Chill Dude. I'm first in line here to marry Patches
Everybody forming lines...I was one of the *first* people to have Patches' original VHS in my hands, and traded hundreds of messages with her on the old a.s.w. newsgroup, so you can get behind me.
I have lost track of her but I talked with her husband by phone about 4 years ago and he told me that they had gotten divorced. So unless Melissa has gotten married again, she is available. However, I have no idea where she is or even how to find her. I don't even know how to reach her ex any more because his phone number has changed as well as his address.
In case any of you want an update on Jennifer, I lost track of her also but then I got an email from her about a year ago (or maybe a little longer) and she told me she had cancer. She didn't say if it was curable and I didn't ask. I have not heard from her since.
What a shame about Jennifer. She did the hottest scene I have ever seen from Patches, which was the niagara falls scene, followed by the mcdonalds pee.
However, in my opinion, the sexiest model Patches has had was Brie...beautiful smile and perfect ass!
I am still in touch with Pockets but she lives in another city now.
@ Moosehead68:
Jennifer did that sexy scene at Niagara Falls where she stood on Table Rock overlooking the falls and wet her jeans right in front of hundreds of tourists. However, she did not do a scene at McDonalds. You may be thinking of a scene from the same video which was shot inside a cafeteria with a view toward to Falls. She accidentally dropped a dish of jello while sitting at the table eating. Then when this young male employee came over to clean up the broken glass, she sat there and wet her pants.
Jennifer was one of the most brazen of our models. She would wet herself almost anywhere. It took a lot of courage to wet herself inside a radio station while on the air broadcasting live. She wet her panties as a demonstration in front of about 20 guys while the radio host described all the action for his listeners. This was the opening scene of Patches 27 is anyone remembers it.
Regarding Brie, it is funny you should mention her because I thought she was quite cute and would attract a following. However, most customers liked Melissa and Jennifer more than Brie. I do not know where Brie is today either. I lost track of her in December 1999 after we shot Patches 36. I heard from the other girls that she moved to Arizona to live close to her mother but I don't know which city she moved to.