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One from the past

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  • One from the past

    While relating a story in another section about my ex wife taking a dump in her jodhpurs, I was reminded of something else that occurred around the same time, and thought some of you may find it interesting.
    At the time of meeting my ex wife, she'd had a pretty sheltered upbringing, I was in fact her first boyfriend,she had no decent clothes to speak of, she was usually wearing her horseriding clothes, or a pair of leggings and a T shirt.
    Anyway she moved in with me and after getting married we left the area, ending up living in a different county, in a rather rough area, most of the women were big rough looking types, and as I had gotten her to wear some decent clothes, being very slim she tended to attract a lot of attention from the local males.
    She'd gotten into watersports fairly early on, quite by accident, and although she was happy to wear new clothes they all seemed to hark back to her horseriding days, the pants had to be tight, and she always wore boots, the longer the better.
    I arrived home from work one evening, I'd decided to invite a couple of the local lads round later on for drinks,they were neighbours who I had become friendly with, oddly enough neither of them wanted to bring their wives along, I should have seen what was coming!
    I told Sue that the lads would be arriving around 7 pm and we were going to have a few drinks, she said it was fine, in fact, she said, she'd been out shopping earlier that day and it would give her an excuse to wear her new outfit.
    I was getting ready for the guests, she'd gone upstairs to change, a short while later she entered the room and my jaw dropped! She'd done her hair and make up, but it was what she was wearing that drew my attention.
    A tight white T shirt, a couple of sizes too small, obviously no bra, and a pair of very tight beige leggings that looked like jodhpurs, no panties, and a pair of long black crotch length boots!
    I was just about to say that I didn't think the outfit was really suitable for this evening, when there was a knock at the door, being nearer than me she ran to answer it, she opened the door and the 2 neighbours were stood there, it was obvious from the look on their faces that they liked what they saw.
    She invited them in, and led them into the lounge, bending over to pick up a drink off the table (give them a good look at her arse more like), their eyes were on stalks, they were certainly impressed.
    Several drinks later, things were going great, the lads were enjoying chatting, and I think the eye candy was certainly to their approval, I'd have to be careful here, I didn't want them to think we were swingers, and to be honest I don't think the thought had entered Sue's head.
    I left them in the lounge and went to get more beer from the kitchen, seconds later Sue was behind me, "I'm going to be a naughty girl" she purred, "I'm going to wee in my new pants".
    No way could this happen now, it would send out all the wrong signals to our visitors, "no way, use the bathroom, go!" I replied, sending her upstairs, she returned a few minutes later, I swear there was a small wet patch on her crotch. She perched herself on the arm of the chair and stretched out her long booted legs, rubbing her boots together, she was certainly putting on a show.
    She leaned over and with a giggle whispered in my ear, "I went to the bathroom, but I wee'd in my boots, they're all wet now" she whispered. I looked at her crotch, it was certainly showing a damp patch. A few more drinks and she went off upstairs to the loo, when she came back she'd changed into a pair of black leather riding style boots with brown leather tops, the lads noticed this straight away, they also noticed her nipples seemed more prominent, I wondered what she'd been up to.
    She noticed the lads looking at her boots, got up to get more drinks and on her return as she placed the drinks on the table, "so do you like my boots?" she asked, the lads nodded, "I decided to change my others" she replied, sitting down next to me. A few more drinks followed, I was sure she was trying to brush her arse against the lads as she went past them, then after following me into the kitchen, "I really want to wee in my pants, can I?" she begged, I slipped a hand into the tight pants, she was soaking.
    "look I'll tell you what to do" I replied, "go upstairs, take those boots off, and take a good long piss into them", she smiled, "ok then" and disappeared upstairs, as she sat down, she swung one leg over the other, and giggled, rather too loudly for my liking, "I've just had a wee in my boots". I don't know if the lads heard but if they did they said nothing!
    A while later she disappeared again upstairs and came back a few minutes later, she was now wearing her proper black horseriding boots, "sorry I needed a wee" she said loudly.
    Pretty soon it was time for the evening to end, she saw the lads to the door, they said goodnight and left, she locked up and came back into the lounge.
    "what the hell was all that about?" I asked, she pretended she had no idea what I was on about, and sat down to finish her drink.
    We cleared away the glasses and headed upstairs, she went toward the bathroom, "oh no, this way" I said, pointing toward the bedroom, "but I want a wee" she giggled, "good, now take off those boots" I replied, she sat on the bed and removed her riding boots, "pants down too" I said, she lowered her tight leggings and I handed her one of her boots, "piss in it", she did as she was told, then "now pull up those pants and put the boots on" I told her, she complied immediately. I pulled off her top and laid back on the bed, and began playing with her, she was straddled across me, I had one hand on her tits and the other rubbing her crotch, it was soon soaking, a very visible stain across the front. I pushed her forward onto all fours, lowered her leggings and rode her from behind, very soon there was a large amount of cum dripping into her leggings.
    I rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, "stand here" I said pointing to the floor in front of me, "and take those boots off", they were quite a struggle to remove as they were tight, and her having pissed in one didn't make it any easier. she removed them and stood with them in front of her, I picked one up, and rubbed the long shaft against her crotch, she shivered slightly, "now Piss in it", She went to lower her leggings, "no through them" I replied, pushing the boot firmly against her crotch, seconds later there was a loud hissing sound and I could feel the boot become warm against my hand, when she'd finished I placed it back on the floor. "pick up the other one and come here" I told her, she picked it up and stepped towards me, "down here" I said pointing towards my slightly stiff cock, she held the boot just below it and I began to piss into her boot, when I was done she put it down alongside the other one, "put them back on please" I said, she slipped her feet back into the piss filled boots and stood there, piss in her boots and a large wet patch on her crotch. I told her to get into bed wearing the boots and leggings.
    When I got up for work the following morning I told her that she must wear them all day, the leggings had dried however if you looked closely you could see a stain where she'd pissed in them the night before. She nodded in agreement, "ok fine" she replied, "oh and one more thing, we need some shopping, you'll have to walk down to the shops" I said as I headed for the door. I arrived home that evening, she was still wearing the leggings, the boots still had the piss sloshing around in them, and yes she'd been shopping, I bet she attracted some stares, there was only one thing different, the patch on her crotch was now wet, "well you said I had to wear them all day" she giggled, "and a girl has to wee sometimes".

