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Pee desperation and wetting on airplanes

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  • Pee desperation and wetting on airplanes

    About 3 years ago, a woman posted the following description of her personal (unplanned) pee desperation and wetting experience on a plane in different open access internet discussion forums:

    I was flying back from a business trip last night, along with my immediate superior and another member of our sales team. The flight was several hours into New York, and I was asleep for most of it. When I woke up, I had a very urgent need to use the restroom, but the fasten seatbelt sign was on due to turbulence. Long story short, due to delays from turbulence and circling the airport, I was not allowed to use the restroom, despite my repeated very urgent pleas to the flight attendants to allow me to use it, insisiting and telling them clearly that it was an extreme emergency. I actually got up twice to use the restroom, but was sent back to my seat. The second time, they threatened to have me arrested on landing if I did not listen.
    I ended up peeing in my pants about twenty minutes before we landed. It was quite obvious, since I was wearing a light grey suit. Little was said about my accident by my co-workers, but I am so embarrassed that I decided to take today off. How do you think I should handle this with my co-workers, and does anybody have suggestions on what to do if I find myself in this situation again? I am a 28 yo female if that helps.

    There were lots of answers to her post, some quite helpful and supporting, some others rather useless.

    I just thought I would re-post this entry here, as it fits to our topic(s) and is definitely a genuine account from real life desperation and wetting!

    What do you think about it? Ever been in a comparable situation? Ever witnessed something similar on a flight?

  • #2
    wetting on airplanes

    I've been with a number of women who've wet themselves on planes. The most recent, about 6 years ago, on a flight into London with a woman whose always had a weak bladder and has often wet herself (but who also get very turned on by wetting, but also very embarrassed if in public). We were bumped up to first class and on the 2 hour flight had a lot to drink, liquor, wine, coffee. About 10 minutes before landing she began to jiggle her legs and then was holding herself, saying she was desperate to pee. She managed to hold off until we landed and the seat belt sign was turned off, but as soon as she stood up she began to wet he jeans, neither light nor dark blue, but in the middle. She couldn't stop until she was wet to her shoes, very clearly obvious from the front and back...As she was peeing her jeans no once seemed to notice, it happened pretty quickly. She put on her long coat and it was mostly hidden.

    I love it, she a bit less so at the moment, but afterwards said it was a turn on for her,but a real accident. (The amazing thing about this is she wet a bit more at passport control, again waiting for a taxi, then in the taxi when the driver had to stop short to avoid an accident...and she had a small one on the back seat, soaking her ass. She took my hand and put it between her very wet legs...hmmmm. And then a final wetting at the hotel on the elevator with a woman concierge who was taking us to out room. That woman knew she had to pee badly, she said so, and I suspect knew she wet her pants again on the elevator...It was a great journey.

    Another time I was meeting my then girl friend at an airport. It was summer and hot. When she came into the luggage area where I was waiting her white pants were entirely wet, mostly in the back, and the thin material, already pretty see through, was clinging to her legs and ass, her white panties (lace on the legs and waist) entirely visible through her wet pants.God, I was instantly turned on, as were quite a few other guys looking at her. She had nothing to cover up with. I asked her what happened. WHile she didn't pee on the plane, she was desperate when she got off and went as fast as she could to the first toilet she could find. As soon as she was in the door on her way to a stall, she totally lost control and peed in her pants (and panties), so by the time she got them down, she had mostly finished. The back of her pants were soaked as she was still peeing forcefully when she pulled her pants down.

    I offered to get her suitcase (gentleman that I am), and she sat on a bench were it wasn't so obvious that she totally wet her pants. Once I had the suitcase I brought it to her and she got dry pants and panties, and something to put around her to hide her accident and went to change. She knew it turned me on, but not her, but in the case we messed around a lot.

    And finally a close woman friend (very beautiful) told me about a time she wet her panties on a plane. She was wearing a short mini dress (and white cotton with lace panties). It was rough turbulence, and the seat belt were on for a long time but at some point she knew she couldn't hold it and got up anyway. A stewardess got up and blocked her way to the toilet, saying she had to sit down. She told her she was desperate to pee, and the stewardess said she understood but she had to sit down. She argued with her saying, "I'm about to pee, I can't hold it, really." Lots of people heard and began telling the stewardess to let her pee, at which point my friend began to spurt in her panties, saying, "I'm peeing, I'm peeing, I can't stop...let me go to the toilet." Pee was obviously running down her legs and finally she just pushed her way past, beginning to pee as she went. By the time she got to the toilet her panties and legs were soaked and her shoes were damp. She cleaned up as best she could, leaving her panties on because her dress was so short.

