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Public Wetting Advice

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  • Public Wetting Advice

    I am thinking of trying my first public wetting, but I`m kinda nervse about it. I was just wanting to know how those of you who do it how you go about it. Do you go to a store by your house or do you go a town or 2 away to avoid being seen by someone you know. I would like to hear from both the men and ladies about it and maybe a story about the first time you do it.

  • #2
    Wetting in places where you're known can be problematic....at some
    point in the future you're almost certainly going to have to face
    people that you know. Most of them won't mind, but there's always the
    chance of being embarassed in front of someone you want to impress. On
    the other hand, if you relish a bit of embarassment (as many of us do),
    the feelings are magnified considerably over wetting yourself among
    strangers. When I wet my pants in places where I'm known, I usually
    try to be somewhat discrete....wear black jeans that don't show much,
    wear rain gear if appropriate, or at least a long coat that covers a
    damp crotch.

    Other times, away from my neighborhood and among strangers I throw
    caution to the winds - wear tan khakis or faded jeans that show the wet
    stain to maximum advantage. I like to load up on water or tea,
    sometimes take an OTC diuretic before I venture out, then steer clear
    of restrooms until I literally can't hold it any longer. This has the
    attraction of "randomizing" the accident and makes it "real".
    Anticipation is half the fun....I know I'm going to have a public
    accident, but not exactly when or where.

    A couple of my more gratifying public "accidents" have centered around
    a large street fair held in a medium-sized city nearby. A multi-day
    event with parades, performers, concerts in the park, food & beer
    vendors, etc...and not many toilet facilities. Because of the crowds,
    downtown parking is non-existant. I always parked at an outlying lot
    and caught a shuttle bus in to the festivities. Made sure I was
    well-primed beforehand, then wandered around taking in the sights until
    the inevitable loss of control. Then of course, the long walk of shame
    back through the crowds to the bus stop, and the damp shuttle ride back
    to my car . Sometimes, the return trip would take so long I'd wet a
    second time before it was over. Maximum exposure, maximum
    embarassment/excitement, lots of sidelong stares, chuckles and ribald
    comments, all of which I cherished.

    The point of this is not to brag on my own exploits, but to say that if
    you're experimenting with public wetting, just go out and do it. Do it
    right, throw caution and shyness to the winds and you'll have a great

    Oh, and don't forget to post and let us know how it goes.


    • #3
      Certainly go to a town were you are not known, then I find the embarrassment does not matter. I like to find a que or toilets that are closed for cleaning, and act desperate. I usually pee myself when I am near to the front of a cue. I like to wear khaki or a light colour shorts. Once you start peeing you will find it difficult to contol, just let it flow.


      • #4
        I agree that stunts like this ought to be done where no one knows you.

        As I posted below, my boyfriend and I enjoy wetting games in the bedroom, but I always said I would NEVER do it in public, even though that is his biggest fantasy. Then came the night, two weeks ago, when we were leaving the local tavern, got into a mock wrestling match in the parking lot that ended with him holding me against the side of his car and tickling me until I wet my pants.

        That was when we noticed, much to my shock, two guys exiting the tavern and walking through the parking lot.

        We don't know how much they saw, if anything. My boyfriend was powerfully aroused, I was a mixture of aroused and terrified.

        It was so intense that we knew we had to do it again. On Friday night we drove down south, stayed at a hotel at one of the Indian gaming casinos, a place which also has great hiking nearby, which is actually more our style than the gambling. Just before we checked out on Sunday, I did some role-playing as "the girl who gets so addicted to the slot machines that even the need to pee cannot pull her away."

        The "gambling addict" persona was a role I played -- in reality I don't have any interest in gambling. The wet pants were real. My boyfriend held me by the arm as I walked "the walk of shame" out to our car.

        For me personally, this is a form of sexual exhibitionism. You can say that most people don't find it sexual. You can say any darn thing you please. But pardon me, if a woman wets her pants, people are compelled to stare, just as if they were staring at a car crash. If every man in the room is compelled to stare at your crotch and your rear end, and if he is likewise compelled to be wondering about your underwear.... excuse me, but how can that NOT be sexual?

        I am fairly certain I will pull similar stunts in the future. My boyfriend goes NUTS with passion!!! But I would never risk doing it in town, where I might be seen by someone I know.


        • #5
          Maximum exposure, maximum
          embarassment/excitement, lots of sidelong stares, chuckles and ribald
          comments, all of which I cherished.
          This is why I like WetSet.
          At other forums I frequent, this sort of comment would elicit dozens of comments about how inappropriate that is, how one shouldn't expose others to your fetish, and such. :s Anyway, it's just some wet pants, and no one knows you did it on purpose. Perhaps a few onlookers will cherish the memory and 'enjoy' it on their own time.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Creepymouse
            This is why I like WetSet.
            At other forums I frequent, this sort of comment would elicit dozens of comments about how inappropriate that is, how one shouldn't expose others to your fetish, and such. :s Anyway, it's just some wet pants, and no one knows you did it on purpose. Perhaps a few onlookers will cherish the memory and 'enjoy' it on their own time.
            Yes. I've heard plenty of those comments, particularly from another forum where I used to post frequently. I don't buy that line of reasoning. In my experience, people just aren't that concerned about the tender feelings of others. Some are, I suppose, but mostly it's a cop-out. The person that claims it's wrong to "expose others to my fetish" is likely to be to hung-up on their self-image, too shy and possibly not sufficiently brave to do anything like wetting themselves publically. "It's not appropriate" is just an excuse.
            Why can't they be honest and simply say "I haven't got the balls to do that"?

            If I actually thought I was harming anyone by being wet in public, I wouldn't do it either. But the simple fact is that people do wet themselves. Anyone that has never seen anyone wet themselves - for any reason - has likely led a very sheltered life. I do not believe that seeing a grown man in pissed jeans is going to traumatize anyone or do them a lasting injury. In my experience, most people don't notice at all....and if they do it's more a curiosity item than anything else.

            I'm reminded of one time when I soaked my pants and left a large puddle while filling my car at a self-serve gas stop. I squished into the store, red-faced, to pay for the gas, the attendants on duty were two attractive young coeds, probably from the local college. The one taking my money asked "did you spill your coffee?" I told her "no, I wet myself before I could get inside to use the restroom". She and her partner both turned red and burst out laughing. I'm sure the incident provided some conversational anecdotes for the two of them for some time afterwards....at least I hope it did

            One other point bears mention....wetting in public is about exhibition, as Maria pointed out. It is embarassing, in a good way. Embarassment is not the same thing as humiliation. Humiliation is about how you see yourself, embarassment is about how others see you, a milder and even pleasurable feeling. When I piss my pants in public, I am often embarassed, but never humiliated. In fact I feel rather proud of myself.
            Last edited by J_R; May 9, 2011, 07:06 AM.

