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Sample story - Julianna Meets Kyrie

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  • Sample story - Julianna Meets Kyrie

    Julianna Meets Kyrie
    Chapter One

    19 year old Julianna Murchison stood still and looked down her front. She smiled. The front of her jeans were soaking wet. She had just peed in them. Julianna had been peeing her pants all the time since she was 12 years old. Back then, her mom had started allowing her to pee her pants. She considered herself incredibly lucky. How many mothers actually allow their daughters to pee their pants? Not very many. Although she had 'met' some online who said that their moms had allowed them. They peed their pants all the time now and were, like her, incontinent of bladder now.

    So how had it all started? Well, it was funny actually. She remembers that one day, when she was 12, she had accidentally peed her pants. To her absolute astonishment, it had actually felt wonderful to pee her pants. She never guessed it would ever feel so good to pee her pants. She found herself wanting to do it all the time. She wanted to pee her pants every time she needed to pee. Every time. She figured she'd never be allowed to though. She thought her mom would be staunchly opposed to such a thing. Much to her chagrin however, her mom found out she had peed her pants. How? She walked into Julianna's bedroom right at that moment, when Julianna had been standing there in her wet jeans, marvelling at how it felt.
    “Hey honey, will you come into – oh, my!”, she said, suddenly noticing Julianna's wet jeans.
    “Mom!”, Julianna exclaimed in surprise.
    “Um, did you pee your pants?”, Julianna's mom asked.
    “It was accidental”, Julianna said, “I'm sorry”. She was starting to cry now.
    Julianna's mom immediately took her into her arms, not caring at all about her wet jeans, and hugged her.
    “Oh baby”, she said, “Don't cry. I don't mind at all that you've wet your pants”.
    Julianna peered up at her through her tear soaked eyes and said, “Really? You don't mind at all?”.
    “Nope, not at all”, she replied.
    Julianna's eyes now went wide. Her mom smiled at her then.
    “Sweetie, I just want you to know”, her mom said, “You're free to pee your pants as much as you want. Enjoy it”.
    “Really?!”, Julianna exclaimed.

    At that, her mom released her from the hug, kissed her on her forehead, and turned to leave the room.
    “I'm gonna leave these pants on and pee in them constantly!”, Julianna said.
    Her mom chuckled and said, “Like I said, have fun with it sweetheart”.
    Later, after dinner, they were both sitting in the living room, Julianna on a plastic sheet because she had just peed in her pants. She looked at her mom and said, “Mom, I'm just wondering, what made you say yes to me peeing my pants?”.
    “Well”, she began, “I like to pee my pants too. I just thought it would be a lot easier for me to pee my pants if you were doing it too. So I said yes, and allowed you to pee your pants whenever you want”.
    “That is so cool mom”, Julianna said happily, “I get to pee my pants all I want!”.
    “Yes, and so do I now”, her mom said. Her mom suddenly stood up and just stood there. Suddenly the front of her jeans went dark and shiny. She was peeing her pants! Julianna was stunned and overjoyed to see her mom do that.

    After that they both did all their peeing in their pants. They even started doing it in public. Her mom didn't care at all what other people thought, so Julianna didn't care either. She did it openly and freely in public. Now, she was 19 and still enjoyed peeing her pants. But she was lonely. Very lonely. It seemed no one would go with a girl who openly peed her pants. She was so desperate for a second half that she decided that she would even go with another girl if it meant having someone she could love, and who would love her. She never thought she was bi, but she was willing to go bi just to be with someone.

    Some months later, in September, she moved to college residence. She had decided to keep peeing her pants all the time and just not care what other people thought. By then she also wet her bed every night. Again, her mother had allowed it. Now she was preparing for her first classes at college. When classes first began, she casually peed her pants every time she needed to pee. But people began to take exception to it, especially her professors. She was forced to wear diapers in college. She didn't like it as much, but it still felt nice to pee in them. She still wet her bed every night though.

