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Contestant pees her pants on indian TV-show

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  • Contestant pees her pants on indian TV-show

    Well this sounds interesting, can someone get the video?


  • #2
    Here is the video

    The video runs about 50 minutes and it looks like a contestant is declared a winner at around 35 minutes in. However I don't see any evidence that anyone wet their pants. Maybe someone with sharper eyes than mine can find the wet scene. I just don't see it. The video is around 245 Meg so it is a large download. Here is the video:



    • #3
      You see it clearly for a second around 27:55, she's given a towel shortly afterwards

      Thanks for the video
      Last edited by Linwon; October 22, 2016, 09:11 PM.


      • #4
        Yep it is clearly however quickly shown

        Her pee is clearly seen running down the saddle of the horse she is sitting on,,, very quick scene though,,,, I only wish she was wearing jeans instead of dark pants. And she did look very uncomfortable before the pee part.


        • #5
          Thanks for finding the wetting scene. Here is a pic from 27:55.

          Last edited by Patches; October 23, 2016, 07:40 AM.


          • #6
            At 38:00, she has changed her clothes, wearing a skirt and a yellow (kind of) coat.

            I wish I could understand their language. Does she mention her need to pee? Or that she peed her pants? Why does this guy suddenly have that large towel, well-timed? Are they always prepared in Indian tv-shows that a contestant may pee herself?

            The girl is sexy, and peeing herself seems to be uncomfortable but no big deal for her?! Is it more common in India that people wet themselves?


            • #7
              Smaller edited file with relevant bits

              Thanks for posting this. I have edited it down to the relevant bits, keeping the quality, while converting it to MP4. The edited clip is 4:27 long and a tenth the size.

              The first section is the woman in a pink top getting desperate drinking. After giving up the contest and getting off, the words "I need a pee so bad" (in English) are heard over her running to the toilet around 2:50.

              The second section is the woman in a red striped top wetting herself. I think she starts when she part lifts herself of the horse, viewed from behind around 3:43, and the pee running down the saddle is shown from the side around 4:00 before someone brings her a towel.

              I played it on until she finally wins the contest but her dark pants do not show anything when she gets off, no clean up is shown and it then goes to the award ceremony with her having changed her clothes.

              Remember to use an ad-blocker or make sure you click only the Sendspace link to download the file, not any advertising link that may go somewhere with malware: https://www.sendspace.com/file/kit2hz. This link will expire automatically after 30 days with no downloads.
              Last edited by Wet Trousers; October 23, 2016, 10:39 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wet Trousers
                Thanks for posting this. I have edited it down to the relevant bits, keeping the quality, while converting it to MP4. The edited clip is 4:27 long and a tenth the size.
                Thank you!

                So she won? She deserved to for her commitment to the cause!


                • #9
                  It looks like it was a contest for around half a dozen people to rock backwards and forwards on hobby horses as long as they could - presumably several hours - with the winner the one who lasted longest before giving up. I doubt they thought of the toilet angle at the start, although I suspect there may be a w/s fan in the Indian Big Brother production team!

                  There was a similar concept in an early UK series of one of those survive in a jungle shows with a woman peeing (I think her swimsuit or bikini) standing on a log, although she didn't win. The clip was around at the time (late 90s or early 00s?) but, sadly, wasn't HD, was at night so you had to tweak the brightness and was reduced to a small size to suit the Internet badwidth then.

                  In this Indian contest, they seem to have given up one by one, the woman in the yellow top in the most interesting way, though sounds like the comment was over-dubbed not live. After the woman in the striped top peed herself, the supporters of the other contestant left, a man, seem to be trying to persuade him to give up. The eventual winner seems to be having a good argument with another female contestant, which seems to have sustained her for an extra hour or so! Eventually the man seems to follow the advice of his supporters and lets her win. Maybe they told him, "what else might she do to win?" She's definitely the deserving winner, as you say, with all our votes!

                  The man who gave her the towel pops back into the house to get it, so I doubt it was thought of before he saw her pee running off the horse and, presumably, he was the nearest to the towel, or had a bit more sympathy than others.

                  After winning, she goes straight over to someone in a cage and kneels in front of him. I don't watch BB, but do they have competitions where the winner gets someone from their team out of a cage that they have been put in for heaven knows what reason?

                  Then there is the award ceremony after she changed and, presumably, had a shower.

                  Patches would be welcome to put this edited clip up on the Patches site like the photo so it lasts longer - looks like she still has access after selling it - but I suspect there would be copyright issues with Indian TV.
                  Last edited by Wet Trousers; October 24, 2016, 02:16 AM.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for editing the clip.
                    I thought it unusual that she didn't seem bothered about the fact she at wet herself and continued sitting in the wet saddle. Even afterwards she walked around like nothing was wrong. In a western BB I'm sure they'd be making a scene.


                    • #11
                      Excellent work, Wet Trousers, many thanks! I made a download of more than 257 MB while the scenes of interest need only one tenth of it.

                      And I really like the girl ;-)


                      • #12
                        I saw this, too. Very hot real wetting.

