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Pissy pants smell

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  • Pissy pants smell

    Does anyone like the smell of underwear once they have dried out after they have been peed in?

    For me it started during school when a girl at started sitting beside me in class and at lunchtime. The other students gave her a hard time because of the way she smelt but I never did, and we became friends. When I started going to her house after school I soon discovered she was not only a chronic pants wetter, she also wet her bed. My first sleepover got quite interesting when I realized I was going to be sleeping in her bed and that didn’t seem like a good idea.

    I’m not sure if I slept that night but one thing is for sure I was wide awake the moment she began wetting herself and me at the same time. The sensation felt amazing and smelt amazing, so I just laid there and enjoyed myself.
    When we got up in the morning she didn’t have a shower or change her underwear and she encouraged me to do the same, like she wanted me to be exactly the same as her. I knew I was going to smell like pee the entire day, but I liked the idea. The next night she asked me I also wet my bed then told me it was ok if I wet hers. The comment fascinated me, so I decided to do it just to see how it felt.
    Last edited by mkblain; May 3, 2018, 11:13 PM.

  • #2
    Yes, I really like that smell too on an attractive woman. Have done since 5 years old when starting school and a girl my age wanted to watch me pee then peed for me.


    • #3
      Did you start wetting your pants together?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Wetsy
        Did you start wetting your pants together?
        Yes, we did.

        The Sunday of the sleepover we went to their farm and she suggested I wear my black pants because there weren’t any toilet facilities. Once we got there she kept asking me if I need to pee and when I did she suggested we go walking. As we did she asked me if I had ever peed my pants on purpose then asked me if I wanted to.

        I actually had but never with someone watching but she soon convinced me to do it by wetting her panties while I was watching. After that day we began to do it more and more regularly and I always like watching her and she liked watching me.


        • #5
          My wife has accidents sometimes and doesn't change her panties right away. I love the way they smell. I also love going through the hamper and smelling her pants and panty crotches.


          • #6
            I LOVE the smell of FRESH girl pee. Once, when a girl peed her panties for me (unfortunately, in private) and gave me her pee pee panties, I slept with them next to my head for 2 days. But then the pee started turning to ammonia and I had to throw them out.

            Cum can stay smelling good in a woman's panty indefinitely, it's not quite the same for pee.


            • #7
              I love finding her pants or panties in the hamper after an accident, even if it's a small accident. I love hearing stories about others finding peed panties in the hamper or trash, but there's not many out there


              • #8
                I think women have stopped using hampers because of guys like us.


                • #9
                  Hi Peevert

                  Maybe some but definitely not all.

                  One of my friends wife's must know I like smelling dirty panties because she has been giving me hers after she has a shower. The last couple of time I have been at there house she has told me when she is having a shower then puts her panties in the front of my underwear after she does.


                  • #10
                    My wife wet her panties for me the other day. She then rinsed them out in the shower and threw them in the laundry hamper. I did the laundry two days later and even though she rinsed them her panties smelt strongly of pee. Very sexy.


                    • #11
                      Since being 70+ with an enlarged prostate and
                      issues that come with it, I can occasionally during the day dribble a bit into my briefs when the urge to pee hits with force. My wife and I share a box of panty liners and I stick one in the front of my briefs. They hold a lot of squirts. Yes, I've experimented how much! They won't hold emptying my bladder but they hold leakage. Sometimes when I can finally use the toilet, especially when I'm wearing lounge shorts at home, I'll just pull the loose pant leg back with the side of my briefs and pee without using the zipper, quicker and easier. Sometimes I can smell my pee on the pad. Not strong but a wiffs worth. Kinda cool!


                      • #12
                        Turn on

                        Very little gets me going more than the stains and smell of pee soaked and dried pants. I routinely pee my pants, let dry and re-wear.

