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Haunted trail wetting-woman writes to a newspaper.

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  • Haunted trail wetting-woman writes to a newspaper.

    She's complaining to a newspaper because the pic was posted. No face was even shown.


    Here's the pic

    Last edited by stevem; January 19, 2015, 12:55 AM.

  • #2
    Facebook page



    • #3
      Watson said about five people wet their pants at Spookers each night. "It is very, very common and most people aren't embarrassed about it at all," Watson said.

      5 a night? Bullshit. Maybe in that guy's and everyone on this board's dreams.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Razz
        Watson said about five people wet their pants at Spookers each night. "It is very, very common and most people aren't embarrassed about it at all," Watson said.

        5 a night? Bullshit. Maybe in that guy's and everyone on this board's dreams.
        What's so unbelievable about 5 a night? I imagine hundreds of people go through it each night, and 5 a night is not that large a percentage under those circumstances. From another perspective, you're saying this guy is either lying or seeing things - surely if someone had wet their pants it would be obvious to all who were there, so it wouldn't have been a case of misidentification of the accident.


        • #5
          So that's 5 full blown wetting accidents every day, blatantly noticeable to all other patrons and employees. Keep dreaming dude. And no shit he's probably lying. He wants to make it sound as scary as possible.


          • #6
            Similar claims have been made about a haunted house attraction in Massachusetts. It is somewhere around here, I think maybe on the photo board. I just wish they had a place like that around here. What a great way to do it in public and get away with it. Hee-hee-hee.


            • #7
              ROLF, there's a haunted house in NYC that hands out T-shirts that say "I PISSED MY PANTS AT BLOOD MANOR" if you actually do it. (Of course if you don't you can buy it from the gift shop.)


              • #8
                Ya'll beat me to it..

                I was about to post this in a new thread until I saw I was late to the party:



                • #9

                  when I worked in a haunted house we had about a 1-5% wetting statistic. 'full blown' no but visible yes. I had a football player from a local high school wet himself noticeably and a early 40s woman soak herself in the same day and I was only 1 of 47 scarers that night. So averaging 5 a night is possible.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Razz
                    So that's 5 full blown wetting accidents every day, blatantly noticeable to all other patrons and employees. Keep dreaming dude. And no shit he's probably lying. He wants to make it sound as scary as possible.
                    Razz, you're just not thinking this through. Do you KNOW how many people went through each night? If not, how do you KNOW that 5 wettings was not possible? And they didn't say it was full-blown either, I think.

                    You can't just make proclamations like this without some sort of evidence or experience to back it up. Just because you personally don't believe it's possible doesn't make it impossible. You have no figures to go on, just your own personal beliefs. You may indeed be correct, but it would only be purely by accident (pardon the pun! )
                    Last edited by Lloyd_R1; January 21, 2015, 06:46 AM.


                    • #11
                      I think Maria nailed it. The houses of horrors give gals, and maybe guys, who get a kick out of wetting their pants, a venue to do it in public without scorn and perhaps double their buzz.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, all I really remember about it is that the place really did have an fb page, but it was in Massachusetts, so I thought, bummer, too far away. And now I hear about this place, but it's way off in New Zealand. Seriously, if I could find a place like that here in California, there is an old boyfriend of mine who was kind of into that stuff, and I would ask him to take me there for a date, because doing it in public is a major fantasy of mine, and who cares if the haunted house is scary or not? I would do it on purpose and pretend I did it from fear because it would be so cool to wet my pants in front of other people that I think I would probably pass out from excitement.


                        • #13
                          Even having an intense orgasm from being so very aroused that you might blank - out for a few seconds . As your climax peaks as it sweeps through you
                          Give it a try Maria , you might really enjoy the thrill of it all.
                          Along with pic's I Hope too

