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Katie part 5

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  • Katie part 5

    Katie woke up that morning smiling, happy that she was dry for the first time in a while. But when she shifted her weight and turned over, she could hear the crinkling of her, and her smile evaporated. Katie softly grazed her butt to check her diaper, and confirmed what she had suspected, she wet herself again. Almost routine now, Katie got up, pulled off her pull up and stashed it in a bin that she hid under bed, which she later took out with the rest of the trash to the main dumpster outside her apartment, that way her roommates wouldn’t find out. Then cleaned up and got ready for her day, after all she had to give a presentation for one of her classes and wanted to look her best.

    Katie wanted to show off her curvy figure, while still looking professional, and opted for a pair of tight grey business slacks, which showed off her curvy butt, and a light blue button down blouse, which was tight enough to show off her B-cup breasts but not show too much cleavage. She also tied her dark curly hair in a loose ponytail, and threw it over one shoulder. She looked at herself in the mirror one more time, “cute” she thought to herself as she checked out her cute butt in those tight light grey pants. She was running a little late however, so she quickly grabbed her morning cup of coffee, threw in her wet diaper with the rest of the trash and swung by the main dumpster outside before heading towards her presentation.

    As Katie was walking towards her classroom, she started to feel a slight urge to pee. She looked up at the clock, 9:27 it read, and her research class started at 9:30 and she didn’t want to be late with all the presentations going on, her professor docked people who missed out on others presentations and her grade wasn’t the best as it was.

    Katie walked to the front row of the 60 desk room quickly, which had 3 different platforms, each with three rows of students and set her things next to her friend Stacy. Stacy was cute, not at curvy as Katie was with her small B cup breasts but very pretty nonetheless. She had straight blonde hair, and was a little younger looking, but had a decent figure. As Katie sat down she could feel a small twinge in her bladder, but thought she could easily make it until after class. The professor, a fairly attractive middle aged woman began speaking just as she sat down. “Hi” Katie whispered quietly to her friend. Her friend looked over at her “you ready for your presentation today” Katie whispered back “yeah, I just wish that I didn’t have to go last, I’d rather just get it over with.” Stacy just looked over at her and shrugged, and they both starting listening to the lecture.

    The first presenter was up, and Katie was already mind numbingly bored, she didn’t know how she could listen to 7 different presentations about peoples research projects, and to top it off she could feel her bladder slowly filling up.

    Katie had her legs tightly crossed, her need wasn’t urgent yet but with these boring presentations going on and nothing to distract her she couldn’t help but think about sneaking off the bathroom. Once the first presenter was done she raised her hand slightly and softly asked the professor “can I use the restroom really quick”. The professor looked at her sympathetically and said, “sorry, but I can’t have people walking in when others are presenting, you’ll just have to wait.” Katie just slumped down in her desk, shifted her butt from side to side and re-crossed her legs “I can last an hour or so” she thought to herself as she looked at the clock.

    Twenty minutes later Katie was still sitting with her legs crossed tight as some guy in her class was droning on about his research methodology a student in the back of the class accidentally dropped a text book on the floor creating a loud “thud”. Katie jumped up in shock, and as she did so feel her bladder spasm and her pee rush through her. Luckily though Katie was able to clench her muscles, and stop it just as she could feel it hit the tip of it’s breaking point. She instinctively looked down at her crotch, but there was no leak at all. Worried about her current predicament Katie grazed her butt with both hands as she leaded back in her chair and firmly threw her thighs together. She looked at the clock, 40 minutes until the end of class, and two more people in front of her until she had to present.

    Through the next few presentations Katie couldn’t sit still, she sat back in her chair with her thighs crossed as tight as possible, constantly wiggling her hips back and forth and tapping her foot. Some of the other students in class began to notice this, however no one said anything aloud.

