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  • #16
    Yep. Right on!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Patches
      vincp40, perhaps they bought the videos from me and then posted unedited clips on the web! Some people do buy material instead of looking only for what they can get for free. If no one bought material from me and other video producers, we would not be in business and then all you could get is what amateurs post for free on the various *Tubes.
      There is a place for both. I wonder, do you make movies for other people to sell. So if I had a website I could buy from you to sell exclusively on my site.

      Why would you sell the unedited version of the clip when the model specifically asked you not to show her face.


      • #18
        Originally posted by KingPlant
        Why would you sell the unedited version of the clip when the model specifically asked you not to show her face.
        KingPlant, I don't know how to explain it any more clearly than I already have. Let me break it down for you in simply steps:

        1. I put pics and clips on the video description pages on my site. If the model does not want her face shown, I pixelate it or block it her face.

        2. I sell videos on my site. The videos that customers buy do not have any faces blocked or pixelated. The models understand this and are okay with this because they are only concerned about the public exposure on the Internet where some friends or family might recognize them.

        3. Customers sometimes make clips or pics from the unedited videos they buy. Sometimes they post them on the Internet without permission. I cannot control what customers do with the videos they buy. The models know that this can happen because I tell them about this possible risk. I have had a number of girls decline to do video scenes because of this risk. Usually they are college students who do not want to risk future careers because an employer finds out about their involvement in a watersports video. I have also had girls who did video scenes and later got involved in a messy divorce who asked me to remove videos with their scenes from the market because of what a vengeful ex could do to them (especially if there was a custody battle). I have done this to protect the girls even though they signed a model release giving me full rights to the scenes they did. This is why Patches 11, 12, 13, 23, and 24 were removed from the market. Also Patches 30 was re-edited before it was released to remove a couple of scenes and the preview scene from Patches 29 was replaced with a different scene after it was released so the original preview scene showing a girl who asked to have her scenes removed would not be seen.

        Customers do not want to buy videos with the girls faces pixelated so they cannot be seen and any girl who is unwilling to have her face in a video will not be in one of my videos. I protect the girls to the best of my ability but I cannot control customer's actions and what they will do with a video after they buy it.

        I don't know how to explain why I "sell the unedited version of the clip" any clearer than I already have. Hopefully you will understand now.


        • #19
          OK, sorry - didn't think of the option of buying videos... even though I have a number of those things myself, DVD and good old VHS
          (not from Patches, other sources more diaper related)
          (I would be right wondering if it was a website-only thing)

          Originally posted by Patches
          vincp40, perhaps they bought the videos from me and then posted unedited clips on the web! Some people do buy material instead of looking only for what they can get for free. If no one bought material from me and other video producers, we would not be in business and then all you could get is what amateurs post for free on the various *Tubes.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Patches

            2. The videos that customers buy do not have any faces blocked or pixelated.
            This is a full enough explanation Patches I didn't realise that only the trailer was pixilated.


            • #21
              Thanks for the reply, Patches. I always believed that scene with Desiré was a real accident, but it's nice to have it confirmed. As I mentioned, that scene follows directly after a scene when she fails to pee. Is that just coincidence, or is that how it happened on the day?
              Finally, I do have that movie, on VHS, and so I haven't watched it for a long time. Do you know if it's available on DVD?


              • #22
                It was no coincidence, inyourpants. When Desiré couldn't pee in that one scene, her bladder was still very full. She was in the process of changing clothes to do a different scene when all of a sudden, she started leaking uncontrollably and only had time to grab a towel which was on a nearby bed so she could use it to soak up her pee. As this was beginning to happen, we turned the camcorder on because we sometimes captured footage of funny things that happen at a video shoot to give to the models so they have a record of these memories. In this case, it turned out to be good enough to include in a released video as one of the scenes.

                No, it is not available on DVD. If the scene was in Patches 23 or 24, those videos were removed and replaced with Patches Revisited 1 which combined the scenes from Patches 23 and 24 into 1 video without the scenes of the model who asked for videos with scenes she did to be removed from the market. We never made any plans to release this revised video on DVD. If the scene is actually in Patches 25 as you recall, we never planned to release it on DVD because most of the scenes in the video were shot on a lower quality camcorder that was fine for VHS videos but we did not feel the quality was good enough for DVD which has about double the resolution of VHS.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Patches
                  That scene is from Patches 25. It is Melissa sitting on Santa's lap. Her face was always blocked because she did not want her face shown on my site without her face being pixelated or blocked.
                  Yes, Patches, one of the classic public wetting scenes from your videos at the time. Although, I can't remember Melissa's face being blocked in the several videos I saw of her. Did she enjoy wetting herself in her own time? I like to think so!


                  • #24
                    Okay, thanks for the info, Patches, and indeed, thanks for producing such memorable movies! Merry Christmas!

