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Festive clip

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  • Festive clip

    Very old but still one of the most daring and best, I dont think that Santa will ever know just how lucky he was:


    Happy Christmas to you all (apart from Kingplant lmao)

  • #2
    It's staged. I remember this. I cant say whether santa is involved, but the cameraman and girl are doing this for a piss clip. Johhny Dare type stuff


    • #3
      added note

      in the original clip, her face is shown. Someone has taken this clip and blocked the face to make it seem real


      • #4
        This is an old school Patches clip. If I remember correctly from the video description Santa was not in on the gig.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
          This is an old school Patches clip. If I remember correctly from the video description Santa was not in on the gig.
          I remember it from patches site too. In fact I still have the original video that I got from her site when I was a member lots of years ago.

          Patches was the very first site I ever saw when I got connected to the net on an old dial up connection.

          Who remembers a time when the download speeds meant to had to be a member of a wetting site for six months to get all their 30 past movies.

          When I first came on the net it was with a 9,500baud modem that I built myself.


          • #6
            Yes Patches was a pioneer in this. Still the coolest in my books


            • #7
              That scene is from Patches 25. It is Melissa sitting on Santa's lap. Her face was always blocked because she did not want her face shown on my site without her face being pixelated or blocked.

              There is a story behind that scene. After the scene was shot, Melissa went up to the girl who was taking pictures of every "child" who sat on Santa's lap. She was selling prints to anyone who wanted to buy them. When the girl showed Melissa to print sheet, she asked her which ones she wanted to buy. Melissa told her "all of them." Then the girl looked at the prints for the first time and asked her "Are you sure you want these?" Melissa said yes, paid for them, and left. The girl was very surprised when she saw Melissa in wet pants sitting on Santa's lap in the picture.

              Santa was not aware of what had happened. Melissa was very careful to pee just enough to get the front of her pants wet but not enough for it to soak onto Santa's pants.

              After Melissa left the area where Santa was, she zig-zagged in and out of stores in the mall while going in the general direction of where our car was parked. We had pre-arranged this in case there were any problems. It was a good thing too because a plain clothes security man was following her trying to catch up with her. I saw this because I was following the plain clothes security man as he was following Melissa. He was talking with the security office on his two-way radio. They were probably tracking her movements with the closed circuit cameras in the mall. Melissa managed to elude the security staff by going through racks of clothing on hangers where she could not be seen because she was so short.

              Both Melissa and I eventually exited the mall and met up at our car. Before we drove away, we saw the security man exit the same door where we had come out. Any cameras that were tracking her had lost what direction she went. The security man went diagonally across the parking lot toward the entrance to the mall by the food court. He probably figured she had gone that way because the food court had public restrooms and he may have thought she went there to change. We drove away and I took Melissa out to dinner where we both laughed our asses off as we talking about the scene she had just done.

              I not only treated her to dinner but I gave her a nice bonus for doing such a great scene.


              • #8
                Historical Moment

                I too remember when this video created a buzz way back when. It's really a piece of WS history. It was courageous and ahead of its time for WS clips. Even by todays standards its up there for most daring.

                Also thanks to Patches for the behind the scene account of what happened that day. It was really interesting to find out how it all went down.


                • #9
                  Wow, thanks for the info, Patches. I too have Patches 25 on video. It was one of the first wetting videos I bought, and I loved it! If you don't mind, perhaps you could shed a little light on another scene, that I'm almost certain is from the same video.
                  It involves Desiré. We see her in a scene with Melissa, in which she fails to pee her jeans, but the shot of her holding herself 'naturally', as Melissa wets her jeans is just as erotic as if she had wet herself. When I say naturally, I mean it appears as though she holds herself without thinking about it, or acting for the camera. Just a natural reaction to the desperation she is feeling.
                  Anyway, my question. In the next scene, we see Desiré again. This time, she is in a bedroom, with clothes in her hand. It appears that she is changing clothes between scenes. She is peeing herself uncontrollably, with a towel pressed against her crotch. So, was this a genuine accident? I would love to hear any background information you could provide on the scene.


                  • #10
                    Here's an unedited version:

                    Patches, thank you for the play by play, I had vaguely remembered it from when I first saw it on your site. BTW, if you want me to pull the clip, I will, but it seems pretty harmless at this point.

                    I wonder if "Santa" ever saw the clip...


                    • #11
                      Melissa is one of my favorite Patches girls.

