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Julianna Meets Kyrie - Chapter 10

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  • Julianna Meets Kyrie - Chapter 10

    Chapter 10

    Stuart checked the restroom, but it was empty. He immediately left the room and went back to the nurse's station.
    “Excuse me?”, he said.
    “Yes?”, the nurse said.
    “Has Julianna been taken for more tests?”, Stuart said.
    “Uh, no, she should be in her room”, the nurse replied. Just then the doctor walked in.
    “Doctor!”, Stuart said, “Do you have Julianna somewhere else right now?”.
    “No, she should be in her room”, the doctor replied.
    “Well she's not”, Stuart said, “She's gone”.
    “What?!”, the doctor exclaimed, “She wouldn't just leave. She agreed to stay for now”.
    “Okay, so what happened to her?”, Stuart asked.
    “I don't know”, the doctor replied.
    “Great”, Stuart replied.

    He jogged out of the hospital and to his car. He got in and started it up. Then he tore out of there, headed for Julianna's place. He used his flashing lights and little blips of the siren. It took him about 2 minutes to get to her place. He had, of course, long since turned off his siren and lights. He parked on the street a few houses back. He had called in some backup and he hoped they would be here soon. A Range Rover was in the driveway. One man was standing beside it. He was probably armed, although he wasn't showing it right now. Stuart decided to stay in his car until backup arrived. He had instructed them to stay back from the house, out of sight. They would have to sneak up to the house. It wasn't going to be easy. He looked in the mirror and saw the backup coming along the street. They parked a long way back from the house and came up to Stuart's car keeping low. Stuart got out then and went back to the trunk. He opened it and took a sniper rifle, complete with large scope and laser sighting, out and looked at it. It had a loaded mag in it. He just had to crank a round into the chamber, which he did. Then, using the trunk lid for cover he carefully aimed it at the guy standing by the Range Rover. He squeezed the trigger and the round popped out of the gun with almost no noise. It found it's mark and the man fell to the ground, dead. He had made no noise that would alert them inside.

    Suddenly Stuart wondered if Julianna was in the Range Rover and if there were any more bad guys in there with her. The windows were tinted very dark so he couldn't see if she was or not, not even through the rifle scope. He turned to the backup and said, quietly, “Ok guys, Julianna could be in the car with other bad guys. That's our first objective. The car. We're going to have to sneak up on it, stealthily. No noise at all, got that?”.
    They all said yes.
    “Okay, let's move”, Stuart said.
    By now, Stuart knew, other uniforms will have closed the street off. So no one would be coming down it any time soon. So they had the street to themselves. He could see other backup coming from the opposite direction. They were using stealth as well. Good. Stuart concentrated on the car. He darted from shrub to shrub to hedge, trying to get closer to the car without alerting anyone in it. He got to within 10 feet of it and stopped. The oncoming backup stopped as well. He studied the car closely. Suddenly he realised, the man abruptly dropping dead will have alerted anyone in the car. They were staying out of sight for now. Stuart looked at the car. It looked for all the world like it was deserted. Stuart raised his weapon in front of him and walked slowly and silently toward the car. The uniforms followed.

    Stuart was now standing in front of the Range Rover, his sniper rifle pointed directly at it. There was nobody in it. Or was there? He thought he could see something on the back seat. He walked around the passenger side, where the guy lay dead on the ground in a pool of blood. He opened the back door and there was Julianna – unconscious and face down on the back seat. Suddenly there was a loud bang as something slammed into the roof of the Range Rover. Stuart got down fast, and aimed his sniper rifle up at the house. He could see the red dot of the laser sight. He could also just see someone inside the window of the house. An arm appeared. It was holding a 44 mag. Popular gun, Stuart thought. He moved the red dot onto the arm and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the arm right at the elbow and a spray of blood erupted from it. It was yanked back inside. He could here someone screaming. Just then a rain of bullets hit the car. Someone in there was firing a micro Uzi. He set his own gun to full auto, and then, when the perp stopped firing the Uzi, he stood and sprayed the house with bullets. They didn't fire back again. Stuart just hoped and prayed that he hadn't hit Kyrie. He dropped quickly behind the Range Rover and stayed there. There was no return fire at all. What were they up to? He could see that some of the uniforms were pretty close to the house - some by the front door, others by the back door. At the front, a uniform pushed the door open and yanked his arm away so that it couldn't be seen through the doorway.