    It was finally Katie’s turn to present, she slowly uncrossed her legs and shifted in her seat to get up and took a deep breathe before so. She placed her hands on the desk and slowly swung her hips out of the chair while still bending down to rummage through her purse in order to find her flash drive. Her butt looked spectacular in that position and the guys seemed to notice as she was bending over in her tight grey slacks. As Katie stood up right she felt the tiniest spurt escape her definitely not enough to be visible, but enough to turn her face red as she walked over to the computer in the front of the room to prepare her slide show. Katie knew that with all of these eyes on her she had to stay still but her bladder just wouldn’t allow it, as she lifted her left knee to press her thighs together as she stood waiting for the application to load. Once it was ready she tucked a fray strand of hair behind her ear, tried to compose herself and walked out to the center of the room where she could present. “hi everyone, for those of you who don’t know me I’m Katie” she began obviously nervous. As she went on she tried not to fidget too much, but couldn’t help but shuffle her feet, and constantly shift her weight from side to side. And then her voice cracked “I have some graphs to show this trend in the date” and embarrassed she looked at her friend Stacy in the front row who smiled sympathetically thinking it was just her nerves. Katie walked over to the computer to bring up the graphs for her data and felt a short spurt of warmth hit her panties. She quickly bit her lip, raised her knee high and pressed her palm hard into her mid thigh. She felt the pee hit her biking cut white panties, and the tiniest wet patch began to form on her grey pants. The entire class was looking on as this gorgeous college student was on the verge of having an accident. Katie went on for about 30 more seconds, still fidgeting like crazy while presented and then her voiced cracked again “ here you can see that the data shows” and she paused as her voice cracked. “sorry” she said shyly and continues. Two girls in the back row started to giggle “it looks she had to pee” one of them whispered. As Katie looked at them they quickly shut up. “sorry” Katie repeated not virtually in tears “as the data shows… there …” and Katie voice trailed off as her eyes began to water. The entire class looked at her awestruck, not entirely what was going on, some could tell she needed to pee and other just thought she was incredibly nervous as Katie just stood there helpless. She tried to continue “if you look at this…” but after a few words she gasped, covered her mouth with both hands and froze. She couldn’t hold it back anymore. Katie let go a strong five second stream in her pants. Sweaty, and hair hanging in her face she looked down at her crotch, hand still over her mouth and watched a dark patch quickly appear, first traveling upwards on her right thigh, creating a hand sized circle from her belt to mid leg, and then travel down her inner thigh, almost touching her knee. She slowed raised her head to look at the class of sixty, half of them gawking and starring, the other half couldn’t help but giggle amongst themselves. She clearly heard one girl say “did she really just pee her pants” as she was laughing. Katie in tears looked over to her professor who just looked stared in amazement “do what you need to do” and Katie jogged over picked up her purse and ran out of the room. When she turned around hearing a very loud laughter coming from the room as they noticed she had a serving plate sized wet patch on her curvy butt.

    Katie jogged to the bathroom, covering her purse to try and hide herself as best as possible. Luckily there was no one in the hallway, and Katie was able to finish peeing in the toilet. She sat on the toilet seat sobbing for little while before finally pulling back on her tight grey pants, which felt heavy and wet against her thighs and butt and walking towards the public bathroom mirror. She was examining the damage in the mirror, and the damage was incredibly visible with those tight light grey slacks. Crotch drenched up to her belt on the right side, and a stream coming down to her knee on both her thighs, not to mention how wet her backside was. Just then, a strawberry blonde in a sorority t- shirt walked in and her eyes widened and mouth dropped when she saw Katie. Katie looked up in horror at her, and could do nothing but bite her lip and slump out of the bathroom.
    Luckily Katie was parked close, and didn’t encounter anyone else on the way back to her apartment.
    This could be the last part of the story just because I'm getting a little tired of it. however I am a professional film maker (I'm an associate producer for a national show on basic cable) and thinking about making a series of videos. however I have no idea where to find the girls, and I can't risk using my professional resources to find some, any suggestions to find some? i'm open to ideas... however I do realize this most likely work out, and don't know how to keep my identity secret.