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Marnie - Chapter 2

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  • Marnie - Chapter 2

    Marnie - Chapter 2

    The man continued to hammer on the door and scream.
    “Let me go down and deal with him”, Marnie said, “I'll pretend your not here, that I don't know you”.
    “How the hell does he know I'm here?”, Shelby said.
    “He must have followed us, that's all I can say”, Marnie said.
    “Yeah, he must have”, Shelby said.
    “Like I said, I'll go down and deal with him”, Marnie said.
    “No, it's too dangerous, believe it or not”, Shelby said, “He'd knock you out of the way and come storming into the house. I'd better go down”.
    “Well, I'll come with you”, Marnie said, “Strength in numbers”.
    “Thanks sweetheart”, Shelby said.
    “For you baby, anything”, Marnie said in a sultry way.
    Shelby grinned. She got out of bed and threw on her clothes, such as they were. Marnie did the same. Then they went downstairs.

    “Shelby!”, the man shouted, “Get out here right now!!”.
    He hammered on the door again. Shelby trudged toward the door wearily. She'd had enough of that asshole, she really had. She opened the door just as he was screaming again. He abruptly stopped.
    “Well it's about fucking time!”, he shouted.
    “Keith, this is Marnie”, Shelby said.
    “Hi”, Marnie said.
    “I don't give a flying fuck about her!!”, Keith shouted, “I want you to come and get all your stuff outta my apartment right now!!”.
    “Keith, I'd have to rent a truck”, Shelby said, “I can't do that at the drop of a hat”.
    “Okay, I'll throw it all outside on the sidewalk!”, Keith said loudly, “And everyone can have their pick!”.
    He stormed off.

    “Well, that went real well”, Shelby said wryly.
    “Yeah, real well”, Marnie agreed.
    They looked at each other and grinned. Then Shelby turned away from the door and went back into the house.
    “I'm going to phone truck rental places and see if I can get a cube van”, Shelby said.
    “Okay”, was all Marnie said.
    A half hour later Shelby said, “Penske has one for $39.95 a day. I told them I'll take it. We pick it up at 2:00”.
    “Well, that gives us time to make love”, Marnie said.
    “Mmmm, yes it does sweetheart”, Shelby said.
    They hugged and kissed, passionately. Then Marnie peed her pants. So Shelby did too. It felt indescribably good.
    “I don't know why”, Shelby said, “But I just love this new lifestyle of peeing my pants and wetting my bed. I just love it”.
    “It's because it feels so good”, Marnie said.
    “Yes, I guess it is”, Shelby agreed.

    They were in the bedroom by then and they quickly stripped down to nakedness. Then they came together on the bed and made love tenderly and thoroughly. Shelby loved the taste of Marnie's pussy. It was exquisite. Then they both fell asleep. When they woke up they saw it was 1:30.
    “Wet the bed first!”, Marnie said loudly.
    “Oh, okay”, Shelby said.
    She peed fully into the bed. It felt truly incredible. Then she was up and dressed and out the door. They got into Marnie's car, an Aston-Martin Vanquish 12 Cylinder super car. Marnie drove it expertly and in no time they were at Penske. Shelby went inside and saw to the paperwork, and then went outside with the associate to check the vehicle for damage, etc. They found none and Shelby signed the papers and was handed the keys. She got in and drove around to the front so Marnie could see she was okay. Then Marnie left first with Shelby right behind her in the cube van. They went back to the neighborhood and Marnie parked her Vanquish and got into the Cube van with Shelby. They went back to Shelby's old apartment and parallel parked there. There happened to be a parking space available right in front of the door. They got out, locked the cube van and went and pressed the buzzer for Keith's place.
    “Hello?”, Keith said.
    “It's Shelby”, Shelby said, “I've come for my stuff”.
    “Okay, come on up”, Keith replied.
    “Wow”, Marnie said, “He almost sounds nice now”.
    “Yeah, he does, doesn't he?”, Shelby said warily.

    Keith buzzed open the door and they went in. There was a stairway right inside the door and they went up it. When they got to the top there were two doors, one on either side of the landing. Shelby went to the door on the left. It had a number 2 on it. She knocked and waited. The door opened and Keith, looking sheepish, said, “Hi Shelby, come on in”.
    “Thanks”, was all Shelby said. Marnie followed her in.
    “Listen, Shelby”, Keith said, “I'm sorry about raging at you earlier. It's just that our breaking up really hurts, you know?”.
    “I know, I know”, Shelby replied, “I'm sorry too, for yelling back at you”.
    “Thanks Shelby”, Keith said, “That's really nice of you”.
    Shelby went into a bedroom and Marnie followed her. Shelby began packing clothes in the few boxes they'd gotten from the supermarket.
    “So, when are you coming back?”, Keith said from the doorway.
    “I'm not Keith”, Shelby said, “It's over, okay?”.
    Keith frowned at that and seemed to be fighting to control his anger.
    “Over?”, Keith said, “Just like that?”.
    “Yes Keith”, Shelby said, “Over”.
    Keith suddenly hammered the door with his fist and walked away.

