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A paysite review: LoveWetting

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  • A paysite review: LoveWetting

    I've signed up to LoveWetting - http://www.lovewetting.com - and I'm fairly pleased with it.

    Despite the title, it's a pissing site; mostly it's explicit images of genitalia and urination with a bit of desperation scripted in. However, it is properly indexed and the wetting category is exactly that - and a some of them are very good indeed.

    Two of them hit my hottest hot-button topic: girl needs to pee and has failed, repeatedly, to find a place to squat discreetly; so she decides to stand quietly and let it go, weeing in her knickers and hoping nobody will notice what she's doing.

    There's very little acting - always a good point, because if you're not using trained actors, the acting will be terrible - and a couple of excellent wettings are marred by pantomimed embarrassment and whining that just throws the viewer out of the scene and reach for 'mute'.

    A couple, but not all of them; and there's a deft scripting touch in the street scenes, where the girl is seen rushing home in wet shorts, or walking away in wet knickers under her skirt, looking for a on opportunity to get the damn' things off and drop them in the gutter - and we get to see them walk away from *that*, too, knowing what they've done and knowing that they're bare and drying off beneath the skirt, and we could smell the wee if we stood close enough.

    The viewer's imagination fills in all kinds of interesting details when the script allows it: and sometimes it's enough to watch, and know.

    So yes, I like the site I don't have to like everything on it, and the handful of good stuff's very good.

    Anyone else been there?
    Last edited by Betanumeric; August 31, 2015, 04:09 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Betanumeric
    I've signed up to LoveWetting - http://www.lovewetting.com - and I'm fairly pleased with it.

    Despite the title, it's a pissing site; mostly it's explicit images of genitalia and urination with a bit of desperation scripted in. However, it is properly indexed and the wetting category is exactly that - and a some of them are very good indeed.

    Two of them hit my hottest hot-button topic: girl needs to pee and has failed, repeatedly, to find a place to squat discreetly; so she decides, quite deliberately, to stand quietly and let it go, weeing in her knickers and hoping nobody will notice what she's doing.

    There's very little acting - always a good point, because if you're not using trained actors, the acting will be terrible - and a couple of excellent wettings are marred by pantomimed embarrassment and whining that just throws the viewer out of the scene and reach for 'mute'.

    A couple, but not all of them; and there's a deft scripting touch in the street scenes, where the girl is seen rushing home in wet shorts, or walking away in wet knickers under her skirt, looking for a on opportunity to get the damn' things off and drop them in the gutter - and we get to see them walk away from *that*, too, knowing what they've done and knowing that they're bare and drying off beneath the skirt, and we could smell the wee if we stood close enough.

    The viewer's imagination fills in all kinds of interesting details when the script allows it: and sometimes it's enough to watch, and know.

    So yes, I like the site I don't have to like everything on it, and the handful of good stuff's very good.

    Anyone else been there?
    Interesting. So they are either a site that uses the word "wetting" to describe the act of urination, which is an uncommon but established use of the term - or it's a site that is really supposed to be about wetting, but as with so many other sites, including this one, has broadened the category for the sake of a larger audience. It's good however, that they keep the actual wetting completely separate and undiluted by other content!

    Thanks for the info!


    • #3
      Hi all.

      I have been going to this site since it came on line! As the fact I do so love a story / scenario peeing videos. As they do try to have a story and a scenario type wetting there often and there have been some really good one's with some lovely models to! However this last couple of months I had noticed things had not been so good! On this site! I did @ the site with some ideas for videos and also ask if certain cloths could be used in any future videos! I did get a really good open honest reply back which impressed me a lot, and it seems they have been having great difficulty finding models that want to pee themselves fully clothed on camera the person told me in the @ they have no problem finding models to do all manner of sex videos! Yet so many just don't want to know re peeing and below is what he told me this is A quote form the mail they sent me.

      "Obviously we have to hire professional models. Out of 20 models at least 12 don't want to film wetting at all because it’s extremely humiliating for them. Yes, they will be doing anal sex or whatever and that’s fine but no wetting. (Sounds strange but that’s how it is). Out of the remaining 8 models at least 4-5 don’t arrive to the photoshoot without any apology – repeatedly. I estimate that at least 50% of our planned photoshoots simply don't happen because the model decides not to come. We buy the apartment, we prepare the equipment and nobody comes. So out of 20 approached models perhaps three of them come. And at least one or two of them soon realize that wetting is impossible, especially if it has to be part of a story. No matter how much they drink, it’s very difficult for them to wet pants in public. Sometimes they are extremely desperate, they are literally lying on the floor in agony with totally full bladders but no pee will come out, they are simply stuck. That’s how female body works. They will pee themselves – two hours later when the cameraman already fell asleep and when they are not asked to do anything.
      So if we're lucky we have 1 good wetting out of 20 attempts – and often with an ugly model. We're doing our best but it’s far more difficult than any other niche of adult business I've ever seen. I guess that explains why there are so few good wetting sites – because it’s incredibly difficult to film that."

