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Movie Clips

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  • I like this clip very much. It's a beautiful girl with great subtle facial expressions when she feels the warm urine in her panties and down the legs of her jeans. So I created a gif of the best part:

    where wormwood blooms - s01e03 2023_gif 240 x 135.gif

    Full size gif 600 x 338 click here:



    • Originally posted by dalton View Post
      I like this clip very much. It's a beautiful girl with great subtle facial expressions when she feels the warm urine in her panties and down the legs of her jeans. So I created a gif of the best part:
      I saw that somewhere on another site. Does anyone know what film it is from?


      • Look here: https://thepml.net/view/5621/


        • (Pee)

          Schau mich nicht so an
          Don't Look at Me That Way - 2015

          Hedi is the new neighbor of Iva, who raises her daughter Sofia by herself. The two women start a relationship and Iva is desperately in love with Hedi. Suddenly Iva's father appears. Hedi feels strongly attracted to him. It seems that only one world exists for Hedi. Her own.

          Hedi goes on a night out with Iva. When Hedi has to pee, she squats down in the street and pees behind a parked car, almost in public.

          schau mich nicht so an - 2015_cut.mp4

          13.9 MB 00:00:32 1920 x 12080


          schau mich nicht so an - 2015_cut01.jpg


          • Piranha II: The Spawning - 1982 ITNLUS

            A scuba diving instructor, her biochemist boyfriend, and her police chief ex-husband try to link a series of bizarre deaths to a mutant strain of piranha fish whose lair is a sunken freighter ship off a Caribbean island resort.

            Near the end of the movie, Allison (Leslie Graves) appears to have wet her jeans shorts. This is not explained by the plot and some viewers think it's a genuine accident caught on film. A little earlier and later during the same scene, there's no wetness to be seen, so the wetness is not supposed to be there. The actress was 22 at the time of filming.

            Trivia: The actress, Leslie Graves, was married and had two children. On August 23, 1995, she died at the age of 35 of an AIDS-related illness in Los Angeles.

            piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut.mp4

            47.2 MB 1920 x 1036 00:00:46


            piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut01.jpg
            piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut02.jpg


            • The Girl on the Train - 2016 INUS

              Rachel Watson, devastated by her recent divorce, spends her daily commute fantasizing about the seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes every day, until one morning she sees something shocking happen there and becomes entangled in the mystery that unfolds.

              Rachel (Emily Blunt ) suffers from another anxiety attack on the way home by train, followed by a blackout. When she wakes up, her blue panties are lying on the floor, apparently soaked with urine. She apparently has wet her pants during the attack.

              the girl on the train - 2016.mp4

              71,5 MB 00:01:36 3840 x 2160 HQ


              the girl on the train - 2016_01.jpg
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              the girl on the train - 2016_03.jpg


              • Ray Donovan - S01E07 New Birthday 2013 USTV

                Set in the sprawling mecca of the rich and famous, Ray Donovan does the dirty work for LA's top power players, and makes their problems disappear. His father's unexpected release from prison sets off a chain of events that shakes the Donovan family to its core.

                Abby and Deb (Denise Crosby) get drunk at lunch and go shopping for really expensive stuff on Rodeo Drive. Deb spends $5,000 and Abby, contemplating a hot pair of boots, decides she wants to shoplift them. She tells Deb to run for it and they do. A security guard chases them and they’re so drunk they fall down on the sidewalk. Deb pees herself laughing, shouting: 'I'm peeing!'. The scene has been described as "tame but realistic."

                ray donovan - s01e07 new birthday_cut.mp4

                39.3 MB 00:00:38 1920 x 1080


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                • Originally posted by dalton View Post
                  Piranha II: The Spawning - 1982 ITNLUS

                  A scuba diving instructor, her biochemist boyfriend, and her police chief ex-husband try to link a series of bizarre deaths to a mutant strain of piranha fish whose lair is a sunken freighter ship off a Caribbean island resort.

                  Near the end of the movie, Allison (Leslie Graves) appears to have wet her jeans shorts. This is not explained by the plot and some viewers think it's a genuine accident caught on film. A little earlier and later during the same scene, there's no wetness to be seen, so the wetness is not supposed to be there. The actress was 22 at the time of filming.