    “Holy crap”, Shelby said, “What a jerk. What did I ever see in him?”.
    “I have absolutely no idea whatsoever”, Marnie said.
    “I do know what I see in you though”, Shelby said.
    “What?”, Marnie said with a smile.
    “Someone I can truly love”, Shelby said.
    “Wow, thank you”, Marnie said sincerely.
    “You are so welcome sweetheart”, Shelby said.
    Just then Keith exploded into the room and said, “What, you've gone lesbian on me now? Is that it? You bitch, you fucking bitch”.
    “Take it easy Keith”, Shelby said, “Your letting your anger control you”.
    Keith surged forward and slapped Shelby in the face. Suddenly Marnie spun and laid a wicked single drop kick on Keith. He went down like a sack of potatoes. He groaned and clutched his stomach, where the drop kick had landed.
    “You leave her alone asshole”, Marnie said, “I've got a lot more where that came from”.
    “Who the hell are you, you bitch”, Keith said.
    “You seem to like that word”, Marnie said, “Does it give you power or something?”.
    Keith exploded up off the floor and went for Marnie like a locomotive. But Marnie deftly side stepped and then drop kicked him again, in the back. He got up, wobbled, and then came at Marnie again. She was ready for him. She chopped him on the nape of his neck after side stepping him again. He went down again, and this time he stayed down.
    “Holy cow”, Shelby exclaimed, “I didn't know you knew marshall arts”.
    “Yep”, Marnie said, “I'm a brown belt in karate. Comes in handy sometimes, too”.
    “That was impressive”, Shelby said, “Very impressive. Just don't use it on me!”.
    “I would never use it on you sweetheart”, Marnie said, “Never”.
    “Thank God!”, Shelby said, “Is Keith unconscious?”.
    “Yep, he is”, Marnie said.
    “He's going to be okay isn't he?”, Shelby asked.
    “Yep, he'll be fine”, Marnie said, “Just a little bruised is all”.
    “I never knew that hitting someone on the nape of their neck could knock them out”, Shelby said.
    “Well, you have to know right where to hit them”, Marnie said, “It's quite similar to the Vulcan neck pinch”.
    “The what?”, Shelby said.
    “The Vulcan neck pinch”, Marnie said, “On Star Trek, T'Pau just pinched a person on the side of their neck in a particular spot and boom, out like a light”.
    “Boy, I wish I knew that one”, Shelby said.
    “You and me both”, Marnie said, “But I get by alright with my karate”.
    “I'll bet you do”, Shelby replied.

    Suddenly Shelby peed her pants.
    “Wow, I thought you weren't going to do that in public”, Marnie said.
    “Yeah, well I just want to be like you, always just going in my pants”, Shelby said.
    “Yeah, it's really cool doing it just anywhere”, Marnie said. She peed her pants then.
    She sighed and said, “God that feels good”.
    “It really does, doesn't it?”, Shelby said, “I'm absolutely addicted to peeing my pants”.
    “That's good, great”, Marnie said, “I'm so proud of you sweetheart”.
    Suddenly a groan issued from the floor. Keith was coming around.
    “Whoh, what hit me?”, he managed.
    “My foot”, Marnie said, “And it will do it again if you ever hit Shelby again”, Marnie said.
    “I'm never gonna hit Shelby again”, Keith said emphatically.
    “Good boy”, Marnie said, “You learn quickly”.
    “You teach quickly”, Keith retorted.
    “Thank you”, Marnie said sincerely.
    Keith glowered at her, but that's all.

