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Films that Contain Watersports

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  • Films that Contain Watersports

    Found an interesting link - as it may be a government frequented site - I'm not going to hyper link it to keep this site safe - but there's a good list in there....

    The A list:

    Brown Bath (2006)
    Champagne Showers (1992)
    Cristina's Watery Gift (2006)
    Delicious Bath (2007)
    Disco Bath (2006)
    Golden Shower (2006)
    Goldwater (1989)
    Liquid Gold 2 (1999) (without the "2" in this case)
    Madame Mixture (1991)
    Rain Man (1996)
    Shower Power (2006)
    Summer Rain - Acid Rain (2005)
    Waterfront (1995)
    Watergirls (2002)

    The B list, for when you run out of names above, I suppose:

    Abuso (2004)
    After Fire (1994)
    Alm Bums (1990)
    Ava And Soma (2004) - when you have two informants working together
    Bad Bad Girl (1990)
    Bad Cop (2006)
    Back Alley (2011)
    Bad Influence (2008)
    Bad Teacher (2015)
    Bulldog Brutal (2007)
    Chateau Bizarre (1990)
    Cirque Noir (2005)
    Code Black (2008)
    Connie's Present (2017)
    Dark Fever (1995)
    Deep Impact (2008)
    Delta Lady (1995)
    Dirty Agency (1993)
    Doppel Power (1990)
    Extreme Pleasures (2011)
    Fireworks Woman (1975)
    Fisticuffs (2004)
    Flowerpower Scatgirls (2007)
    Fresh Fountains (1995)
    G Point (1993)
    Go Between (1989)
    Hard X (1994)
    Nasty Maid (2006)
    Old Friends (2006)
    Pig Sty (2003)
    Pony Up (2012)

    Source: https://www.quora.comWhat-are-some-g...with-the-press

    Add a forward slash after .com

  • #2
    Regarding "government frequented site", who cares? Since there are no "community standards" on the internet, and there is no federal law against pee videos, pee videos are legal on the internet. That's why Max Hardcore, and Patches, and WetSet, and (every other pee video producer in the world) distributes over the internet instead of via postal mail.

    Since I see no need for your obfuscation, I have removed it. https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-...with-the-press

    We're not doing anything illegal by being pee pervs. Get a grip, FFS.


    • #3
      Don't tell me to get a grip when you have no fucking idea about laws in other countries... like mine. In some countries downloading overseas digital product in becomes subject to the laws of that country.... so don't be so arrogant next time for the sake of a few who actually need to be careful


      • #4
        Okay, sorry, I hadn't stopped to consider that a country may be less free than the US. But there's still no need to obfuscate the URL (unless you personally have a need).


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bazman
          as it may be a government frequented site
          What makes you think this is a "government frequented site?"



          • #6
            What';s make me think it's a givernmetn frequented site?

            Because our current orange haired idiot POTUS likes Russian hookers to pee on him. That's why.


            • #7
              Lawrence: Read the full link.


              • #8
                Originally posted by PP1
                Lawrence: Read the full link.
                I have read the full link, and I have also looked at the entire web page itself.

                I see nothing which suggests that the site would be "frequented" by government agents.

                Quora is a question-and-answer site that contains only user content. The answers to the questions are often completely inaccurate or unreliable.

                But I think the real issue here is that many readers have misunderstood the question posed on Quora.

                The entire question is tongue-in-cheek. This is NOT a post about government agents talking to the press about watersports.

                The question is a humorous reference to the informant who provided information to the reporters at the Washington Post about Watergate, when Richard Nixon was President in the early 1970s.

                The informant provided information about the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, and the investigative reporting ultimately led to the resignation of Nixon.

                The informant was referred to by the reporters as Deep Throat. This name was, among other things, a reference to the 1972 porn film.

                For reference purposes, here is the question, as it is posted on Quora: What are some good titles of porn movies involving watersports, which might be suitable for government informants to use when talking with the press?

                Taken out of context, I can see how it might be misunderstood. But in context, with the answers, the meaning is clear. The question being asked is this:

                If you are going to be an informant, who leaks information to the press, and you want a cool nickname that is associated with watersports, what film titles are good candidates for your nickname?

                Seriously. That is what this question on Quora means. If you are not from the USA, or if you are too young to know what Watergate was really about, and you don't know who the original Deep Throat was, then I can see how you might misunderstand the question on Quora.

                Government agents are not reading this page on Quora to collect information about watersports.

                Last edited by Lawrence; November 8, 2017, 02:51 PM.


                • #9
                  "Government agents are not reading this page on Quora to collect information about watersports."

                  Thank you for mentioning that. The feds shot their load on watersports when they sent a postal inspector to a small town in Northern Florida to order a Max Hardcore video through the mail. That was when Dubya was president. Even the normally conservative, somewhat whacked 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered his sentence reduced. Max is out of prison. There's nothing more to be said or done about oral or anal or pee or shit or bondage or fisting or anything else (with the obvious exception of kids) as long as it remains on the internet. And I hope it goes without saying that government agents don't do research on Quora. It was a tongue-in-cheek question, FFS.


                  • #10
                    LOL, didn't mean to for anyone to go the that much trouble researching the link, just thought the list had some items of interest.

                    I agree it was tongue in cheek on reflection. I like this site and was being overly protective I guess.

