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Rory's Morning Coffee -- Fanfiction

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  • Rory's Morning Coffee -- Fanfiction


    Rory was happy. It had been a long and busy week for the senior honor student but today was Friday and she had the whole weekend to look forward to. As the pretty and popular brunette drove to school that sunny and crisp November morning, she had a lot on her mind. As she pulled into the student parking lot at Chilton Academy that morning she gulped down some more coffee. Rory just loved her coffee. Rory considered herself a morning person but that was only after she had her coffee -- that is, lots and lots of coffee. And, as she regularly did, she had a large coffee with her as she drove to school this morning.

    As she parks and steps out of her car, she carefully straightens her blouse and uniform skirt and checks herself in her car mirrors. Chilton Academy is an elite private school with very strict rules and the school uniform is one of them. The last thing she wants on this Friday morning -- with the whole weekend to look forward to -- is to get in trouble at school. Traffic had been light and the drive to school was unusually easy that morning. Accordingly, Rory still has a good bit of coffee left in her big gulp that morning. As she grabs her books and heads through the parking lot, she decides to finish her coffee on the way. As that coffee does it’s magic in bringing Rory back to life that morning, and Rory heads into school, she is definitely feeling good on this beautiful Autumn Friday.

    But suddenly, Rory’s bliss is interrupted by the shrill voice of the Assistant Headmistress. “Miss Gilmore!, what is that I see?” she asks Rory, a tinge of anger in her voice. Rory is startled at first and isn’t sure what Mrs. Smith is talking about. But then she realizes that she still has her coffee cup in her hand. Rory had unfortunately forgotten to finish her coffee in the parking lot and throw the cup away before she entered the school. “I’m sorry, Ma’am,” she quickly tells the Assistant Headmistress, “I wasn’t thinking -- I guess I just forgot to get rid of it before I came in.” But Mrs. Smith, who is in charge of discipline at Chilton, was a stickler for the rules and she wasn’t about to let it slide that easily.

    “Obviously, you know that there are rules against food and drink outside the cafeteria,” Mrs. Smith lectures her, “As I recall, you’ve been spoken to about this several times before.” “Yes, Ma’am,” Rory acknowledges, obviously hoping that contrition mixed with her record of usually exemplary behavior, will buy her some leniency. That and the fact that drinking coffee in the school hallway hardly seems to be a grievous offense. But Mrs. Smith, in addition to being strict, has a good memory. She knows that Rory has been caught with coffee like this several times before. “You’ve been warned about this several times before, haven’t you?” she asks Rory, but it’s more a rhetorical question than anything else. “Yes, Ma’am,” Rory, once again, obediently answers. She realizes that Mrs. Smith is annoyed, but this hardly being a serious offense, she remains hopeful that another warning -- perhaps a sterner warning this time -- will suffice. But Mrs. Smith has other ideas.

    “Obviously, this has become a bad habit with you,” she tells Rory in a stern tone, “Apparently, you need a reminder to help you remember where food and drink are allowed and not allowed at this school.” Mrs. Smith then directs that Rory follow her. At first, the pretty and popular senior doesn’t know where they are going, but she has a feeling she isn’t going to like it. Rory follows her down the hall to the classroom across from the Headmaster’s office. Officially, it’s “Classroom 0” but everyone knows it simply as “The Punishment Room.” In a nutshell, it was where girls were taken to be punished. They used it for Detention, In-School Suspension, and for various other disciplinary matters. Rory wasn’t quite sure what was going to happen next, but she was pretty sure she wasn’t going to like it.

    “I’m sorry Rory, but you’ve been previously warned about your coffee drinking outside the school cafeteria,” Mrs. Smith lecture here, “And obviously you’ve been warned about more than once.” She then points to a desk in the room and tells Rory to sit down. “I’m not saying it’s a serious offense, but it’s obviously a lesson you’ve yet to learn,” Mrs. Smith lectures her, “And obviously just speaking to you about it isn’t going to solve the problem.” The Assistant Headmistress then turns and picks up a piece of chalk. She writes on the blackboard, “I will not drink coffee or consume any other food and beverage outside the cafeteria at Chilton Academy again.” She then tells Rory that for punishment, she’ll have to write that sentence 100 times.

    While obviously not intending to be disrespectful, Rory can’t help but give Mrs. Smith a look. She can’t even remember the last time she had to write lines for punishment. “Don’t you think that’s rather juvenile?” she asks Mrs. Smith. “Well, it’s pretty juvenile, don’t you think, to keep forgetting that food and drink is not allowed outside the cafeteria,” she suggests, “But I’m hoping that after writing it 100 times, you’re going to remember it next time.” “And if you don’t remember,” Mrs. Smith further suggests, “Next time we’ll have to make it 500 times.” Rory is annoyed both at being punished for this at all and especially at having to write lines like a grade schooler. But she’s smart enough to know that sometimes it’s pointless to argue and she knows that this is one of those times. And as juvenile as her punishment may be, 100 times isn’t all that bad and the last thing she wants to do is make it worse by arguing.