    Nothing happened. All was silent. The uniform started to go in the front door when there was a bang and a bullet hit him in the flak jacket. He dropped and pretended to be dead, or wished he was dead – a bullet into a flak jacket was shear blinding agony. Stuart had seen what happened and now he began to move. He went out onto the street so as to be behind a hedge that grew along the frontage of the property. He knew he couldn't be seen. He got to about the middle of the property and stopped. He could see fine through the hedge and, after resetting his gun to single shot, he poked it into the hedge. He looked through the scope, but couldn't see anything. So he switched his gun back to full auto, and then opened up on the front of the house. Again, he hoped and prayed he hadn't hit Kyrie. He heard someone call out as a bullet hit him, and then again, but it was cut short. Stuart could just see a body laying in the front hallway of the house. A large pool of blood was quickly forming around him. Chalk up another bad guy.

    Stuart looked toward the Range Rover. The uniforms had Julianna out of the car and were hustling her down the street toward their police cruisers. Stuart knew the bad guys, if there were any left, had Kyrie, and they wouldn't give her up that easily. She was still in the house with them. Not good, not good. He decided to take the scenic route around to the front door. He joined the uniforms there.
    “Okay guys, I need you to cover me”, he said, “I'm going in”.
    “Are you crazy sir?”, a uniform asked then.
    “No, just pissed is all, really pissed”, Stuart said.
    Then Stuart saw the uniform laying in the front doorway.
    “Is he okay?”, he asked the uniform beside him.
    “Yeah, took it in the flak jacket”, the uniform beside him said.
    “Good, thank God for that”, Stuart said, “Okay, cover me guys”.
    “Yes sir”, the guy beside him said.

    Stuart still had his gun set to full auto and he left it there as he began to creep around into the doorway of the house. He got all the way around with no shots being fired. So far, so good. He looked into the gloom inside the house. He could see no one at all. Then he thought he heard a rather feminine whimper. Stuart went all the way into the house then, and then stopped again. He listened, but this time heard nothing. There was a door ajar, just down the front hallway and he made his way toward that. He thought he heard the whimper again, but wasn't sure. He made his way down the hallway in total silence. He glanced behind him and could see the uniforms coming in the front door. He stepped around the body of the perp, which was lying in the hallway in a veritable lake of blood. He glanced back again and the uniform who'd been hit in the flak jacket was up and out of there. Good. He returned his attention to the hallway in front of him. The door that was ajar was unchanged. He moved slowly and silently toward it, the sniper rifle out in front of him. He had it set to single shot, in case Kyrie was in the room. He was now at the door that was ajar. He placed his hand against the door and pushed it, but yanked his arm back so that anyone in the room would think the door had opened itself. Nothing happened. It was perfect silence. Stuart was now holding his sniper rifle so that it was pointed at the ceiling. He braced himself and swung into the doorway, bringing the sniper rifle down and to bear on anything in the room. What he saw made his blood run cold. Kyrie was standing there and another guy had his arm around her neck. In the other hand was the 44 mag, pressed hard against the side of her head. Suddenly it occurred to Stuart that the 44 mag might be Julianna's. Kyrie looked terrified. But she looked just a tiny bit relieved when she saw Stuart appear in the doorway.