    She returned to her seat next to her then husband who was a real prick, and was angry at her for making such a scene and wetting herself. They didn't talk for the rest of the day, she said. She had to pull her dress up over her butt to try to keep her dress dry....Wish I had been there.

    Love to hear more stories....


    • #3
      Thanks a lot, Aqua, for sharing these hot experiences!
      I especially like the last story about your close female friend - she was so close to making it, but alas... However, her husband´s behaviour was simply beneath contempt...

      I originally thought that desperation on airplanes - due to long fasten seatbelt periods - is very common, but actual wettings might be very, very rare. I always used to fly very often and never witnessed any accidents...

      But accidents don´t seem to be so rare, quite obviously I had just bad luck up to now. I just will have to wait, I guess! ;-)


      • #4
        Rarely see one but,

        Actually saw one a few years ago.

        I was at the airport for some reason that I can't recall. I happened to look up as an arriving flight was unloading. You know how some women are simply ageless and are simply MILF's even though they might be older than you are. Well I happened to notice this really sexy women walking into the lobby with a guy also about her age. She was probably in her late forties, but looked really hot, in long light blue, dress pants and high heels with a white blouse that displayed some really nice breasts. She had a carry on back, hung over her shoulder. For sure she stood out and wanted to be looked at.

        What was so extra sexy was the fact that she'd wet her pants all the way to her ankles. The stain surrounded her pussy and simply wet straight down to her high heels. She caught me staring, but I could not remove my eyes from her sexyness. I watched as she passed me and noticed the stain on her ass was barely outside of her double crotch band, matching the stain on the front of her pants. It was obvious that she had also been peeing while walking off the plane.

        So hot. I watched as she wiggled her beautiful shapely ass and long legs into the ladies room. I waited, but needed to leave before she came out. I just love it when women wet themselves and act as though it is no big deal. She was definitely one of those.


        • #5
          Wetting on airplanes due to fasten seatbelt periods seems to be more common as I expected from my long term experience....

          However, the feelings and thus the behaviour of the "victim" will probably be very different depending on the the re situation. Flying alone (or with a partner) seems to make things a bit less embarrassing, as you won´t see the other passengers (or people on the airport) who notice your pee accident never again in your life.

          Maybe the worst constellation for peeing yourself on a plane is flying on a business trip together with your work-mates, as it happened to the woman whose experience I posted when starting this thread.
          Quite obviously, her biggest concern was that her co-workers witnessed what happened to her (both her extreme desperation and the embarrasing result) and that her colleagues will have this incident in their minds forever in the future...
          To be honest, to imagine this kind of scenario is indeed quite awful..


          • #6
            I can remember a flight in Australia. Coming inot land with seat-belt sign on, a cute gilr about 20 in fawn jeans, aksed the CA if she could get up to pee. She was refused, and twice more on a long approach. The second tiem she was virtually beggin the CA to let her go, but was still refused. I was not near enough to see if she was holding herself or jsut crossing her legs. When we were allowed off the plane, she ran all the way to the terminal toilets.
            As far as I coudl see, she held on and there was no wet patch on her jeans.
            I was once caught, desperate for a pee, on approach to LHR. Realising I wasn't going to make it, I simply got up and went for a pee. CA was unhappy, but I ignored her. It is more fun when it happens to someone else.


            • #7
              Over the Mojave

              Many years ago, I had to fly from Lax to Inyokern. It was a flight over the Mojave desert with a number of stops, one I believe in Lancaster, but I think there was another stop before. It was a small commuter plane. There were no toilets on board. I recall we were 5 of 6 passengers. One a young woman in her mid twenties and in khaki slacks. The flight was bumpy (close to sun-down over the hot Mojave). The girl bitterly complained. She was sitting in front of me. I don't know whether she complained about the bumpiness, or because she had to go to the toilet, or both, but when she got off in Lancaster she clearly had wet her pants.


              • #8
                One of the best online reports of this is a 2000 column: Potty break denied.

                It contains two stories...

                "All Deana Pollard wanted was to go to the bathroom. All the Southwest Airlines crew members wanted was for her to return to her seat as their flight from Seattle to Los Angeles taxied down the runway." More follows, but no wetting is described.