    In about her third month there, sometime in the middle of December, she met a girl. She was in the gym, working out, keeping her body lithe and fit. She was taking a breather while sitting on a recumbent bike, when another girl, a gorgeous blonde, came in and sat on the recumbent bike beside her.
    “Hi”, the girl said.
    “Hi”, Julianna said back at her, politely. She loved how the girl had such a lithe body, a lot like her own in fact. She was hot. Man, listen to her! Now she was thinking of other girls as hot. But she didn't care though. She was truly bi now, she knew that. She kept looking at the other girl, who smiled at her every time she did. Julianna would look away immediately. She was starting to blush. Similar to her pants wetting, she didn't care at all if anyone knew she was wearing diapers. She wore them 4 at once, to contain the flood when she peed. Now that she was an adult she peed a lot more than when she was 12. They bulged hugely inside her jeans, but she just didn't care what people thought. Now she was sitting astride a recumbent bike in the gym, with a red hot gorgeous girl on the recumbent bike beside her. Her heart rate had kicked up a few notches, and it wasn't because she was pedalling the bike. When she finished her breather she decided to get off the bike and went over to the treadmills. She chose one and started it going at a slow pace. She stepped onto it and just walked at a steady pace. Just then the other girl appeared – on the treadmill beside her. She was walking too. Julianna looked at her and she smiled at Julianna. Julianna found herself smiling back. Then she turned her head quickly away. She turned the other way for a few moments as she peed into her diaper. When she looked back, the girl was gone. Completely. She had left the gym. Julianna however, was determined to find her. For now, she was the mystery girl. But soon, Julianna would find her and ask her out. She could picture the girl's smiling face in her mind. She was so beautiful. Julianna was smitten for sure. She would have to remain diligent until she found the girl again.

    Julianna decided she would go to the gym every single day from then on and always at the same time. That night in bed Julianna peed and then thought about the mystery girl. She could see her clearly in her mind. She was so gorgeous. She decided that her pussy must be delicious. She had stunned herself. Not too long ago, she would have thought of another girl's pussy as gross and disgusting. But now she was thinking of them as delicious. What was happening to her? She didn't mind. She rather liked it that she was suddenly attracted to other girls. She looked forward to the first time she ever made love with a girl. It would be an interesting experience.

    Julianna was back at the gym the next day, at the same time as yesterday, but the mystery girl never showed up. Julianna was disappointed, but there was no way in hell she was going to give up. No way. She went back to the gym the following day and the mystery girl put in an appearance. They were the only two people in the gym. Julianna could see that the mystery girl was looking at her, appreciating her body. After they had been at the gym for about an hour the mystery girl picked up her things and headed for the showers. So Julianna followed her. When she went in there she couldn't find the mystery girl at all. She stood stock still and was absolutely silent. She listened carefully. She thought she could hear something faintly from the far end of the large room. She began to walk that way, slowly. Several times she stopped and listened. The sound was still there, only a little louder now because she was closer to the source. She got all the way down the far end of the room and once again stood stock still. The sound was quite loud now. It was coming from a private room. At the far back end of the shower room were several rooms for girls who didn't like to shower in front of other girls. These rooms had lockable doors on them and now Julianna found herself standing in front of one. It's door was closed and someone was inside. Julianna could guess who. She stood listening for a while. She heard some incredible things. She heard the girl suddenly, breathlessly say, “Oh yes, baby, girl in the gym, suck my pussy, suck it hard!”. She was fantasizing – about Julianna! Julianna walked quickly away from the door then, breathing hard. Had she heard that right? She prayed she had. Her heart was pounding now at the thought of it. Before she could stop herself she tried the door. It was unlocked and she stepped boldly in. Then she just stood there in her long leotard. The mystery girl gasped and looked up at her instantly. Julianna didn't say anything, just looked at her. The mystery girl also didn't say anything. She was also wearing a long leotard and it was soaking wet and clinging to her. She had gotten into the shower still wearing it. So now Julianna did the same and got her own leotard soaked. She stepped toward the mystery girl and the mystery girl grabbed her and began to french kiss her with a passion. Julianna found herself moaning through the french kissing. She didn't care. In minutes they had stripped each other naked and now the mystery girl plunged her face into Julianna's pussy and was licking and sucking for all her worth. Julianna was rocked with a powerful orgasm, the most powerful one she had ever had. Then it was her turn. She squatted down in front of the mystery girl's pussy and hesitated. She had never licked another girl's pussy before. Could she do it now? She wasn't sure. She stared at the pussy in front of her. It was pulsing. Suddenly she felt a hand on the back of her head. It pulled her into the pussy. Her mouth was now touching it. Her heart was pounding maniacally in her chest. She took one tentative lick. The flavour was indescribable. That was it. All inhibitions were gone. She started to lick and suck the pussy with incredible ferocity. She loved it. She loved it so much she couldn't get enough of it. Even when the mystery girl had her orgasm Julianna wanted to keep licking and sucking it. But the mystery girl backed away from her and said, breathlessly, “Oh baby, that was HOT!!”.
    “Oh, yes, sweetheart, it was”, Julianna managed.