    But before getting down to it, Rory has got some other business -- some suddenly urgent business -- that she needs to take care of first. “Um….Mrs. Smith?” Rory asks as she raises her hand, “May I please go to the girls’ room?” This time it’s Mrs. Smith giving Rory an annoyed look. She doesn’t actually tell Rory “no” verbally, but with that look on her face she doesn’t need to. But Rory doesn’t feel like she can wait. “Please, Mrs. Smith , I really need to use the lavatory,” the pretty brunette pleads, “Please ma’am -- I really need to go now.” But the strict Assistant Headmistress just isn’t buying it. “I’m sure you went when you first got up this morning,” Mrs. Smith tells her, “That couldn’t have been all that long ago.” “A girl your age ought to be able to hold it in much longer than that,” she explains to Rory, “Maybe you might be uncomfortable for a little while, but I certainly think you can wait until after you finish your lines.” Perhaps Mrs. Smith has a point (and Rory not only went when she first got up this morning but she went again before she left for school), but given all the coffee Rory drank this morning, she really does need the toilet again. She tries to explain all this to Mrs. Smith, but the Assistant Headmistress not only is unsympathetic to her plight, but actually kind of like the poetic justice involved in this situation.

    “Maybe if you hadn‘t drunk so much coffee this morning you wouldn‘t have to go to the bathroom again so soon,” she suggests to the pretty honor student, “Perhaps you should consider that maybe your coffee drinking habit has gotten bit out of hand if it has a girl your age constantly running back and forth to the bathroom.” “Maybe you should seriously think about much coffee you are drinking, Rory,” Mrs. Smith further suggests, “First it lands you in the punishment room writing lines and now it’s giving you issues with controlling your bladder.” That -- especially that latter statement -- annoys Rory. Obviously (at least to Rory) it isn’t so much that she has trouble controlling her bladder -- it’s just that she needs to go quite frequently. But rather than argue with her on that point, Rory simply pleads her case about needing the bathroom. “Please ma’am, I guess it is all that coffee I drank, but I really do have to go,” Rory pleads, “Please ma’am, I really don’t want to have an accident.” But Mrs. Smith scoffs at that notion. “Somehow I think you‘re going to be able to hold it in,” she tells Rory, “Just because you’re uncomfortable holding it in, doesn’t mean you’re going to have an accident.” “You just sit there and hold it while you write your 100 sentences,” Mrs. Smiths orders her sternly, “Let that be another incentive not to be drinking coffee in the hallways again.” “If you really have to go as bad as you say, I suggest you get started,” she says, pointing the paper on Rory’s desk, “The sooner you finish your lines, the sooner you get to the go to the girls’ room.”

    Rory has no choice but to pick up her pen and get to work. As her bladder continues to push for relief, Rory tries to remind herself that it’s only 100 times and it really shouldn’t take all that long to finish. She actually WANTS to believe what Mrs. Smith said -- specifically, that she’ll be uncomfortable holding it in, but, at her age, she can certainly hold it in long enough to avoid actually having an accident. But Rory quickly realizes that though only 100 times, it’s a particularly long sentence to write and it’s taking a lot longer than she expected. And trying to maintain control over a painfully full bladder while doing it, certainly isn’t making it any easier. As more and more of coffee makes it’s way through her system and into her already suffering bladder, it’s just getting worse and worse for Rory. As she sits and writes, it rapidly goes for uncomfortable to very uncomfortable to downright painful. Rory keeps trying to remind herself that she’s too old to wet herself, but now she seriously starts to question whether she’s going to make it to the toilet or not. And that, along with the writer’s cramp that’s she’s only starting to experience, is only serving to make it even longer that she has to wait.

    Still, only halfway done, Rory was beyond desperate -- a few squirts of pee having already escaped into her panties. She once again pleads with Mrs. Smith to let her go. “Please Mrs. Smith, PLEASE!” Rory pleads, “I really have to go bad.” “I can’t wait -- I really have to go now,” she pleads further, now almost crying, “Please, Mrs. Smith -- please don’t make me wet myself.” Rory isn’t sure whether Mrs. Smith believes her and is just being cruel or whether Mrs. Smith believes that she is being over-dramatic. Rory only knows that she’s desperate and Mrs. Smith isn’t letting her go. “You’re NOT going to wet yourself,” Mrs. Smith tells her, matter-of-factly, “You better NOT have an accident in here, Rory.”

