that one night I would get to sleep in,” she thought. Samantha had gotten caught red-handed urinating in an alleyway downtown a week ago. She had left the club with her friends thinking she could make it to their apartment. But instead she ended up pulling down her tights and panties and squatting in an alley. She was mid stream when she found herself in the bright light of a police officer’s flashlight.
    As luck would have it, the first big cold front of the fall had gone through the night before so it was less than pleasant outside. The temperature was 40F outside and had that typical fall drizzle in the air. Picking out her clothes for the day she opted for warmth and also anticipated getting a little dirty. Removing her pajamas, she left on her panties and bra, no use changing into clean underwear when she would be picking up garbage all day. Being cold outside she pulled on a pair thick tights over her panties, over them she pulled on a pair of old jeans that just barely fit her and a pair of warm, wool socks. She pulled on a thermal shirt and tucked it into her jeans, then pulled on a sweatshirt over that. She found an old ski jacket that came down to mid thigh and put that on, finishing off by pulling on an old pair of UGGs, a knit hat and some gloves. On her way there she stopped at Starbucks for a large coffee to try and wake herself up.
    Arriving at the park she saw a few more women there about her age, probably being punished for the same reason. There was a female officer to supervise them. Getting out of her car she walked towards them, coffee in hand.
    “7 o’clock we’re starting and that coffee better be finished by then or you toss it!” the female officer told her. Greeting the other women she gulped down her coffee as quickly as she could.
    They started promptly at 7am. Each was given a stick with a nail in it to pick up litter, a plastic garbage bag, and a small shovel for dog droppings. Samantha noticed one woman who seem to know exactly what to do, like she had done this before, so she kind of gravitated towards her. Introducing herself, she learned her name was Ashley and this was not her first time. Ashley was dressed in what looked like black snow pants and a jacket. They chatted for a bit and Samantha found out that this was was a typical service punishment for her offense, and that Ashley had been doing this for a while.
    “I guess picking up garbage for one day isn’t so bad of a punishment for getting caught mid pee,” Samantha thought.
    About 8am, Samantha started feeling a twinge in her bladder from downing that large coffee. She made her way to the park restrooms only to find the women’s side locked. Trying the men’s she found the same thing. Returning back to picking up garbage she asked Ashley if there were any other bathrooms or port-o-potties provided for them.
    “I guess this really is your first time for this,” Ashley said.
    “What do you mean?” asked Samantha.
    “Think about why you are here. You got caught cause you misjudged your bladder and had to pee in public. This punishment is not so much about cleaning the parks as it is about teaching us to not drop our pants, expose ourselves, and urinate in public.”
    “So what do I do?” Samantha asked Ashley.
    “You hold it,” she said with a slight smirk.
    That thought worried Samantha. She had to go, but not that bad. “But what if I can’t hold it all day?” she thought. She went back to picking up garbage, hoping it would keep her mind off of her filling bladder.
    For a while it wasn’t so bad, but the further she pressed on the more desperate she became. “Damn that Starbuck’s coffee!” she thought. At least picking up garbage she could keep moving and not have to stand still.
    It was almost lunch time and she could now feel a constant pressure on her bladder. She was hoping maybe they would allow a bathroom break at lunch.
    Finally 11am, lunchtime, but Samantha’s bladder was beginning to hurt. They gathered to get their sandwiches and waters. Samantha decided to ask the officer about using the restroom.
    Upon getting asked the question, it was like she knew others would ask as well. Responding to Samantha and the entire group she announced, “If the park bathrooms are locked, I do not have the keys. You are all adults and should be able to hold it until we finish at 3.”
    Samantha’s heart sank, and looking around the group she noticed other women looking a bit worried. She looked at Ashley, but for some reason Ashley seemed very calm. Samantha couldn’t sit still during lunch. She was shifting her weight from foot to foot, bouncing her knees, and holding her crotch in between bites of her sandwich. After a 30 minute lunch break they all went back to work. She began to wish she hadn’t had that large coffee in the morning.
    She picked up a few pieces of litter then bent down with her scoop to pick op some dog poop. Suddenly, as she bent down she let out an uncontrollable squirt. It only lasted a second, but she quickly stood straight up and stopped it. Feeling a little wetness in her crotch she pulled up the front of her jacket and looked down at her jeans, expecting the worst. Luckily her cotton panties and thick tights seemed to absorb most of it, there was no wetness showing on her jeans. But she now knew she was close to her breaking point. This is what caused her to squat in the alley last weekend and get caught, but now she would have to try and hold on for a few more hours.
