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Courtney Pees Her Pants (YT)

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  • Courtney Pees Her Pants (YT)



  • #2
    Thanks! And another one from the same girl:


    Spot becomes very visible around the 0:41 second mark.


    • #3
      It's gone, did anyone save it?

      Please if you find a good youtube take the time to save it, all you need to do is add save to the url as in www.SAVEyoutube.com/watch?v=..., it will take you to a site where you can download it.


      • #4
        I got the first one, the second wasn't that good (you only see wetness for a second or two).



        • #5

          Look how fast the posts are removed, I think that other guy was correct when he said that YT must be logging where hits are from. I know that the user has removed both of them I think again some people are putting comments that are shocking to someone who is not in our community so please don't comment on these video unless you know its from pro film makers.

          Thank you



          • #6
            I still don't understand why so many members of this community can't follow three simple rules when it comes to YouTube.

            #1: DON'T LINK DIRECTLY

            #2: DON'T COMMENT


            Seriously... is it so hard that you people can't figure it out or is it that you're just too fucking LAZY and SELFISH and can't be bothered with it?


            • #7
              Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
              #1: DON'T LINK DIRECTLY
              This is the most important.

              Technical explanation: when you follow a clickable link, your browser tells the page you're going to exactly where you came from (google 'referer header'). That means that in YouTube Insight (in the Discovery section, if you're wondering), the owner of these videos will have been able to see http://wetset.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1175 and find this thread. That's probably why it was removed by it's owner. There was a message posted here recently quoting an email from YouTube saying that they delete videos linked to from 'adult websites' too. They find out about the link in exactly the same way.

              If you don't link directly, this forum's address is not transmitted to YouTube and the owner of the vid (and Youtube) have no way to know there's a link to their video from here. So don't make the links clickable and the videos will be around for much longer. All you should need to do is UN-check the "Automatically parse links in text" box underneath where you write your post.
              Last edited by xxxxx; May 31, 2011, 10:24 AM. Reason: Fixed typo :P


              • #8
                Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
                I still don't understand why so many members of this community can't follow three simple rules when it comes to YouTube.

                #1: DON'T LINK DIRECTLY

                #2: DON'T COMMENT

                #3: SAVE BEFORE POSTING LINK

                Seriously... is it so hard that you people can't figure it out or is it that you're just too fucking LAZY and SELFISH and can't be bothered with it?

                *psst* Don't tell Peevert, he'll be upset.


                • #9
                  If I see I direct link here (of whatever kind), I not only shake my head but

                  COPY the link,

                  then open a new firefox session and PASTE the link in order to open it only then.

                  So, please, if anybody did not care and posted a direct link here, do not click it! It takes little effort to enjoy it without spoiling it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot

                    #1: DON'T LINK DIRECTLY

                    #2: DON'T COMMENT

                    #3: SAVE BEFORE POSTING LINK
                    I'm not buying the direct link theory. Since the user removed it, it's clearly the comments that brought it down. Travis, pipi, you two are to blame for posting the link without saving it first. Seriously, how much effort does that take?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Peevert
                      Since the user removed it, it's clearly the comments that brought it down. Travis, pipi, you two are to blame for posting the link without saving it first. Seriously, how much effort does that take?
                      Two things. First of all, Youtube has an insight feature that allows you to see precisely which website people are viewing your video from (though it isn't detailed enough to give the exact thread, as someone earlier claimed), meaning it wasn't definitely the comments. They easily could have seen they were getting a bunch of referrals from a fetish board and then took it down of their own accord based on that. I'm not saying you're definitely wrong, but it could have been either the comments, the referrals, or both.

                      Second thing, I actually both saved and posted the video of interest a few posts into the thread. Everyone seems to be very angry about the fact that the original poster didn't save it and I'm not sure if it's just because he should have been the one to do it (which is true) or if everyone missed that I posted the file. If you all knew it was there and are just yelling at the original poster, ignore this paragraph.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ellipsis
                        Second thing, I actually both saved and posted the video of interest a few posts into the thread. Everyone seems to be very angry about the fact that the original poster didn't save it and I'm not sure if it's just because he should have been the one to do it (which is true) or if everyone missed that I posted the file. If you all knew it was there and are just yelling at the original poster, ignore this paragraph.
                        You, Sir, are a credit to perverts and peeverts everywhere.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Peevert
                          Travis, pipi, you two are to blame for posting the link without saving it first. Seriously, how much effort does that take?

                          Ever hear the old axiom about not biting the hand that feeds you?


                          All you've accomplished with your accusatory whining is making damned sure that I'm not going to bother posting any links at all anymore on this board. You can go search Youtube yourself and post them in whatever unparsed fucking fashion you see fit.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Major Travis
                            Ever hear the old axiom about not biting the hand that feeds you?


                            All you've accomplished with your accusatory whining is making damned sure that I'm not going to bother posting any links at all anymore on this board. You can go search Youtube yourself and post them in whatever unparsed fucking fashion you see fit.
                            Exactly my thoughts. Of course I saved it PV. And I already posted it on Sendspace, just didn't give the link yet. And I won't anymore. And post no YT links either in here anymore. Because of Mr. Peevert that only complains and whines about everything. Go look for them yourself asshole. I've had it with you. You managed to ruin the fun of this board for me. (And I'm sure not only for me)



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by pipi
                              Exactly my thoughts. Of course I saved it PV. And I already posted it on Sendspace, just didn't give the link yet. And I won't anymore. And post no YT links either in here anymore. Because of Mr. Peevert that only complains and whines about everything. Go look for them yourself asshole. I've had it with you. You managed to ruin the fun of this board for me. (And I'm sure not only for me)


                              It's true, Peevert is a bit of a whiner and hypocrite.