      Like I say that's what they told me!
      I did not think it would have been so hard as this! But maybe I now understand why there are so few sites left doing these stories / scenario type wetting / accident pee videos out there! I hope this site keeps going as like I do so like so much of what they have done! They have done some really good stuff re accident wetting with a scenario / story and if that's what you are in to and I am! Go take a look! So I do so agree its really worth a look and I will keep going back to look at there updates and the buying credits idea is good as it means you can see a short preview and if you think that video is for you can then use your credits and buy it and down load that's a good system! I do hope they pick it back up and do some classic videos again with some of the super looking models they have used over the last year! As like I said this site had dropped .

      I agree I don't hardly go to any wetting pay sites these days but I do come back each week to this one to see the current updates! And I will keep doing that and like I say worth a look.



      • #4
        Interesting !!

        I do agree with you , Kevy 19 .
        As I have noticed over the years . Plus corresponding with a few models myself . That of Web Master of certain websites I visit the most . In what they have to offer me .
        Though In talking to a few models . I do now understand how they feel about filming either pee / wetting videos . As that's not considered main stream porn . As much as all the other fetish videos are about.
        That the models themselves want to not be known for any pee videos . Filmed of them . Since most Adult film Sites . Still look down on pee as GROSS / Not even well liked . That they might not hire a model if she enjoys doing pee porn . Then tries to be filmed in main stream porn films out there today .
        It's almost like a death sentence to models seeking more work . Should they be jbown to like pee .

        I still visit Patches Place , because it still offers the best pee porn around . That have free trailers for most of the videos they now have .

        I do miss those models I had like to watch . That I will always have many memories of them enjoying their wetting fun they all have had

        Dusty Harold


        • #5
          wow some of these girls look great. Is it a UK site or some Russian or Eastern European girls?


          • #6
            Thanks Dusty.

            Yes I must admit myself to being a bit naive about this! I thought it would be all so easy you know just hire some models that were in to doing sex videos and ask them to get there bladders full then to pee themselves on cue in what ever scenario you had setup! But no its not as easy as that! I do now understand! I think this shows there is a huge difference maybe to how men feel to how women feel about not only this whole pee fetish but all fetishes!

            I suppose if I think about this I was lucky I had a woman in my late wife that loved all things pee! And was more in to this whole thing than I was when we first met all those years ago. Since I have lost my wife I have been out dating a few times and I have just broached the subject to gauge any responses to the few women I have dated all have indicated they are not in to this kind of thing or any fetishes for that matter! I have no problem in peeing my own pants and could do it on camera no problems! But it does seem the vast majority of young women anywhere in the world see this pee fetish humiliating for them to have to wet there cloths on camera for guys to look at! I can understand that! Like I said in a post a few weeks ago about where are we in 2015 maybe we are no nearer making this in to an accepted main stream porn fetish now than in the 1980's say! Maybe the nature of this and how we are brought up to think peeing one's pant's is disgusting and you have failed and humiliate your self if you have a accident it will never change! Who knows's!

            Yes "Overquitehereyet"

            Yes the site is East European I think its set in the Czech Republic! The models I have really liked have been Nathally "stunning in sports wear"! And Sindy Black. To name two but they have not done any work for a long while now for this site!

            Last edited by kevy19; August 18, 2015, 11:56 PM.


            • #7
              I have been watching this discussion for a while and I feel like I just have to chime in here on this subject. When I was making videos for Patches' Place, we never had the problems that other producers are describing. Sure, everyone gets pee shy now and then or has a bad day but the girls I worked with thought it was a lot of fun. It was like I was giving them permission or an excuse to do something naughty and break some social taboos. When we went out on video shoots, it was like a party or a "girl's night out" even though it was daytime.

              This discussion got me thinking about what is the difference between adult porn stars and the girls I used in my videos. The main difference I can think of is that I consistently used girls who were extroverts. Porn stars may be exhibitionists but they are not necessarily extroverts. Many (but not all) of the girls I used in my videos were strippers so they were naturally extroverts who had a lot of contact with the public. Porn stars do not have that kind of public contact. Since I treated our video shoots like a "party time" we naturally had a lot of fun both when we were shooting a scene and between the scenes. I also invited the girls to suggest scene ideas so they had ownership over what they were doing. This approach may have been quite different from other video producers who are "the boss" and tell the girls what to do and when to do it. That does not sound like fun to me and I can imagine any girls working under those conditions would not enjoy it.

              I believe there is some truth to the stigma porn starts feel from other porn stars if they do pee scenes. Paul Compton has told me about adult entertainment conventions he has gone to where he had a booth representing Wet Set. He was shunned by porn stars who were there as well as producers because of the pee content at Wet Set.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Patches
                [COLOR="Indigo"] It was like I was giving them permission or an excuse to do something naughty and break some social taboos. When we went out on video shoots, it was like a party or a "girl's night out" even though it was daytime.
                This is really interesting. I wonder if you had more success because you yourself were a young woman, and what you were producing was basically softcore. "Regular" porn producers seem to be older men, and the industry has an entire universe they operate in that has taken certain sex acts and commodified them as appropriate for that space.