    Just then the mystery girl gathered her things and stepped out the door. When Julianna got out there, in her soaked leotard, the mystery girl was gone. She realised then that she hadn't even asked the mystery girl what her name was. She still didn't know. She was definitely going to be at the gym again tomorrow at the same time. Now that she had made love with another girl for the first time, she was a full blown lesbian. She wasn't interested in guys anymore at all. She just wanted girls now. She didn't see anything wrong with that at all. She gathered her stuff together and almost forgot about the her four piece diaper. It was lying on the floor in there. There was no way in hell she was going to leave it there. She went into the room, but the diaper wasn't there. She looked all over the room – in the cupboards and drawers, the garbage can, everywhere. But there was no diaper. It was just gone. Had the mystery girl taken it? Or had she almost unconsciously taken it off and stashed it in her bag? She quickly looked in her bag, but it wasn't there either. Where the hell had it gone? She looked all around the facility, everywhere. No diaper. She was more than worried now. She really wanted to know what had happened to her diaper. She took another shower – in her leotard again, to re-soak it. Then she left for home.

    She had re-soaked her leotard so that she could pee her pants without anyone being able to see it. She walked home through the park. About halfway across the park she began to pee. She peed a lot, totally soaking her leotard. But nobody could tell, because the leotard was already soaked. She walked on like nothing had happened.

    That night in bed, after she had peed and thoroughly soaked the bed, she couldn't get to sleep. She lay awake all night without ever falling asleep. She peed several more times, soaking her pajamas and the bed, but she didn't care. She got up at 7:30 the next morning having not slept a wink all night. She was tired as hell, but just could not get to sleep. She decided to book off sick today because she just wasn't up to going to classes. The professors were good about it, saying no problem, will you be back tomorrow? She told them yes and they were happy. She got back into her wet bed and peed again, warming it up. Then she began to play with herself, thinking of her encounter at the gym with the mystery girl. She orgasmed many times. Then she settled down after orgasming and peed in the bed again. She loved it. Then she started worrying about the diaper again. What the HELL had happened to it? Where the HELL had it gone? She didn't know, and this bothered her a lot. If she had known then how many other students around campus also wore diapers, most of them girls, she would have felt a lot better about it. But she didn't, so she was worried.

    Just then there was a knock at her door. She got up, changed quickly into dry clothes, hoped she didn't smell, and went to answer the door. She opened the door, but no one was there. To her considerable surprise, however, the diaper was sitting on her doorstep. It must have been the mystery girl. How the hell had she found out where Julianna lived? Had she followed her? Julianna grabbed up the diaper and went quickly inside. It was then the she noticed that the diaper was not wet. It hadn't been used yet! It was not her diaper! What the hell? Now she was even more deeply mystified. Without hesitation, she put the diaper on. She wasn't allowed to pee her pants, thanks mostly to her professors, who were otherwise very nice people. So she wore diapers to class, to appease them. They were grateful to her for that.

    That day, even though she wasn't going to any classes, she decided to go to the gym again, to see if her girlfriend was there. She thought it was so cool that she actually had a girlfriend rather than a boyfriend. For the next ten days she diligently went to the gym every day at the same time, but never saw the mystery girl. She was really worried now. She didn't know what had happened to the girl. She realised that she was falling in love with her, and she didn't even know her name! She went back to her residence feeling very, very down. She was being distracted from her studies hugely. She lay in her wet bed, peed to warm it up, and thought about things.

    Eventually she fell asleep. She was so tired that she just couldn't stay awake any longer. She slept until 11:00 the next morning. She was shocked that she had missed some classes. She immediately decided to take the day off again, and she phoned her professors, who thanked her for letting them know. The professors whose classes she had missed without phoning them forgave her when she explained to them what had happened. Still, she felt bad about it. She got back into bed and peed to warm it up. It felt wonderful. She lay there thinking about the whole situation. She had met a girl in the gym who smiled at her and was apparently taken by her. This girl had shown up two days later and made love with her in a private shower room. Then she had disappeared. She hadn't heard from her since. One day someone knocked on the door and a diaper had appeared on her front step. No one was there. It was all very strange.