    Rory’s bladder, however, seems to have other ideas. As she goes back to writing, she only feels more and more desperate. More and more squirts of pee escape beyond her control and each squirt seems to last longer and longer before Rory can regain control. “You’re 18 years old, Rory,” Mrs. Smith reminds her, “If you really can’t hold it in through 100 lines, you really do need to think about how much coffee you are drinking.” “And we are really going to have a problem if you have an accident here,” she tells Rory, sternly. But Rory realizes that she really does have a problem now. At this point, she’s not even actually holding it in. With squirt after squirt escaping as it is, she’s only wetting her pants slower than if she’d completely lose control and pee all at once.

    Most girls her age would simply get up and go to the girls’ room in spite of not having permission to do so. But the impeccably behaved Rory isn’t typically one to defy her teachers. Still, the squirts of pee are gradually wetting her panties worse and worse and Rory begins to realize that she’s probably only moments away from completely losing it and totally flooding those panties. So far, with only squirts in her panties, she knows she can hide it from the others. But with the flood that she knows is coming, and if that comes in her panties rather than the toilet, they’ll be no way to maintain her dignity. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Smith but I really have to do now and there’s NOW and there’s no way I can hold it,” Rory tells the Assistant Headmistress. And as Rory says that she gets out of her seat and starts toward the door. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t ……………….,” Rory starts to say as she takes a few steps toward the door. Rory doesn’t even get to finish the sentence -- those few steps are enough to swing open the flood gates. It’s as if the girl’s bladder simply had a mind of it’s own and just decided that it had been held long enough.

    Suddenly, Rory finds herself standing there with warm pee running down both legs. It starts just gushing out into her panties and her panties -- a bit wet already from the squirts it absorbed earlier -- simply can’t absorb any more. As the warm pee flows freely now from the poor girl’s bladder, it rolls in two steady streams all the way down to her socks and shoes. In no time at all, even Rory’s socks can’t absorb the flow and a puddle of pee starts forming at her feet. Rory at first tries to clamp down the flow but when she realizes that it’s pointless only prolonging her agony, she just lets go completely and lets the warm pee flow. Humiliating as it is, she can’t deny that the feeling of relief -- after holding it in as painfully long as she did -- is quite sweet in it’s own way. Rory -- at 18 and pretty much a full-grown adult -- just stands there in front of the Assistant Headmistress at her school, freely wetting herself. I suppose it would be worse if she were wearing jeans or pants rather than a skirt, but the flow is so great and the coffee-induce pee so voluminous, that even standing up, the skirt begins to take up some of the flow. Rory stands there in a trance-like state in a strange combination of utter humiliation and sweet relief as the warm pee continues to flow freely down both her legs.

    “Stop it, Stop It -- Stop it, NOW!,” Mrs. Smith yells at her, suddenly drawing Rory back to the reality of what is going on. But even if Rory could stop it, what would be the point now. Eventually, the pee slows to only a trickle and by now, Rory does get a hold of herself and her bladder. But by this point, the puddle on the floor beneath her is such that it’s hard to believe that it all came from only one person. As Rory more and more regains her senses -- with Mrs. Smith yelling at her the whole time -- she starts to fully feel the humiliation of what she’s just done. She then runs crying from the room. With her bladder now all but completely empty, it may seem pointless to now run for the girls’ room, but what else is a girl to do in a situation such as this.

    In the girls’ room, in a stall, Rory quickly takes off her skirt, pulls down her sopping wet panties and sits crying on the toilet. Suddenly, she’s aware of her rather urgent to do a bowel movement and Rory does that right there. With all the pressure on her bladder, she was unaware of needing to go #2, as well. Rory can only be thankful that she didn’t also do that in her panties. As bad as wetting herself was, she knows that having an accident the other way would have been even worse. Suddenly, the bell rings ending first period that morning. As the girls’ room fills with girls between class periods, Rory just sits there on the toilet trying to be inconspicuous. The four minute passing time passes without incident and by the time the bell rings again, Rory is once again alone in the bathroom. Mrs. Smith comes to check on her. She knocks on Rory’s stall door and tells her to take care of herself and then return to finish the punishment writing assignment. She admonishes Rory for being “immature” in wetting herself. The comment enrages Rory -- well, as enraged as the mild-mannered Rory can get -- but she’s still too distraught and embarrassed to respond.