                “My wife made a few desperate attempts down the aisle but was promptly returned to her seat by the unsympathetic flight attendants,” he says. “When the seat belt sign came off, my wife, along with about 20 other desperados, made a beeline for the two lavatories in back, which my wife was about 10th on.” The passenger checked on his spouse a few minutes later and realized she was in bad shape. “She tried to say through her gritted teeth that she couldn’t hold it any longer. And then my wife, a grown, 32-year-old woman with two Ivy League degrees, wet herself right there in the aisle.”


                • #9
                  I recently came across this account of a flight from hell in 2010.

                  "After 4 hours, many people needed to use the bathroom, but the flight attendants wouldn’t let anyone. They literally screamed at people who stood up to sit down, and swore at some. One German woman across the aisle from me was particularly desperate and tried to make a break for the toilet several times. On the third try, she got desperate enough to ignore their warnings and made a break for it. Big mistake. A stewardess leaped out of her seat and grabbed her around the shoulders and waist, then dragged her back to her seat. In front of the entire cabin, she then berated this poor woman, screaming at the top of her lungs and swearing at her over and over again, calling her a “stupid fisheye” and a whore. The woman was in tears from the humiliation and having to hold her pee, but the stewardess didn’t care. In fact, when she got back to her seat, I saw her pointing at the crying woman and cackling with another stewardess.

                  "The bathrooms continued to be unavailable. The German woman eventually peed herself (a stain was visible on her pants), which made her cry again. Several of my friends had to use the airsick backs to relieve themselves, and I’m sure other people likewise either used the airsick bags or peed themselves. There was no other option; the stewardesses remained extremely forceful in countering any bathroom break attempts."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Country Man
                    One of the best online reports of this is a 2000 column: Potty break denied.

                    "All Deana Pollard wanted was to go to the bathroom. All the Southwest Airlines crew members wanted was for her to return to her seat as their flight from Seattle to Los Angeles taxied down the runway." More follows, but no wetting is described.
                    Thanks a lot, Country Man, for posting this link - I have read both stories before and always liked them. However, especially the first one left me with a couple of questions. Here is the full text you get on the net:

                    All Deana Pollard wanted was to go to the bathroom. All the Southwest Airlines crew members wanted was for her to return to her seat as their flight from Seattle to Los Angeles taxied down the runway.
                    Now the two sides are locked in a nasty legal brawl over the disputed potty break, airline rules and a bad sense of humor.
                    The carrier alleges Pollard disobeyed the instructions of its flight crew, prompting the crew to turn the plane around to have her met by police at the gate. Pollard says her medical condition made a bathroom visit necessary and that the attendants subjected her to ridicule when they learned of her predicament.
                    One thing seems certain: Southwest picked the wrong passenger to mess with. Not only did Pollard graduate at the top of her class at the University of Southern California’s law school, but she’s a practicing attorney specializing in, of all things, civil rights cases.
                    “I had a baby about a year ago,” says Pollard, who lives in Redondo Beach, Calif. “It was a very difficult birth, and I felt that I could not wait to use the restroom, since we were delayed on the tarmac for so long. So I got up to go.”
                    When Pollard climbed out of her seat, she says the reaction from the crew was swift and callous. The flight attendants barked at her to “sit down” and then, when she told them of her medical condition, the women giggled at her quandary. “They were both laughing, and it was a mean-spirited, nasty laugh. I was on the verge of wetting my pants,” she adds.
                    Guess what happened next? After being released in Seattle, and following a few months of futile back-and-forth correspondence with the airline, Pollard took the matter to court. She’s suing Southwest for slander, false imprisonment, defamation, assault, breach of contract and the cost of a new flight, among other things. The trial is set to start in March.
                    Southwest, for its part, isn’t saying much. “We are vigorously defending against her claim,” says Linda Rutherford, a spokeswoman for Southwest Airlines. “We don’t like to play out a lawsuit in the media. We like to play it out in the courtroom.”

                    It must have been a very intense desperation scene on board on this plane, that´s for sure. However, the report really doesn´t say anything about what ACTUALLY happened??
                    Them woman is quoted " I was on the verge of wetting my pants" - And then she could in fact wait till they reached Seattle Airport where she was met by the the police? So when and where did she pee...? Intersting story though, but without the "interesting" point, I would say...


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Razz
                        Thanks a lot, what a brilliant find!!
                        It's only a pity that she doesn't give us more details about her desperation, trying to hold and eventual wetting - but as she is not "one of us" these things
                        are certainly not her main interest.
                        Anyway, what a wonderful true account from real life!!