  • #2
    Wow, what a naughty girl she ended up being, what a shame she is now an ex. Girls like that are hard to find.

    Not sure having feet in a wet boot all day is good for the skin though lol


    • #3

      Originally posted by Bazman
      Wow, what a naughty girl she ended up being, what a shame she is now an ex. Girls like that are hard to find.

      Not sure having feet in a wet boot all day is good for the skin though lol
      Oh man, it went mental in the end, I've posted up about certain events, both on here and other sites in the past, but in case you missed them here's a condensed rundown of some of them,
      1) pissed in a pair of leather pants at the checkout in our local off licence, a bloke was stood behind her at the time.

      2) Same leather pants, in our lounge and she was stood leaning against fireplace talking to her mother, whilst having a drink, boots ended up rather full.

      3) After leaving a pub, decided as we were going to the shops that she needed a piss, I gave her 2 options, in her tight pale blue jeans, or in her boots. Either way we were going round the supermarket, luckily for her the boots didn't leak.

      4) On several occasions while we were at the pub, including once stood at a packed bar, again in leathers.

      5) A small piss into a tight black catsuit while sat in a quiet pub, on the way out she totally flooded it, and her new boots.

      6) A discreet piss in her wetlook lycra leggings while waiting for me outside work. it ran down her legs and into her boots.

      7) In a pair of black leggings and pixie boots, topless, stood by some trees at a local dogging site.

      8 In her jodhpurs and riding boots in the front room of her mums house, her mum was out at the time.

      She was really up for most things involving wetting, to be honest if her family hadn't been such dickheads we'd probably have stayed together, I just got sick of them causing aggro, we moved several times but each time she'd end up telling them where we lived and inviting them round.


      • #4
        Really sucks when family intervenes in your life to the point it ruins a relationship. She sounds like a very daring girl.

        After a few wettings, I bet you could smell her leathers and boots coming


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bazman
          Really sucks when family intervenes in your life to the point it ruins a relationship. She sounds like a very daring girl.

          After a few wettings, I bet you could smell her leathers and boots coming
          Oddly enough mate, given the amount of fluid she drank, they didn't smell, although she did go mental one morning when she got up and found a hole in the crotch of the leathers!
          We'd been out and she was quite drunk, she'd pissed a few times during the evening and her boots were pretty full. Anyway we got back home and carried on drinking until the early hours, then she stands up to take another piss in the pants, looks at me and says "fuck me in my wet leathers".
          I didn't need asking twice, and not thinking I cut a hole in the crotch, put her on her back and fucked her as she pissed, it all stayed in the pants and she loved it, until the morning, when, stone cold sober she found the hole!
          Anyway we got some more pants so nothing lost.