    Taking the toilet paper Rory, of course, wipes herself from the bowel movement. She then takes more toilet paper and dries herself. That’s a bigger job than usual, of course, as she has to dry herself down both thighs all the way to her feet. Her socks are wet, too, but she can’t worry about that now. Naked from the waist, she takes her skirt over the hot-air hand dryers and dries it as best she can. Fortunately, no one comes into the girls’ room while she does. Her first thought is to do the same with her panties. But the thought of putting her thoroughly peed-in panties back on, is repulsive to her. The skirt was only wet in spots whereas the panties were thoroughly soaked with pee. Instead, she just puts her panties in the garbage can, carefully covering them with other garbage. Putting her skirt back on, she decides to go “commando” for the rest of the day. Fortunately -- it being Friday -- she doesn’t have gym class today.

    Returning back to the punishment room, Mrs. Smith seems annoyed at Rory for taking so long in the bathroom. Rory feels like telling her that it wouldn’t have taken so long if she had just been allowed to go to the girls’ room when she needed to, but she wisely holds her tongue. In the meantime, Mrs. Smith had gotten a mop and a janitor’s was bucket. Mrs. Smith then makes Rory mop up her puddle on the floor. Rory is even more amazed now at the volume pee she left on the floor. That done, Rory quickly gets back to work on her 100 times. With the pressure of holding her bladder now relieved, Rory is able to focus entirely on the writing and she gets that done in due course. That done, Rory is given a pass to return to class, but not before Mrs. Smith orders her to report to her after school for detention.

    Returning to class, Rory remains optimistic that she can still keep her wetting accident a secret from the other kids. She doesn’t think anyone saw her running for the bathroom in her wet skirt and checking her skirt now, it shows no signs of having been wet. But Chilton is a small school and somehow the word gets around. I guess the news of a girl Rory’s age wetting herself in school is just too big to keep a secret. Rory is about as well liked as anyone could possibly be, but this is just one of those things that the others can’t help but tease someone about. Rory spends most of her lunch period crying in the girls’ room from the teasing she gets and the shame it brings. When she goes to pee later, some other girls applaud her for using the toilet. And on top of all of this, Mrs. Smith still wants to see her for detention after school. Maybe, Rory begins to wonder, Mrs. Smith wants to apologize for not letting her go to the girls’ room when she obviously had to go quite badly.

    But reporting to Mrs. Smith after school, Rory finds that not only is the Assistant Headmistress unwilling to apologize, but even angrier than before. In fact, she blames Rory for wetting herself. “Needless to say, I’m very disappointed in you, Rory,” Mrs. Smith lectures her, “I really hope that you’re thoroughly ashamed of yourself for what you did.” For Rory, it’s like adding insult to injury. “Chilton Academy has very high standards, young lady,” Mrs. Smith continues to lecture her, “Obviously, we don’t allow students to wet themselves here.” Rory just stands there too stunned to even speak. Was Mrs. Smith really blaming Rory for wetting herself? Did she somehow think that Rory had done it on purpose? Did she really not know that Rory would give just about anything to erase the humiliation of what happened to her today? “How old are you, Rory?” she asks rhetorically, “Don’t you think you’re a little too old to be wetting your pants?” Her harsh words reduce the usually articulate Rory to tears.

    Mrs. Smith doesn’t actually make her stay for detention -- Chilton doesn’t normally have detentions on Friday afternoons -- but instead hands her a sheet of paper. Written across the top of the paper is the sentence, “I must learn to maintain better control of my bodily functions in school.” Rory just stands there stunned as Mrs. Smith explains that instead of detention, Rory is going to have to do another writing assignment. This time, though, the punishment is going to be 500 times. “Write your 500 times over the weekend and hand it in first thing Monday morning,” she tells Rory, “And have your mother sign it, too.” “Maybe next time, you‘ll think twice before you make a puddle on my floor,” Mrs. Smith continues, “And if it’s not on my desk by first period Monday morning, it’s going to be 1,000 times.” Rory wants to argue but, recalling what was undoubtedly the most shameful moment of young life, she can’t seem to form the words. Besides, arguing would have probably gotten her the 1,000 times then and there.

    At home, Rory goes to work writing her 500 lines. She thinks not only about wetting herself in school but how this weekend that she looked so forward to had turned into this. The punishment assignment, of course, takes up a good portion of her weekend. By Sunday night, she can just about write that stupid sentence in her sleep. She’s embarrassed to show her mom her sentences but her mom not only doesn’t blame Rory for wetting herself but instead blames the school for not letter her daughter go when she needed to. The only thing she’s actually mad at Rory for, is wasting her time writing those sentences when she hadn’t really done anything wrong. It actually takes Rory some time to calm her mother down and to convince her not to make an issue of it with the school. “That‘s the last thing I want, mom,” Rory pleads with her, “Please mom -- I just want everyone to forget about it.”

    Lorelei eventually accedes to her daughter’s wishes. But still, it’s going to be a long, long, LONG time before ANYONE forgets about poor Rory just peeing herself in the punishment room that day.