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Miss USA Pees her pants!

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  • #16
    youtube....desperate..about to pee outside


    This one is good!


    • #17
      youtube....desperate..about to pee outside


      This one is good!


      • #18
        Remember, the vaginal area is very warm and wet, especially if the woman is nervous. And I'm sure she was. Or, she might have peed backstage and leaked a little? Either way, it did look erotic to me!


        • #19
          Look at the shadow on her inner thigh in the last photo above. It is a continuation of the "wet patch"
          Much as I want to think of such a sexy lady wetting herself, or being so desperate to pee that she cannot avoid wetting in such a public place, I do not think that the pictures/videos are such an incident.

          Consider: this is the biggst event in the lady's career, so she would do 'anything' to avoid such an embarrassing accident. Somehow I do not believe that a fit adult could not hold her pee for a few minutes while on stage. If she really was so desperate that her pee was starting to leak out, she might have tried to stage an accident, like falling over, fainting, or feeling sick from nerves, to get off the stage before her pee leaked out. Even a hand between her legs might have been better than a wet pathc for everyone to see, (and video.)
          I want to see her desperate and unable to hold back her pee for another second, but her expression does not indicate extreme distress that would result from wetting in public.
          In my experience, when you are desperate to the point of 'leaking' One leak is soon followed by another, and another....
          Could she have been rushed out of the toilet after her 'last minute precaution' pee and not drained or wiped properly???
          If she was suffering from some urinary infection that reduced her ability to hold her pee, maybe she would have used 'panty liners' to soak up the leaks.

          This is a good fantsy, so why spoil it by too much analysis. Sorry for being such a nerd.


          • #20
            I think we can say beyond all reasonable doubt that it is most definetely a wet patch. Speculation as to its origin is therefore perfectly reasonable. As to whether she actually peed herself, I'm not sure. Even for a fit, healthy adult, nerves can sometimes prove too much. The theory that she used the toilet backstage and didn't bother to wipe and/or maybe pulled her pants up before she was quite finished due to pressures of time, is one which finds favour with me. If she'd undertaken a long journey to get there, i.e. home was several dozen if not hundreds of miles from the stage, that would be a reasonable explanation. As American members here will no be quick to assure us, public toilets in the States tend to be few and far between.