    The next day she went back to classes. She was sitting at the back of her astronomy 301 class. She glanced around the room idly and – wait a second, who was that? She was looking at the mystery girl! She glanced away for just a second and when she looked back the mystery girl was gone. Someone else was sitting where she had been sitting. Great, now she was seeing things. After last class for the day she walk slowly toward her residence. Then she decided to take a detour past the gym. She hadn't been there for a while. Not since her lover had disappeared. She went inside and looked around. She saw no one at all. She was turning to leave when someone flashed past her left side. She snapped her head in that direction, but there was nobody there. What the hell? She was about to turn away and leave the gym when she caught sight of a girl using one of the recumbent bikes. She sort of looked like her lover. She just wasn't sure. She took a few steps toward her and suddenly she looked back at Julianna and smiled. It was her! She walked quickly up to the girl, but when she got there it turned out to be somebody else entirely. What the hell? Now she turned and fled from the gym. She was crying as she crossed the park. She stopped once to pee into her diaper and she cried all the way through. She was very, very down. Despondent even.

    When she got home she let herself in, pulled her pants down, ripped the stupid diaper off, pulled her pants back up, and peed in them fully. God it felt good. It was SO much better than peeing in a damn diaper. She left her jeans on to dry on her and went into the kitchen to prepare a dinner for herself. She sat down and ate her dinner, and then, not feeling like washing the dishes, she went up to her room. She swept the covers of her bed back, and then lay in it and peed her pants again, wetting the bed in the process. She revelled in it. She absolutely loved to be soaked with pee. It was an exquisite experience for her. She fell asleep crying.

    She woke up at 7:15 the next morning. Good. At least she was up in time to go to classes. It was close to Christmas now and they would be off on their Christmas/New Years break soon. She was walking across the park on her lunch break (an hour and a half) when she thought she saw her lover. She stared intently at the girl, then dismissed it as just another case of her seeing things. She walked away from the girl. She had not worn her diaper today. She had just worn jeans, and now she peed in them openly. She didn't care. After she was finished peeing her pants, she glanced at the girl again and she was looking at her, smiling. It was her! But was it? She kept looking at her, not ever taking her eyes off her. Suddenly she changed and it was a different girl altogether. The girl frowned and turned away. She didn't look at Julianna again. Julianna was starting to cry again and she walked and stumbled quickly across the park. She didn't know what to make of this situation at all.

    She got back to her residence and went inside and slumped on the couch. She peed and then thought about things. She kept thinking that she was seeing the mystery girl, when she really wasn't. It was weird. She didn't know what to make of it at all. She lay there on the couch, peeing when she needed to, for hours, thinking. Thinking. She fell asleep, and dreamed. In her dream she was in a gym, looking for her lover. She couldn't find her anywhere. She kept searching and searching, looking in the same places 10, 12, 15 times. Still she couldn't find. Then she heard a weird, haunting sound. She followed the sound, but it kept changing position. She gave up and stood where she was, trying to hear the sound. It seem to coruscate around her. Just a moaning and wailing, nothing more. Then she heard two words, clearly. “Oh, yes!”, they said. Suddenly she realised that she was hearing herself making love with her lover. She could clearly hear someone licking and sucking noisily on a pussy. Then, abruptly, the noise, and her location, changed. She was at home, crying. There was a knock on the door. She got up and went and opened the door. On the doorstep was her lover's severed head. Blood flowed out of her brain. Julianna screamed and slammed the door shut. Then she woke up, thank God.

    Suddenly someone knocked on her door. She was still getting rid of the dream as she shuffled toward the door. Then she suddenly remembered the last part of the dream, and she stopped in her tracks. She was about ten feet from her front door. She hesitated hugely. If she opened that door, would she see the mystery girl's severed head sitting there? She stood, wracked with indecision. The knock did not come again. There was just silence. In the end, she stepped toward the door and looked out through the peephole. She could see something on the front step, but she could not identify it. She could only see a little piece of it. It did not look like a severed head to her. She placed her hand on the knob and slowly turned. The knob stopped. She had only to push on the door now. She couldn't bring herself to do it. She stood, once again wracked with indecision. Eventually she got some courage from somewhere, God knows where, and pushed the door very slowly. She could now see what looked like the corner of a cloth handkerchief. It was red plaid. She stood staring at it, trying to decide what it was. She pushed the door just a little bit further open and could see more of the handkerchief. It was lay flat on the font step. She could see that there was something under it by the mound in the middle. She couldn't tell what it was. She was going to have to reach down and lift the handkerchief of it. She wasn't sure she could do that and retreated back inside again, closing the door. She stood with her back to the door, her heart pounding. What the hell could it possibly be?

    End of Chapter One. Chapter Two coming soon.