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  • #31
    Wet Trousers, as far as I can see, Aloo only asked for one specific clip.

    As for Carly's wetting on Tower Bridge, you're only assuming there was hardly anyone there. It was filmed during the day, and the bridge is usually very busy at that time. If John Dare had swung his camera around to people walking by, it would have drawn attention to him and Carly. Why go away from Carly wetting herself? I would rather watch that than see people walk by.

    And again, how do you know nobody saw the wetting in the shopping mall? Just because they weren't caught on John's camera, doesn't mean nobody saw the wettings. You can hear it was busy by the sound of people in the background.

    Going by how busy it was on each location, I'll assume people saw both wettings, while you assume hardly anyone saw them. It's clear we'll never agree on this, so just leave it.
    Last edited by Scotsboy; January 2, 2018, 11:25 AM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Scotsboy
      If John Dare had swung his camera around to people walking by, it would have drawn attention to him and Carly. Why go away from Carly wetting herself? I would rather watch that than see people walk by.
      In some of the public scenes I shot, I would intentionally swing the camera around to get nearby people to look at me rather than the girl or girls who were wetting their pants. I did this to protect them and I tried to make it look like I was a tourist just getting a video of the area. If someone sees a video camera pointed at them, they usually divert their eyes from looking at you and just go about their business. Fortunately I didn't have to do this very often but when I did, it was effective.

      Originally posted by Scotsboy
      And again, how do you know nobody saw the wetting in the shopping mall? Just because they weren't caught on John's camera, doesn't mean nobody saw the wettings. You can hear it was busy by the sound of people in the background.
      Having seen John Dare's videos, I have often suspected that they were edited by adding background sounds to make the scenes appear more public than they actually were. It can be hard to tell since most of John's scenes had 2 or 3 people with video cameras shooting the scenes from different angles that were later edited together. I would think that if 3 people were shooting video of the same person, this would draw more attention to what is being recorded than just 1 person shooting a scene. I may be wrong about this because I have seen video of some of the Japanese street wettings that show 5 or 6 camera men shooting a scene in a very public place and the public just passes by without ever looking at them or the girl wetting herself. Maybe the culture in Japan is different so that the correct thing to do in such situations is "not to stare."


      • #33
        This is my problem with more of the "public" videos. For 99% of them, public simply means "outside." I get it. It's dangerous and illegal more times than not, so I'm not criticizing. I just wish there were videos where I could see that scene play out in full- with someone feigning an accident in front of visible strangers who definitely take notice and somehow react.


        • #34
          Originally posted by AquaVitae
          This is my problem with more of the "public" videos. For 99% of them, public simply means "outside." I get it. It's dangerous and illegal more times than not, so I'm not criticizing. I just wish there were videos where I could see that scene play out in full- with someone feigning an accident in front of visible strangers who definitely take notice and somehow react.

          Many times when I shot videos in public locations, I would co-opt someone (usually a guy) who just happened to be passing by before we began shooting a scene and ask him to interact with the girls as they wet their pants. Some guys accepted the invitation and others didn't after knowing that pictures from the scene would be posted on the Internet. We felt it was safer to invite someone without them having advance notice and also felt their interactions with the girls would be more spontaneous. We did have a couple of guys who didn't want to be in the video but asked if they could watch what the girls did. We gave them permission because the girls all loved an audience!

          There were a few scenes that I shot where nothing was set up in advance and members of the public just stumbled into the scene as we were shooting it. Specifically, these are scenes 7 and 11 in Patches 43, scene 5 in Patches 44, and scene 9 in Patches 45. In that last scene, I always wondered what patrons at the bar and the bartender thought as all the girls streamed out of the men's room with wet pants. Nothing had been set up in advance and permission was never asked. Yet everyone was cheering and clapping as the girls left the rest room right opposite the bar with their wet pants clearly showing. I never would have expected this reaction.

          So, yes AquaVitae, I do have a few scenes like that in my videos!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Patches
            Having seen John Dare's videos, I have often suspected that they were edited by adding background sounds to make the scenes appear more public than they actually were. It can be hard to tell since most of John's scenes had 2 or 3 people with video cameras shooting the scenes from different angles that were later edited together. I would think that if 3 people were shooting video of the same person, this would draw more attention to what is being recorded than just 1 person shooting a scene. I may be wrong about this because I have seen video of some of the Japanese street wettings that show 5 or 6 camera men shooting a scene in a very public place and the public just passes by without ever looking at them or the girl wetting herself. Maybe the culture in Japan is different so that the correct thing to do in such situations is "not to stare."
            Patches is correct. John Dare explained some of his techniques in a blog on his website, incuding identifying some of the problems shooting, like when a model (Kellogg) got arrested, and I have spoken to one of his cameramen. Crowd noise was added (you can sometimes spot if they forgot on one clip) and also the noise of splattering pee (especially in the early videos - there was no separate mic, hence why John is louder than the models, so no way it caught the sound of Drew's pee hitting a stream far below a bridge, for example). I re-edited the DVD footage to remove some of the commentary and the worst of John waving the camera around (the clips I have uploaded being from the result of that) and it is often possible to identify how the footage was slotted together. For example, in the Belgain public pee, you can hear the same words twice on two different cameras (I think the DVD had it three times) to make the pee appear longer than it actually was. In this case, it was worth keeping the different views. In other films, eg, Kate & Emma, the one involving the burger bar and Kellogg, scenes were put on the DVD out of order, which you can tell by the sun position and clothing apparently changing and then back again. The pees were genuine though, if sometimes a little enhanced for DVD.

            @Scotsboy, you can believe whatever scenario you choose to make up if you prefer that. In the shopping centre, the camera was panned round an empty balcony outside the lifts, you would have heard a bong if a lift arrived, the crowd sound is from the concourse below and John said the security guards saw them on CCTV, which they spotted at the time. I am just doing someone a favour and getting criticised for it. No wonder people are reluctant to help others on this board. I'm now back to work after Christmas so won't bother with any other clips. I hope that other people like Aloo appreciate the ones I have done. Uploads get deleted automatically by Sendspace after a while with no downloads, that will be the reason if the links no longer work.

            I'll leave it to Patches to find others that are more to your taste.
            Last edited by Wet Trousers; January 3, 2018, 09:32 AM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Wet Trousers
              Here are the final two:

              I'm not going to bother with the other ones suggested by Scotsboy. There weren't many people around on Tower Bridge because, if there were, 'John Dare' would have swung his camera round to show them. One person walked past afterwards, but that doesn't match Aloo's request, which I took to be for wettings in front of people who could see them. One thing about Carly's wetting was it seems she couldn't hold it any longer, while most X-Streams wettings were deliberate releases. Helen's and Liz's was completely visible to all sitting on the opposite bank as the streams were all down the concrete slope (and one of the cameras was there) and also anyone walking past on the road. Amy's and her mother's in the shopping centre (mall) were not seen by anyone, but probably were caught on security camera, as they got thrown out.

              X-Streams public wettings tended to be where it was public and people were around, but not close by (for obvious reasons). If anyone else can think of any others that do match what Aloo was looking for, let me know and I will see if I can find them. I think there was one in a burger bar, again under a table, but with the pee running out, so that may qualify in the same way as Katie & Emma. John also roped in a few stooges but that was arranged and not genuine passers by.
              Amazing, thanks very much for sharing these. Especially hot as I am very familiar with the sites used

