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Not quite 'off topic' Wet Set copies

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  • Not quite 'off topic' Wet Set copies

    Hi all,

    I read nearly all the posts here but seldom get a chance to reply, partly because by the time I have read the posts and a few responses most of what i might say has already been expressed by other members. In itself that shows a healthy forum.

    My post is to offer a complete set of WetSet magazines Nos 1 - 30 inclusive to anyone who would like to keep the 'hard copies' in their library.

    They are all in good condition but I no longer refer to them owing to the growing amount of material online.

    If anyone has an interest please respond here and we can go to private messaging. I would like something for them and you would have to pay the postage but payment wouldn't have to be in money - could be a month's subscription somewhere or similar.

    Hope this is not viewed as commercial it isn't ! just offering what I no longer need in physical copies.

    Stay wet'n'happy.


  • #2
    I'd love to make you an offer, only thing that worries me here is that they'd have to come through customs, I don't know how that kind of thing is being handled right now.


    • #3
      This might not be relevant, but I was a Wet Set subscriber living in UK and all magazines arrived without any interference from the customs. Posted in plain envelopes, so nothing that indicated the contents.
      In UK, Cascade, a similar magazine for w/s enthusiasts was twice or more prosecuted for pornography, but so far as I know, nothing was done to stop the circulation of the magazine. I believe that it is a much worse crime if the mag, or its content is available to corrupt minors.
      I cannot recall anything in Wet Set that would corrupt or shock anyone who reads this site. Comes to that there was not much to get excited about, ever.


      • #4
        Hi Peevert,

        I have to admit I'm not sure of the Customs treatment of this sort of thing either. I live in UK like Paul Tester and never had a problem receiving Wet Set mags but of course into the US is possibly different.

        I just don't need the hard copy mags anymore but I know lots of people like to keep a library and as these are the early ones I am loth to throw them out.

        If we can send a private message I will happily give you my email and we may be able to sort out some way.

        Stay wet'n'happy



        • #5
          I can attest that getting the Wet Set Magazines from Wet Set . Has not been a problem for me . Here in the U.S. A. .
          As I have received them without any problem what so ever . That of the coffee table pictorial of Feminine Anarchy . Which is a 3 volume pictorial of girls wetting all over the world and what they all had thought about it.
          Which I now have Volume 3 of . Which I look at quite often.So there's really no problem in getting it . Just that it takes a bit of time in getting here from that of Australia . So go on and order it if you wish to . As well as enjoy in reading them. As I have

          Dusty Harold


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dusty Harold
            I can attest that getting the Wet Set Magazines from Wet Set . Has not been a problem for me . Here in the U.S. A. .
            As I have received them without any problem what so ever . That of the coffee table pictorial of Feminine Anarchy . Which is a 3 volume pictorial of girls wetting all over the world and what they all had thought about it.
            Which I now have Volume 3 of . Which I look at quite often.So there's really no problem in getting it . Just that it takes a bit of time in getting here from that of Australia . So go on and order it if you wish to . As well as enjoy in reading them. As I have

            Dusty Harold
            I had all 3 volumes of Feminine Anarchy for a while and got them all through WH Smith without any bother. Unfortunately I didn't take care to hide them and my GF found them one day. She didn't insist that I got rid of them but it was clear she didn't approve either so I decided they'd better go and a friend of mine had a very good Christmas present that year!

