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This weeks finds from round the web....

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  • This weeks finds from round the web....

    It is so annoying that we can't search webshots properly anymore. Literally thousands of real wetting pics were posted there between 2004 & 2006. there must be loads more recent ones but the search function just doesn't pick up newer photos.

    BUT, the good thing is that webshots is not the only such site (although it was the best!), so I've been having a search elsewhere. Again, some of these pics are old so could well be reposts but they were new to me so I figure they'll be new to others.

    https://picasaweb.google.com/benjust...47125352624562 -Drunk, wet & passed out
    https://picasaweb.google.com/Bannon8...31222238914994 Wet shorts
    https://picasaweb.google.com/andrew....57199756100130 Wet Jeans
    http://www.flickr.com/photos/slickpig/3160266167/ Wetting
    https://picasaweb.google.com/twisted...13309689308114 Not sure what is going on here (1/2)
    https://picasaweb.google.com/twisted...13524600773106 (2/2)
    https://picasaweb.google.com/smike10...78226379327970 (Wet tan shorts)
    https://picasaweb.google.com/vlukovi...23075037002226 (Another shorts wetting)
    http://www.collegehumor.com/picture:1715263 (Drunk wetting)

    This one is an inside squat IN PUBLIC! Some people have no shame But looking at the second shot, has she already wet herself a little? Maybe she couldn't hold it anymore and when she began wetting herself she just yanked her pants down and let it flow? Shame she's not very pretty.

    I also stumbled across a couple of interesting blog entries....
    http://theomgmom.com/?p=52 (Pregnant Wetting)
    http://therealfullhouse.wordpress.co...-go-right-now/ (A man ponders in his blog about female wettings. Some of the comments are v interesting too)

    Now we all know rock concerts can be a good source of wettings - excitement, alcohol, not wanting to give up your good spot, too many people with not enough toilets.... and even more alcohol. God bless music. I wish I had been at this concert in particular: http://www.algonquincollege.com/time...St-CyrBand.htm
    The third paragraph says: "During a Canada Day performance at the Thirsty Toad, Cahill fell off the high stage, but took it in stride. Hitsman tripped on a wire, landing on and breaking an $800 acoustic guitar. But the real winner was an inebriated fan, said St-Cyr. After continuously lifting her shirt for the band members, she jumped on stage during their encore. The band couldn’t see what she was doing, but noticed an abundance of cell phone cameras. Turned out she was having so much fun, she couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time and wet herself. “Don’t play in a rock and roll band,” Jason said laughing. “It’s not good for your image.”"

    Now for some news from round the world....
    http://www.jamaicanews.info/2009/11/...f-when-caught/ (Arrest wetting reported in the news - I hope it was the "23 year old professional model" that wet herself - sounds hotter than the "44 year old domestic helper"!!!)

    This is one that I stumbled across when I was reading the news story rather than searching for wetting content. I used to work in Victoria and I even used to take the #52 bus, so I was actually reading it as a news item. Another young life in London tragically wasted to gang violence. But I couldn't help but notice the wetting element - "One of the accused killers is 18-year-old Victoria Osoteku"..... "Osoteku was arrested at college on March 30, having already lied to her foster mother by claiming she had not been at the murder scene. Her home was searched, but she told officers she had suffered an “accident” and wet herself and had been forced to throw out her trainers because they were sodden. She also said her trousers were “really wet” but still in her bedroom."
    I wonder if she really did wet herself, perhaps as a reaction to the murder, or perhaps she made it up to explain throwing out her trainers. But if she still had the wet trousers I expect she must have peed in them otherwise the police would be able to tell very quickly from tests - no pee on her trousers means no pee in her trainers, and no reason to throw her trainers away. If she wet her trainers she must have totally flooded her pants!

    http://www.birminghampost.net/news/w...5233-20741136/ (Fear wetting briefly described in this recollection of fire on an aeroplane)

    Now to finish, we have a rather dull and uninteresting youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAgi6...eature=related. I thought the title "bike crash- searia peeing her pants " might not be meant to be taken literally, as there was no sign of it as the seconds tick down. It's worth the wait though - the last frame (just after they have crashed into each other) is this:

    As it's a screen capture from the original youtube the quality is not great - but that crotch looks wet to me.

    Enjoy all.

  • #2
    Thanks for all of these. I really appreciate the time and effort that you not only put into finding all of this stuff, but also writing up descriptions and commentary for each.

    Thanks again for sharing and I do hope you keep it up!


    • #3
      You're the bomb...

      Thanks so much for your efforts. It's people like you (very few, unfortunately) who make this place worth coming to.


      • #4
        Thanks Aloo. Much appreciated as always.


        • #5
          As usual, thank you again for compiling these. I wish we could find a photo of the girl who wet herself on stage. All those cameras you know it's out there someplace.


          • #6
            Awesome Aloo, great post. Thanks as always for the work.


            • #7
              Excellent post. Thank you for all your efforts! Really enjoyed everything.


              • #8
                Nice! some more pix I haven't seen before. Thanks for the posts.


                • #9
                  Great work again Aloo...you must have your search engine set to stun to find all of these!... thanks, much appreciated...


                  • #10
                    Glad you all liked. I will look surf again when I can.


