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Courtney Pees Her Pants (YT)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Major Travis
    All you've accomplished with your accusatory whining is making damned sure that I'm not going to bother posting any links at all anymore on this board.
    GOOD. Thank you. Now I can find material myself on YouTube that hasn't been deleted because of your stupidity.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Peevert
      GOOD. Thank you. Now I can find material myself on YouTube that hasn't been deleted because of your stupidity.

      Or you could have just politely asked me to upload the saved video, instead of calling me a fucking idiot for not saving it, without even bothering to verify whether or not I had done so.

      Fact is, I did save both of them. But not a single person in this thread even bothered to ask me politely to upload the saved file. People just demanded it and/or screamed like tizzied little girls about it not being saved.

      Ultimately, where does being a whinging, accusatory, insulting, self-absorbed jerk-off get you in life? It doesn't get you friends, it doesn't get you rich, it doesn't get you laid...hell, in this case, it doesn't even get you internet videos of girls peeing their pants.

      So what, really, is the point of acting like an asshole every day of your life? You get some sort of twisted gratification from making total strangers dislike you for being an irritable, callous jerk? Might be time to give the old therapist a call and double your weekly dose of whatever it is you're being prescribed in order to cope with humanity.
      Last edited by Major Travis; June 1, 2011, 07:46 AM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Major Travis
        Ultimately, where does being a whinging, accusatory, insulting, self-absorbed jerk-off get you in life?

        ..."whatever it is you're being prescribed in order to cope with humanity"...
        Apparently whatever he's being prescribed is prescribed for being a whining, accusatory, insulting, self-absorbed jerk-off. I thought it was hilarious that be posted a picture of himself as his avatar for a while. What a shock it was to find that he looked every bit the part of the fat, boorish, socially maladjusted instigator he plays so often on these boards.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ellipsis
          I got the first one, the second wasn't that good (you only see wetness for a second or two).

          Is anyone able to upload the second one please?


