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More Scientific Proof of the Obvious: Women Who "Squirt" Are Pissing

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  • More Scientific Proof of the Obvious: Women Who "Squirt" Are Pissing

    I don't know why this is being treated like it's rocket science. Actually, I do know why: women don't want to admit they're pissing on their boyfriends and girlfriends and husbands and wetting their beds.


    In a nutshell: Bladder ultrasounds taken before and after squirting show that the fluid came from the bladder. NO FUCKING KIDDING. In some cases, it's 100% pee, in some cases, there's a small amount of "creamy white fluid" which may represent "female ejaculate" present in the pee, but the women's bladders still emptied, it's still pee.

    Now, if I could just meet a squirter, lie to her and tell her she's ejaculating, and get her to "ejaculate" on me during sex.
    Last edited by Peevert; March 2, 2016, 06:00 PM.

  • #2
    It seems some women expel just female ejaculate, others urine or urine with some ejaculate mixed in
    So some women do actually ejaculate and some are a mix. Common sense would dictate that if there is a large volume of liquid, most of it is going to be urine.

    Personally I don't care what it is. I've been trying to get my girlfriend to pee during sex (which she does sometimes do, but finds it difficult to relax).


    • #3
      Originally posted by Percival
      I've been trying to get my girlfriend to pee during sex (which she does sometimes do, but finds it difficult to relax).
      Percival, I have a technique for your girlfriend to try. Make sure she needs to pee but is not totally desperate before you have sex. Have her take the top position so gravity is working for her. When she feels the urge to pee, have her tilt her pelvis forward at the hips. This will insure that her urethra is not being blocked by your body. This is best done with her in a vertical position and her knees bent in a kneeling position on each side of your body. It is also best done when you do not have a complete 100% full erection or else bending your cock in that position could hurt. When she starts to pee, you will likely get a full erection. At this point, just pull her forward on top of you. If this shuts off her pee, well... just do it all over again and again until she is empty. This should maximize the pleasure for both of you with repeat performances!


      • #4
        Female ejaculation isn't some huge medical mystery. It is strange that it is debated so much.

        Some women can ejaculate, some women can not. The article cited here mention's the Skene's gland, which is a female prostate analog. Indeed, the fluid it produces is very similar to what the male prostate produces.

        However, the anatomy of the Skene's gland, as well as the consistency of the fluid it produces, can very greatly from woman to woman. Many women have no Skene's gland, or at least if they do it is so small as to be undetectable. Other women have Skene's glands that are almost as large as their bladders.

        Of course some women do pee during orgasm. All the muscles tensing up could very well expel the contents of the bladder. And I am not at all surprised that some women would rather believe they are squirting female ejaculate instead of wetting their beds.

        The study referenced in this article was extremely small, with only a handful of participants. All the study is claiming, and all that really can be claimed from the study, is sometimes when women ejaculate it is urine, and sometimes it is female ejaculatory fluid.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TVGuy
          Other women have Skene's glands that are almost as large as their bladders.
          I don't think Skene's glands that large have ever been medically documented anywhere. Sure would be interesting to get a face full of cum from glands that big, but I've never seen any medical documentation that they exist.

          Originally posted by TVGuy
          All the study is claiming, and all that really can be claimed from the study, is sometimes when women ejaculate it is urine, and sometimes it is female ejaculatory fluid.
          That's not quite what I got out of it. My interpretation is that if it's a small amount of creamy white fluid, it may be female ejaculate. If it's a large amount of fluid, it's pee, and that pee may or may not contain a small amount of female ejaculate. In all of the women studied, their bladders emptied, so they peed.

          Certainly, what I've seen in every porn movie claiming to show female ejaculation has been pee. No lab results available, so I can't tell you whether or not it contained female ejaculate. But it's good to know so many women are wetting their beds when they cum. ³


          • #6
            Originally posted by Patches
            Percival, I have a technique for your girlfriend to try.
            Patches, will you mar... Oh nevermind...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Peevert
              I don't think Skene's glands that large have ever been medically documented anywhere. Sure would be interesting to get a face full of cum from glands that big, but I've never seen any medical documentation that they exist.
              This paper documents a range in sizes observed in the Skene's gland, though the paper itself is behind a paywall. If you belong to a university or have access to a university library you may be able to access it-


              Originally posted by Peevert
              That's not quite what I got out of it. My interpretation is that if it's a small amount of creamy white fluid, it may be female ejaculate. If it's a large amount of fluid, it's pee, and that pee may or may not contain a small amount of female ejaculate. In all of the women studied, their bladders emptied, so they peed.
              Well, I don't disagree with your conclusion based on that article. However, if you read the actual study, not just the article, the methodology of the study only looked at a total of 7 women. These women were selected by their doctors and recommended for participation in this study as their doctors suspected they were urinating during sexual intercourse.

              The point I was trying to make is with such a small study group, and a group that is specifically selected based on the belief that they are urinating during sex, you can't apply what you learn in such a limited study to all women everywhere. The study is not large enough to be statistically significant in any way.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Peevert
                Patches, will you mar... Oh nevermind...
                Pevert ,

                I gave up trying to marry Patches , a few years ago . After I had read the experiences on Patches Place Stories Section . That I at that time had discovered to my dismay . That Patches , was married already [ Sadden }
                Though I still have a flame lit for Her . Should she ever be on the look out for a new Spouse / Husband . Though I doubt it . Because I do feel . That when you have found someone that accepts you & Loves what you enjoy in doing for fun & enjoyment . That you would hold onto that person for life . As it's really hard especially for all of us with a pee fetish . To find that special someone . That really lights up our lives . In what we like to do for fun & love.
                So don't give up nor be sadden / angry. just accept it . Have a good day & wish Patches , well in having a long life in wetting pleasure


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Patches
                  Percival, I have a technique for your girlfriend to try.
                  A thousand thanks to you, Patches. I consider myself honoured to receive your wisdom on this matter. I'll pass it on to my lady love and hope it does the trick. We're going to Spain on holiday in a few weeks - the perfect opportunity to practise!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TVGuy
                    This paper documents a range in sizes observed in the Skene's gland, though the paper itself is behind a paywall. If you belong to a university or have access to a university library you may be able to access it-


                    yeah ... so, I pulled that article. It's about male ejaculatory dysfunction. it doesn't even mention the skene gland.