    She put the loops of the bag on her left wrist holding her crotch with her hand in her jacket pocket as she kept moving on her feet. Stab the litter with the stick in her right hand and quickly put it into the bag. This rhythm seemed to work, but only for a little while. The longer she held, the less she could stand still. She found herself practically walking in place when stopping to stab at pieces of litter. Looking over to her new friend, Ashley seemed very relaxed for some reason. “She must have a bladder of steal,” Samantha thought.
    It had been only 15 minutes since she first squirted. Samantha knew she would never make it until 3. The pressure in her bladder started to become unbearable, it almost hurt. She had never been this desperate in her life. every time she stabbed a piece of litter, she now felt a small, warm spurt of pee releasing into her panties. She felt her tights start to get wetter as it slowly soaked down her thighs, and she now felt her jeans were starting to get wet as well. Time started to stand still. She stopped what she was doing, closed her eyes and started contemplating what to do. If she undid her pants and squatted she would for sure have to endure another Saturday of this. She could try and make a run for a shop or restaurant just across the street, but would most likely end up being arrested for fleeing her community service.
    Another squirt surprised her and she opened her eyes. Suddenly she saw something that gave her an idea, dog poop. Grabbing her scoop, she quickly walked towards it and squatted down. With her back to the group, she squatted low enough that her jacket almost touched the ground behind her. Once in position, she slowly started scooping up the poop, at the same time she just gave in and relaxed her tormented bladder. Samantha started peeing full force, completely soaking her panties, tights and jeans. Since she was squatting, the urine soaked only her crotch and began pooling around her butt before dripping onto the ground. Knowing her bladder was full, she pushed as hard as she could to empty it as fast as she could.
    She finally finished and stopped peeing. Letting her jeans drip a bit she slowly stood up. Her jacket fell back down and covered her wet crotch and butt. She sighed with relief, thinking she just got away with completely wetting her pants and hiding it under jacket.
    “Hey!” she suddenly heard behind her. Embarrassed she slowly turned her head. It was Ashley.
    “How long were you standing there?”
    “Long enough to see what you just did.” Samantha started to blush, then began to cry. “I just couldn’t hold it any longer and I didn’t know what else to do!”
    “It’s ok,” Ashley said. Putting her arm around Samantha she continued, “Let’s go over here. I want to show you something.”
    They went behind a clump of bushes, out of sight from the group. Ashley unzipped her jacket, revealing that she was wearing bib style snow pants with a zipper down the front. She unzipped her snow pants. Samantha couldn’t believe what she saw. Ashley was wearing a pair of tight jeans under her snow pants, but around the zipper and crotch her jeans were completely soaked! As she looked, Ashley’s jeans actually started to glisten with wetness. She was peeing in her jeans right in front of her. The glistening stopped and Ashley zipped up her snow pants and closed her jacket.
    “God that felt so good,” Ashley said. Samantha was still in shock, even though she just completely pissed her jeans, she couldn’t get over Ashley just doing it on purpose.
    “This isn’t my first Saturday Community Service, as you can tell. I figured I’d rather do it this way than wet myself while out clubbing. Plus it’s a nice little warm up on days like today.”
    “So how many Saturday’s have you done this?” Samantha asked.
    “I lost count. But it’s not so bad; we spend the day outside and the parks get cleaned up.”
    “When did you figure out the snow pants trick?”
    “After the same thing happened to me. Except it was warmer out so I didn’t have a jacket to cover myself like you. That’s when I decided to wear this when it’s cold and black lycra running tights for when it’s warm out. The tights dry quickly when it’s warm out and when it’s cold like today the snow pants keep me warm.”
    They continued on there duties. Samantha kept looking at Ashley to see if she could see any wetness or if she could tell when she peed again, but nothing was ever visible. Her thick tights did the trick of keeping her warm even though she was still wet.
    By the time 3 rolled around her jeans had dried to just damp. The group gathered back at the lot and turned in their tools. Samantha noticed that two other women had also wet themselves, but they must have been standing when it happened as the stain on their jeans went all down the inside their legs. She kind of smiled knowing what she did and how she did it had hidden her accident from everyone except Ashley.
    Her and Ashley exchanged phone numbers and made plans to go clubbing next weekend.

    to be continued…

  • #2

    That was a wonderful story. I cant wait to read more