    Shelby continued to pack things. She had 5 boxes packed already.
    “Almost done here”, she said, “Then we got to get the furniture”.
    “Oh boy, some lugging to do”, Marnie said.
    “Yep, but it's nice furniture”, Shelby said.
    She put some clothes in the last box and said, “There, that's it”.
    “Good, let's get them on the truck”, Marnie said.
    “Actually, I'd like to put the furniture on first”, Shelby said.
    “Oh, okay”, Marnie said.
    “Sweetheart, can you go and see if there's a ramp on the truck?”, Shelby said,
    “Sure”, Marnie said.
    She left the room and Shelby and Keith were alone for the first time. Keith was stood up now and he looked at Shelby.
    “I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your leaving me, considering the way I've behaved”, Keith said.
    “Actually, you kicked me out, remember?”, Shelby said.
    “You always have to be right, don't you?”, Keith blurted then.
    “No, it's just the simple truth”, Shelby replied.
    “Oh yeah, rub it in, bitch”, Keith said.
    “There you go again”, Shelby said.
    “Yeah, here I go again, bitch”, Keith said, “Here I go again!”.
    He lunged at Shelby and put her in a headlock. Then he started hitting her in the face. Suddenly he cried out in agony. Marnie was back and she was not afraid to use her karate. Keith dropped Shelby, who landed on the floor with a thud, and whirled around, all teeth and glare.
    “That's it!”, he shouted, “That's absolutely it!! Now I'm gonna hurt you!!”.
    Shelby just grinned. She knew what was about to happen. Marnie had backed up out through the door. Now she braced herself as Keith charged at her, then she took off. She ran and did a perfect flying double drop kick. Keith was blasted backward and hammered into the wall of the bedroom. He fell to the floor and didn't move.
    “That was beautiful sweetheart”, Shelby said, smiling.
    “Thanks sweetie”, Marnie said. She wasn't sweating or breathing hard or anything. “All in a days work”, she added.
    “I'd love to know karate like that”, Shelby said.
    “I can teach you sweetheart”, Marnie said, “As a brown belt I'm qualified to teach karate”.
    “Wow, could you?”, Shelby said.
    “Sure, no problem”, Marnie replied.
    “I would have thought you'd be a black belt”, Shelby said, “You're very, very good at karate”.
    “Thanks sweetie”, Marnie said, “No, I'm going in for my black belt test in three months”.
    “You mean...”, Shelby started.
    “Yep”, Marnie said, “Brown belt is one step below a black belt”.
    “Wow, so you're way up there”, Shelby observed.
    “Yeah, I guess I am”, Marnie said.
    “That's wonderful”, Shelby said, “I'm so proud of you sweetheart”.
    “Thanks sweetie”, Marnie replied, “So, shall we get this stuff loaded in the truck?”.
    “Yes, definitely”, Shelby replied.
    They went through to the living room, leaving the unconscious Keith sleeping peacefully in the bedroom.

    “So, which furniture is yours?”, Marnie asked.
    “Well, that easy chair there and this coffee table here for starters”, Shelby said.
    “Okay, let's start taking them out”, Marnie said.
    Suddenly Marnie peed her pants, even though she'd done it just a little while ago.
    “Wow, how do you pee so much?”, Shelby said.
    “I guess because I pee my pants and bed all the time and never try to hold it”, Marnie said.
    “Yeah, that makes sense”, Shelby said, “Will I lose control eventually?”.
    “Yep, you will”, Marnie answered.
    “Well, it's not like it matters”, Shelby replied, “I mean after all, I just pee my pants all the time anyway”.
    “Exactly”, Marnie said, “So you don't have to be concerned about it”.
    “Yeah, I don't, do I?”, Shelby said.
    “Nope, not at all”, Marnie replied.
    “Y-you pee y-your pants d-do you?”, Keith said then. He was standing behind Shelby and Marnie could see he had raised a brick in his hand and was about to bring it down on Shelby's head. Marnie yelled, “Duck!!”. Shelby did and then Marnie executed a perfectly timed spinning whip kick, over top of the ducking Shelby, and once again Keith went blasting backward. This time though, he was not knocked unconscious. He was limping badly and favouring his right side, but he still got up, but kept his distance from Marnie.
    “Fuck man, I can't take any more of this”, Keith said, “What is that anyway? Kung fu?”.
    “No, it's karate”, Marnie said, “I'm a brown belt”.
    “One below a black huh?”, Keith said, “Failed your blackbelt test huh?”.
    “Nope, haven't taken it yet”, Marnie said.
    “Well, you'll fail you know”, Keith said.
    “Oh? Why?”, Marnie asked.
    “You're a girl”, Keith replied.
    Marnie laughed at that. Then she said, “Nope, I'm going to pass”.
    “Yeah, we'll see about that”, Keith said.
    “Yeah, we will, won't we?”, Marnie said.
    “Anyway, I'm going to go lie down”, Keith said, “Just get the hell out of here, bitch”. He glared at Shelby, then went into the bedroom and closed the door.

    Marnie and Shelby picked one end each of the coffee table and walked it out to the cube van. They had to put it down on the sidewalk while Shelby opened the door.
    “You never did tell me if it had a ramp”, Shelby remarked.
    “Oh yeah, I'm sorry”, Marnie said, “Yes, it does”.
    It was their good fortune that the car parked behind them had left, so they deployed the ramp into that space and took it up. Then they carried the coffee table onto the truck. They went back for the chair. When they were still out on the sidewalk, Shelby suddenly peed her pants. She was surprised as hell. She didn't think it'd been long enough since she last peed. They went back up to the apartment for more stuff.

    In about an hour and a half, they had everything in the van and were ready to roll. Shelby went to the closed door of the bedroom and said, loudly, “We're done Keith. We're leaving now”.
    There was no answer and Shelby assumed he was asleep. She shrugged and they went out to the cube van and drove off. When they got to Marnie's big beautiful house, Shelby backed the cube van up to the door and killed the engine. They got out and both of them promptly peed their pants. They chuckled at that, then Shelby deployed the ramp and opened the back door. Marnie went and opened the front door of her house and was about to step in when she was grabbed roughly by someone and held in a headlock. Then several men, whom Shelby had never seen before, stepped out of the house and began to walk toward her.

    End of chapter 2
    Chapter 3 coming soon