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Zero Tolerance-fictional female wetting story

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  • Zero Tolerance-fictional female wetting story

    The following is a fictional story about a young woman wetting her pants and being punished for it. If you do not care for that type of thing please ignore this story.

    Zero Tolerance

    On Monday morning Mrs. Jackson looked out at her second period class as they were working on their end of the year assignment. Her eyes stopped on one of the girls in the third row who didn’t seem to be concentrating on her work. As Mrs. Jackson watched she saw Hannah keep looking at the clock and tapping her pencil and every few seconds she seemed to wiggle in her seat. Hannah sighed, took one more look at the clock, and then slowly began to get out of her seat and walk toward the teacher’s desk at the front of the classroom. As Hannah took her first few steps Mrs. Jackson glanced down at the memo on top of her desk.

    Due to the increase in the number of students who were skipping class during the last few weeks of the school year a new policy had just been issued. No students were allowed to leave the classroom for any reason. The policy also prohibited students from asking for permission to leave class; this was meant to reduce the number of distractions in class. All students had been given a letter the week before explaining the new policy. The letter was very clear that any student, who left the classroom or, asked to leave the room, would be subject to punishment. The memo from the Principal was very clear that there were no exceptions to this policy and it would be enforced with “Zero Tolerance.”

    As Hannah approached Mrs. Jackson she looked at the teacher with a sheepish look on her face, shifted her weight from one leg to the other and murmured “I need to use the restroom, may I have a hall pass?” Mrs. Jackson looked at Hannah for a few moments before answering. As she paused she could see the pleading look in Hannah’s eyes; Mrs. Jackson knew the girl wasn’t asking as a ploy to skip class. For a brief second she considered allowing Hannah to go to the restroom but the memo was very clear that it was Zero Tolerance with no exceptions.

    “No, you may not.” Hannah’s face showed a brief moment of shock then she looked at the floor and began to turn toward her seat. “Hold on, we’re not done yet. You got the letter Principal Williams sent home last week about the No Hall Pass Policy right?”

    Hannah looked at Mrs. Jackson and nodded her head as she said “yes.”

    “Did you read it?” Hannah nodded her head again.

    “Since you read it I shouldn’t need to remind you that the new policy prohibits you from asking to leave the room.” As Mrs. Jackson was speaking to Hannah she could see the boys in the front row perk up. Mrs. Jackson knew the boys were getting a kick out of seeing Hannah getting lectured. She could tell they were anxiously waiting to see what punishment may get handed out to the squirming girl. “I have to check the policy to determine what consequences you will face.”

    The teacher looked down at the memo on her desk to review the section on penalties so she knew what punishment to give Hannah. The memo read: “By setting harsh penalties we believe students will refrain from committing these infractions. The administration also believes in learning from other’s mistakes; all punishments for violations of this policy will be done publicly in front of other students, as an example to all.” At the bottom of the memo was a chart that set out the penalties for violations.

    Mrs. Jackson glanced up and saw the pained look on Hannah’s face as the girl mouthed the words “Please don’t.” Mrs. Jackson just shook her head and looked back at the chart.

    The penalty was based on a combination of variables: the student’s age, grade level, and discipline history. Hannah was 18 years old and just a few weeks from graduation, she was a good student and not a trouble maker. Hannah’s age would make the penalty a little more severe than the minimum punishment but her good behavior would keep it from being the maximum.

    As Mrs. Jackson looked up from the memo she said to Hannah “Go stand in front of the blackboard and face the class.” Hannah hesitated and looked at her teacher with pleading eyes. “Hannah, go now, don’t make it worse by not following directions.”

    “Attention class.” All eyes went to the teacher as she continued “Last week a note went home explaining in detail the new policy that prohibits students from leaving the classroom for any reason, this policy also prohibits asking to leave the room. This morning Hannah asked to leave the class to use the restroom, the Zero Tolerance policy requires that she be punished for this infraction.”

    Mrs. Jackson paused for a moment to let her words sink in. The class looked at Hannah who was standing in front of the class. Hannah was standing with her legs together and her hands folded together in front of her, she was looking at the floor. Even thought she was not looking at them, the students could see her that her face was flush with embarrassment.

    “Hannah, your punishment is to write the following sentence on the blackboard 12 times: I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.” Mrs. Jackson looked at Hannah, “Turn around and begin writing your lines.”

    Hannah slowly turned around and picked up a piece of chalk. As she began to write she could feel a tear form in her left eye. She blinked several times to fight the tear back as she began to write.

    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.
    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.
    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.

    Mrs. Jackson watched as Hannah slowly wrote her lines on the board. As she was writing Hannah was doing small bounces and wiggling her legs trying to keep her bladder‘s need under control. Occasionally Mrs. Jackson looked at the class and saw that they too were watching Hannah do the potty dance.

    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.
    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.

    I will not disrupt the class…Hannah stopped and jammed her hand between her thighs, after a moment she pulled her hand from between her legs and finished the line….again with my bathroom problems.

    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.
    I will not…

    Hannah stopped writing again but, instead of doing the potty dance she stood very still. After a few moments Mrs. Jackson saw a dark spot appear on the back of Hannah’s tight blue jeans. The dark spot started at the bottom of Hannah’s butt and slowly began to spread across the bottom of both butt cheeks.

    Mrs. Jackson could hear a few gasps come from the other students but she could not take her eyes off Hannah’s predicament to watch the reaction of the other students.

    Hannah remained completely silent as the wetness spread down her thighs. After about 15 seconds the only sound in the classroom was the sound of urine trickling off the bottom of Hannah’s jeans and onto the tile floor. The accident lasted for a full minute and a half, when it was done Hannah’s back side was soaked from half way up her butt to the bottom of her pants. The yellow puddle around Hannah’s shoes was about 20 inches in diameter.