                      @Patches... It's funny how you mentioned Melissa being short when she was ducking through the clothes racks. I always thought she was tall. Does she still make videos?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Patches
                        That scene is from Patches 25. It is Melissa sitting on Santa's lap. Her face was always blocked because she did not want her face shown on my site without her face being pixelated or blocked.

                        There is a story behind that scene. After the scene was shot, Melissa went up to the girl who was taking pictures of every "child" who sat on Santa's lap. She was selling prints to anyone who wanted to buy them. When the girl showed Melissa to print sheet, she asked her which ones she wanted to buy. Melissa told her "all of them." Then the girl looked at the prints for the first time and asked her "Are you sure you want these?" Melissa said yes, paid for them, and left. The girl was very surprised when she saw Melissa in wet pants sitting on Santa's lap in the picture.

                        Santa was not aware of what had happened. Melissa was very careful to pee just enough to get the front of her pants wet but not enough for it to soak onto Santa's pants.

                        After Melissa left the area where Santa was, she zig-zagged in and out of stores in the mall while going in the general direction of where our car was parked. We had pre-arranged this in case there were any problems. It was a good thing too because a plain clothes security man was following her trying to catch up with her. I saw this because I was following the plain clothes security man as he was following Melissa. He was talking with the security office on his two-way radio. They were probably tracking her movements with the closed circuit cameras in the mall. Melissa managed to elude the security staff by going through racks of clothing on hangers where she could not be seen because she was so short.

                        Both Melissa and I eventually exited the mall and met up at our car. Before we drove away, we saw the security man exit the same door where we had come out. Any cameras that were tracking her had lost what direction she went. The security man went diagonally across the parking lot toward the entrance to the mall by the food court. He probably figured she had gone that way because the food court had public restrooms and he may have thought she went there to change. We drove away and I took Melissa out to dinner where we both laughed our asses off as we talking about the scene she had just done.

                        I not only treated her to dinner but I gave her a nice bonus for doing such a great scene.
                        @@@Patches. You said the face was always blocked, but someone posted it with her face showing.???


                        • #13
                          @inyourpants - I don't think Patches 25 had that scene with Desiré that you remember. I think it was Patches 23 or 24 but I would have to look it up. Anyway, that scene with Desiré is a very real loss of control. If you have that scene where you can watch it, the scene starts with her already wetting herself. We turned the camera on when we realized what was happening.

                          @Peevert - you are welcome to leave the clip up. I am not that concerned about old scenes like this. I never complained to YouTube to take down the Santa scene because it was old and because it was a RealVideo clip I had posted on my site anyway as a "freebie." Incidentally, the scene by Niagara Falls was another daring clip, It was so cold that day that Melissa had a hard time peeing and my fingers got numb holding the camcorder. One of the kids on the left side of the screen actually saw Melissa peeing her pants. He blurted out to the rest of his family what Melissa was doing. I panned to the left just in time to catch the part where the mother gathered her kids to leave the area which you can see in the scene. If you turn the volume up high enough, you can hear the kid announcing what Melissa was doing. I got a lot of criticism from some people for doing a scene where children were exposed to watersports. After Patches 25, I was sensitive to this criticism and tried not to do public scenes where children would see what was being done. If you remember the first scene in Patches 25 where Melissa was riding a carousel horse, it sounds like children close by who might be witnessing what Melissa was doing. In that scene, there was a child on a nearby carousel horse but he never saw Melissa wetting herself.

                          @Shann - Melissa does not make videos any more. About seven years ago another video producer wanted Melissa to be in one of his videos and I asked her if she wanted to do it. She told me that she did not want to make any more videos. You can see in the Santa scene how short Melissa is. She was extremely petite. She wore a size zero if she could find it and it was a difficult size to find. Sometimes she actually had to go into the children's department in a store to find clothes that would fit her. She was 21 when she made Patches 25 and as you can see in the video, she looks like she is about 14 or younger because she was so small.

                          @davep - Melissa's face was always blocked in pics and clips on my web site. This was done at her request. I had no control over others who took pics or clips from videos I made and posted them on the web. Melissa would not be concerned about this today because her appearance has changed a lot since this video was made in 1998.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Patches
                            @davep - Melissa's face was always blocked in pics and clips on my web site. This was done at her request. I had no control over others who took pics or clips from videos I made and posted them on the web.
                            Still leaves the question how those others got hold over unedited clips then??


                            • #15
                              vincp40, perhaps they bought the videos from me and then posted unedited clips on the web! Some people do buy material instead of looking only for what they can get for free. If no one bought material from me and other video producers, we would not be in business and then all you could get is what amateurs post for free on the various *Tubes.