                So, everyone knows what "anal/oral three-way" stands for and when the time comes to film one, everyone just goes on autopilot and does it. The result is a formula that the workers buy into, I guess, that lets them know where the limits are and lets them deal with it. (I'm sure this also explains why most porn is so mind-numbingly boring and un-erotic.)

                Paul going to a convention of those types and trying to pitch something that's out of the ordinary I'm sure broke their mold. I wonder if he'd have had just as hard a time if he'd just said, "I just want to take pictures up your skirt while you walk around the house." In fact there was a site called PantyLoving that was just that, and as far as I can tell they've stopped. Either softcore doesn't sell, or it's something the actors can't deal with because it's not the standard routine. Or maybe both.


                • #9
                  This has gotten interesting indeed. Perhaps Skymouse will chime in as well. Many of his models have been actresses in the British adult film industry. It's obvious that a some of them are into the kink we celebrate on this forum. He must have the kind of delicate touch Patches alluded to.

                  That most adult film directors are males is a valid comment. I can just hear the guy screaming "What the ***k do you mean you can't pee your pants. I'm paying you to do what I say, so get flowing or get the ***k out of here."


                  • #10
                    Hi all again.

                    Indeed this is an interesting thread! Thanks Patches that was very interesting to read! I must be honest if I was to ever have a go at setting up a wetting / pants peeing video and I did think about a few years ago now ! I think the way you talk about like a fun party or "A girls night out " even in the day time would be the way forward! And like the others have said here maybe you have some advantage of being a woman and hence get the trust of other woman and make them more relaxed and at easy with this whole idea of what's going on even more so with your relaxed fun atmosphere you talk about!

                    I think this site in question is just one of a number of sex sites that they run and I get the idea they see it as a very commercial process ! So I assume from what they told me they expect any booked models to turn up and just get on with it they see this as making just another porn video to sell on one of there sites! Maybe to some extent the culture of women from East European counties are different? Say to the UK or USA? I was also interested "Patches" in how you say you were giving the girls the chance to do something that is thought very naughty and taboo! I know my late wife very much loved this side of peeing her pants! She still thought it so naughty even in her 40's after all those years of peeing herself! It gave her huge excitement still feeling thinking this and It was a huge turn on for her because she was doing something that was felt so taboo and so naughty! To an extent I feel the same! I can also under stand what you say about natural extroverts! My wife was one for sure!


                    Last edited by kevy19; August 19, 2015, 05:23 PM.


                    • #11

                      wet and more wet not bad site


                      • #12
                        I too, have been very curious about this site! My only concern is that it's not a monthly subscription. It looks like they have a lot of really REALLY nice videos, but at $5 each it could get very expensive...

                        What are your thoughts on the cost. I really want to try it, I'm just unsure of the pricing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sarahpeed
                          I too, have been very curious about this site! My only concern is that it's not a monthly subscription. It looks like they have a lot of really REALLY nice videos, but at $5 each it could get very expensive...

                          What are your thoughts on the cost. I really want to try it, I'm just unsure of the pricing.
                          Sarah Peed ,

                          I wouldn't try it . Since it's very expensive to just view one video at a time .
                          When most websites offer 15.00 Dollars for a whole month and give you membership to the site .
                          So you can view all videos and oictures on there . Not just a video at one time . As this site has . Which I wouldn't go for at all .

                          Dusty Harold


                          • #14
                            LW is one of my favorite sites because models are hot and the scenarios are good. I actually like the pay structure because you only pay for videos you actually like. I'm all about NEW videos. $5 a vid is a great price compared to what C4S charges. And then you look at monthly memberships for sites like IN2P which charge about $30 a month and you get 4 videos, and they might not even be something you like.


                            • #15
                              "So if we're lucky we have 1 good wetting out of 20 attempts – and often with an ugly model. We're doing our best but it’s far more difficult than any other niche of adult business I've ever seen. I guess that explains why there are so few good wetting sites – because it’s incredibly difficult to film that."

                              Thank you. That's all I wanted to say I hear very often, basically every day, that doing "this and that request" would be very easy to do. Or that I should "just" do this and then do that.

                              I am on my own and I have been naughty peeing and wetting for years before making any clips, but it's still not like you can just turn on the camera (and lights) and make any clip on the spot, as many people seem to think.
                              I have to start over often, as anything can happen (like the neighbor starting to mow the lawn right in the wetting, then you have lost all the pee and have to drink a lot and wait before you can go again :P). Sometimes you made a clip and just spot something when editing that you can't fix and you have to toss the whole clip.

                              I am doing this because I enjoy it and I have the fetish myself. That is also why I can just keep going even when it's not paying my bills. But why do people, who are not into it, do it if it's so incredibly difficult and frustrating for them? I don't see how you could do that because of the money. There must be loads of other niches that earn you more and are easier to produce. Or I am just very bad at marketing :P (as I do feel an increase in pee sites over the past year)

                              Having said that, I think lovewetting looks very "clean" and clear to navigate. I like the feel of it. Would be happy if I had a site that looked like that.
                              Last edited by Sinna (2pee4you); September 2, 2015, 07:50 AM.

