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"Streamlining" panty peeing

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  • "Streamlining" panty peeing

    As a guy, I've probably spent far, far too much time considering this. I've probably watched more women pee than most urologists over the past 15 or so years (at least in video). I've noticed a few problems the ladies have that we guys don't in relieving ourselves outside of a proper toilet. First, a few very fortunate women can reliably shoot a straight, steady stream forward or back while standing. A lot of women, even if they squat, either pee all over their crotch and legs, or splash their feet. The other problem is our repressive laws in the West, where it's preferable to wet one's pants than it is to just discretely relieve yourself when no restroom is readily available. Most places it's a misdemeanor called "Indecent Exposure", or "Public Urination", although (mostly in the very repressed U. S., and mostly for men) it's a major sex offense that can get a guy put on the registered sex offender list for life! Anyway, guys can usually relieve themselves more discretely than women can. Yes, I've seen the funnels that supposedly allow women to "pee like a man". I've been told by a woman who tried one that all she got was a wet hand for her trouble.

    So, I'm thinking that with modern fabrics, it ought to be possible to design a panty using water-repellent, and water-resistant fabrics to channel urine in a reliable, focused stream, slightly forward and away, without leaving wet panties. This way, a woman in need could just step discretely into an alley, woods, or shadows, slightly lift her skirt (probably won't work with pants), and pee away without making a mess. Comments?

  • #2
    Interestingly, a woman once told me that if she had to pee outdoors, usually on the way home from the pub, she would pee through her knickers because it stopped the pee from going everywhere. She would then pull up her jeans, or whatever, and carry on. She said the wet crotch was much better than having pee all over her jeans and boots.....


    • #3
      NOOOOO! This is the last thing we need! What we need is designers to design clothes that are difficult to get out of or get down when the need to piss hits. And to use pastel coloured materials that are extremely adept at showing wetness up big time!


      • #4
        I have chatted with a young woman over time . Who likes not wearing any panties . When she's out and about . So that when the urge to pee comes upon her . All she has to do is lift Her skirt some and pee straight down . Spreading Her legs some as well
        That also enjoy peeing standing up at times too . Though she does squat when peeing . When it's convenient to do so . In being a little more discrete .

        Now designing panties that would be water proof . I don't think women would go for it . As the material that would be used in being water - proof . Would Feel pretty rough on sensitive skin . Which I know most women would not like in wearing such an item . As water proof panties . Just a thought

        Dusty Harold
        Last edited by Dusty Harold; May 11, 2016, 03:45 AM.


        • #5
          Your friend is fortunate in being able to pee a straight stream straight down. From the literally hundreds of peeing vids I've seen in about 15 years, probably at least half the women end up peeing all over their crotch and ass, or down their legs, even if squatting. Some can manually manipulate their pussy to pee forward, some naturally pee a relatively straight stream slightly backwards. Reliably peeing a steady, straight stream away from the body does not seem to naturally happen for most women. Most men have trouble at one time or another hitting where we aim as well. Just biology. I found the comment about the woman who just preferred to pee through her panties as being the most reliable way to pee straight down interesting. I've seen that work as well in videos, usually while wearing a swimsuit, which gave me my idea, since swimwear fabrics are different from regular underwear, and are designed to be somewhat water permeable or repellent anyway. Hey, and it's always fun to pee in the ocean, male or female.


          • #6
            I agree with desp k
            We need more akwardness, helplessness, and visible stains, that stay wet for longer, even if they are small..
            If I were a girl I'd go with more absobancy instead of more waterproof, just much more exciting and it will be nice and wet against her pussy, long before we notice, but if she is wet enough for us to notice, we can be more certain, that somewhere down the line she made a choice not to go to the toilet just yet, because we don't notice outside wetness untill x secret drops later, and even then it starts with a more moist like crotch, rather than a sharp edged wet spot... Much more room to play with..

            The aroma of a drying wet spot is also much more intoxicating when it's coming from a more absorbent panty crotch....
            Last edited by Hiddenpleasure; May 12, 2016, 11:50 PM.


            • #7
              I have fantasies about women who are liberated enough to simply pee through heir knickers in the street, but I have never met one who will admit to this.
              Let's face it; women have the advantage over men, in that when wearing skirts, they can pee without it being too obvious. Many times walking about in London, I have regretted that, as a man, I cannot piss myself without everyone knowing, and envied women in skirts who could do this.
              Realistically, most women do not piss through their knickers, but that is their inhibitions not the practicality of doing it.
              There is nothing wrong with pissing in your clothes, either for men or women. only the social stigma of being seen to have done it.


              • #8
                Minimizing the damage

                I've know several who have perfected the technique they call "minimizing the damage."

                When they know they can't hold it anymore, the do a very deep squat or sit on a curb just before the pee starts flowing. If the squat is deep enough, they can keep the wet spot smaller than a grapefruit, with most of the dampness in the back. Wrap a sweater around the waist and no one has a clue.

                Men have the upper hand when it comes to finding a place to pee in a pinch, but if a wetting is inevitable its women that seem to have the upper hand. If a man tries the deep squat technique, it doesn't work as well.