    Now it was a stand off.
    “Be careful where you point that thing”, the man said in a low growl, “You might hit me”.
    Stuart stood his ground. He was not about to back down now. He had a clear shot. He could see the red laser dot on the guy's forehead. Stuart was starting to sweat. He noticed that the perp was drenched in sweat. This was not a good situation at all.
    “What do you want?”, Stuart asked the guy.
    “I just want to get out of here”, the guy said, “Cleanly”.
    “I don't know about that”, Stuart said.
    He rammed the barrel of the 44 mag into the side of Kyrie's head painfully. She cried out.
    “If I don't, she dies”, he said.
    “Okay, and then what?”, Stuart said.
    The perp frowned and seemed to be mulling over Stuart's question.
    “What do you mean?”, the guy asked.
    “You kill Kyrie and then what happens?”, Stuart replied, “You'll still be arrested”.
    “You mother fucking police!!”, he shouted.
    “That's us”, Stuart agreed.
    Kyrie actually grinned a little.
    “So, are you going to give up?”, Stuart said.
    “No fucking way”, the perp replied.
    “You should, you know”, Stuart said, “You don't kill her, you don't get charged for her murder, your jail time is a lot less. Think about it”.
    “I don't WANT to go to jail at ALL”, the guy said.
    “Fair enough”, Stuart said, “But you ARE going to go to jail. Just not for a very long time if you don't kill Kyrie”.
    “Why not?”, the perp asked.
    “Because you won't have killed anyone”, Stuart replied calmly.
    “Oh yeah”, the guy said. He seemed to be thinking about things. Stuart was hoping and praying mightily. He thought to himself that this guy wasn't terribly bright. Twice now he had needed Stuart to explain things to him. Suddenly the guy threw down the 44 mag and put his hands in the air.
    “Kyrie!”, Stuart said sharply, “Come over here, now!!”.
    “Stuart, thank God!”, Kyrie said when she got to him.
    “Out of the house, now!”, Stuart said. She ran from the house.
    “Okay, face down on the floor with your hands on your head. Interlace the fingers”, Stuart said.
    The guy did as he was told. Stuart walked over to him and kicked the 44 mag away. Then he took out his handcuffs and cuffed the guy, behind his back. He lifted the guy up and escorted him from the house. They put him in the back of a marked cruiser. The uniforms were going through the rest of the house, clearing it.

    Outside, the cops were standing around talking and Kyrie was just standing there, tears flowing down her cheeks. She peed her pants. “For you Julianna”, she said quietly. Stuart came up to her then.
    “Hey, hey, what's the matter?”, Stuart said.
    “What?”, Kyrie said, “Julianna's dead”.
    Suddenly Stuart realised that Kyrie didn't know yet.
    “She's not dead Kyrie”, Stuart said, “She's very much alive”.
    “What?!!”, Kyrie said, “Why am I always the last person to find out these things?”.
    Suddenly she could see Julianna running toward her down the sidewalk. She sprinted toward her in an instant. They came together with a whump and hugged each other beyond ferociously. Julianna peed her pants. They stood hugging each other ferociously for over half an hour. “Julianna, how can you be alive?”, Kyrie managed to ask.
    “I wasn't dead when that doctor pronounced me”, Julianna replied.
    “Well that's not good”, Kyrie replied.
    “I'm going to sue that doctor for malpractice”, Julianna said.
    “Yes, definitely”, Kyrie said.

    * * *

    One week later, Julianna and Kyrie were celebrating Kyrie's 18th birthday.
    “I love you so much”, Kyrie said.
    “I love YOU so much”, Julianna replied, “And now I'm going to make love with you”.
    “Oh baby, oh yes”, Kyrie said.
    They began by french kissing and caressing each other, on their breasts, their asses, anything they could get their hands on. Then Kyrie started pulling at Julianna's clothes. In less than five minutes they were both naked on the bed. Kyrie dove in between Julianna's legs and licked and sucked for all she was worth. Julianna got turned around and dove in between Kyrie's legs. She began to lick and suck Kyrie's pussy with an animal passion. She couldn't believe how good she tasted. It was exquisite. They were in the 69 position and they stayed there for a long time, licking and sucking and orgasming over and over again.

    Afterward Julianna peed the bed as they lay in it together. Kyrie shrugged and did the same. The bed was now luxuriously warm and wet, just the way they loved it. Later they got dressed and went out in Kyrie's Jaguar F-Type. They couldn't go fast though because the roads had some snow on them. They had a fine dinner at an exclusive restaurant, during which they kissed passionately, more than once. Nobody seemed to mind. Afterward, they got into the F-Type and began to make out, caressing each other's breasts and asses. Just then there was a thump against the side of the car. They stopped their making out and looked. A guy was standing beside the car, with his back to it. Kyrie powered the window down a little. They heard a sound like someone being slugged in the head. Then the person was dragged from the car and loaded into another one. The person was a beautiful young girl. The other car sped off.
    “Talk about deja vu”, Julianna said.

    The End