    Hannah slowly turned around and looked at Mrs. Jackson. Hannah’s face was streaked with tears (much like her pant legs were streaked with urine). The front of Hannah’s jeans were as wet as the back, the only dry fabric anywhere on her pants was the top few inches of denim.

    Mrs. Jackson could see the entire class was wide eyed looking at Hannah, a few had their mouths open in shock and a few more had smiles on their faces and were stifling laughter.

    “Well, it seems you have now violated the school’s Hygiene Policy. You may as well finish your lines while I call the office to see what the Principal wants done about the hygiene violation.”

    Hannah began to sob out loud as she turned back to the blackboard.

    …disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.
    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.

    As Hannah was writing Mrs. Jackson picked up the phone from her desk and dialed the office. “Hannah Gibson just violated the Hygiene Policy….She urinated in her pants ……It’s a big mess; her jeans are soaked, her shoes are filled with urine and she’s standing in a big puddle…..She was standing at the blackboard writing punishment lines because she asked to leave the classroom in violation of the new policy…..I understand. I’ll give her the punishment. Good bye.”

    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.
    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.

    As she hung up the phone Mrs. Jackson opened her bottom desk drawer and pulled out two items. Hannah was still writing and couldn’t see them but when the class saw what Mrs. Jackson pulled out they began to whisper amongst themselves. Most were in disbelief about what they were about to witness.

    I will not disrupt the class again with my bathroom problems.

    “I’m done Mrs. Jackson” Hannah said as she turned to face the teacher’s desk. She had stopped sobbing but the tears were still trickling down her face. In her distraught state Hannah didn’t realized there were two items on Mrs. Jackson’s desk that would make her day much worse than it already was.

    “Hannah, I’m sure you heard me call the office; the Principal told me some of the consequences you will face for urinating in the classroom. I am supposed to make you clean up the puddle, you will serve detention after school, and I am supposed to administer corporal punishment before class is over. When you arrive in detention you will receive a letter with the remainder of the consequences.”

    When she head the words ‘corporal punishment’ Hannah finally realized there was a wooden paddle sitting on the teacher’s desk. Her hands involuntarily reached around to her backside when she realized what was about to happen. As her hands touched her back pockets she felt the saturated denim and she was once again overcome with the shame of her accident and began to softly sob again.

    Hannah’s mind was racing. She was an 18 year old woman, legally an adult, but here she was about to be spanked in front of a classroom full of her schoolmates. Hannah did not feel like an adult!

    Mrs. Jackson picked up the digital camera, “I am required to photograph the evidence of your violation. These photos will be placed in your discipline file. I need you look at me now.” Hannah looked up from the floor and tried to stop crying as the teacher took a photograph of her as she faced the class. “Now turn around again so I can photograph your backside.” Defeated, Hannah turned around so her classmates could watch Mrs. Jackson take photos of her urine soaked butt.

    Turning to the class Mrs. Jackson said “Since this is the second offense Hannah committed in this class today the consequences will be more severe.

    “Hannah, the punishment for urinating in your pants is one paddle swat for each year of your age, in your case that is 18. The punishment for urinating somewhere other than a toilet, such as the floor, is one paddle swat for each grade level, in your case that is 12. The Principal decided that since you committed multiple offenses today you will be paddled for both offenses. You will receive 30 swats with the paddle. Grab your ankles!”

    As Hannah leaned forward to grab her ankles her face came down within three inches of her pants legs. She could smell the strong odor coming from the denim. It had now been about 5 minutes since her accident and her pants were no longer dripping but they were certainly still wet! She was thinking about how warm the denim became as she soaked her jeans with urine, now they just felt cold. Suddenly she lost her balance and felt a sharp sting on her butt cheeks….THWACK… THWACK… THWACK…
    THWACK…THWACK…THWACK…Hannah was no longer concerned about the smell or temperature of her jeans!

    Mrs. Jackson swung the paddle onto Hannah’s rear end, each time the paddle connected with the fabric she thought about how it sounded different than a typical paddling. On dry pants the sound of the paddle has a dull sound at the end of the swat, on Hannah’s soaked pants the sound was much more sharp. Mrs. Jackson wondered if the students noticed the difference in the sound too.


    Mrs. Jackson took a step back after the final swat and looked back at the class; they were all in shock at what they were seeing The Principal’s plan to make an example of someone sure was working! She took one last look at Hannah’s wet rear end as she was bent over and then set down the paddle. “You may stand up and face the class again.”

    Hannah slowly stood and turned to the class. As she turned the sound of splashing could be heard as she stepped in her puddle. Mrs. Jackson walked to a shelf and came back with a roll of paper towels. Nothing was said as Hannah took the roll, bent over one more time, and began to wipe the puddle from the floor. When the floor had been cleaned up Mrs. Jackson began to speak again.

    “Hannah, this class has watched you take the penalty for two infractions today. The reason for punishing you in public is to make an example of you. There are additional students in our school that are not in this classroom; in order for those students to learn from your mistake you are required to spend the remainder of the school day in your wet pants as an example to the others. You will have to wait until you arrive home to clean yourself or change your pants.”

    BRRRIIINGGG…. “Class dismissed.”

    Hannah had assumed that after the spanking she would be sent to the office to call home and ask for clean pants. The news that she would spend the remainder of the day in wet blue jeans weighed heavy on her mind as she stepped from the classroom and trudged into the busy hallway feeling the cold, damp, itchy fabric rubbing on her freshly paddled butt cheeks.

    Hannah was now an example to others of the school’s Zero Tolerance Policy.

  • #2
    Very good!!! Sequel in the works?