                  Trivia: The actress, Leslie Graves, was married and had two children. On August 23, 1995, she died at the age of 35 of an AIDS-related illness in Los Angeles.

                  piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut.mp4
                  Awesome movie by director James Cameron (Terminator). But he doesn't like to talk about it LMAO. To really appreciate it, you gotta watch the original film, Pirhana, which is based on a script by John Sayles (Passion Fish, The Secret of Roan Inish, Lone Star). Steven Spielberg called Piranha "the best of the Jaws rip-offs."

                  If it's got hot girls in bikinis getting eaten alive by fish, it's gotta be a good flick.

                  Too bad Leslie Graves died of AIDS. I would have liked to e-mail her and ask her if it she really pissed her pants in that boat. But that was Hollywood in the 80s, man. Lots of unprotected sex.

                  FYI: Piranha is a Portuguese word. In Spanish, it is Piraña, with a tilde, like the word mañana. Sounds way cooler when you pronounce it the way it was meant to be pronounced, i.e., pee-RAN-yah

                  (See what I did there?)


                  • Originally posted by dalton View Post
                    Piranha II: The Spawning - 1982 ITNLUS

                    Near the end of the movie, Allison (Leslie Graves) appears to have wet her jeans shorts. This is not explained by the plot and some viewers think it's a genuine accident caught on film. A little earlier and later during the same scene, there's no wetness to be seen, so the wetness is not supposed to be there. The actress was 22 at the time of filming.
                    Okay, that's dumb LOL Why would a girl pee in her pants on a boat in that situation?

                    Why not just take off your clothes, get in the water and pee there?

                    Okay, wait a minute... lemmee think about this...

                    So if it was part of the plot, and the absence of wetness in later shots is just low-budget discontinuity...

                    Okay, I guess you probably wouldn't want to get in the water if there are man-eating fish in the water

                    Or was it supposeed to be a fear wetting?

                    And if it was not in the script and it was a genuine accident, well, I guess maybe you wouldn't want to get naked with all those cameras around and a guy in the boat who is not really your boyfriend, but just some B-movie actor


                    • Well, it might be wishful thinking on my side. I think this scene has been discussed 25 years ago. I've included some more screenshots of the scene, shortly before and after the wet pants screenshot (with increased brightness). I think there's a chance that this is a real, genuine wetting caught on film. The plot doesn't explain the wetness and during the rest of the scene there's no wetness on her shorts at all.

                      The stain is typical the kind of stain you expect after a little accident. It's not caused by sitting in water, nor by wet bikini bottoms. I think filming a scene like this might take many hours. The actress was on that little boat for a long time and it's likely there was no, or very limited, access to a bathroom. She could not have jumped overboard. Then she would have been all wet and it might have been dangerous and embarrassing too, to jump of a boat like that.

                      Plus, the production had hired an expensive helicopter and the scene was not without danger. So, everybody was concentrated on filming the scene and not on bathroom breaks.

                      Remember, Leslie Graves was only 22 at the time. Her bladder was not yet fully stable. She might have been nervous for the scene and the sea water and perhaps the turbulence caused by the helicopter (if it was filmed like that for real) might have caused some shivering, and ... oops! She released some pee in her pants....

                      Just a theory on my side

                      piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut01.jpg
                      piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut02.jpg
                      piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut03.jpg
                      piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut04.jpg
                      piranha II the spawning - 1981_cut05.jpg

                      Originally posted by Lawrence View Post

                      Okay, that's dumb LOL Why would a girl pee in her pants on a boat in that situation?

                      Why not just take off your clothes, get in the water and pee there?

                      Okay, wait a minute... lemmee think about this...

                      So if it was part of the plot, and the absence of wetness in later shots is just low-budget discontinuity...

                      Okay, I guess you probably wouldn't want to get in the water if there are man-eating fish in the water

                      Or was it supposeed to be a fear wetting?

                      And if it was not in the script and it was a genuine accident, well, I guess maybe you wouldn't want to get naked with all those cameras around and a guy in the boat who is not really your boyfriend, but just some B-movie actor


                      • Horrorscope - 2019 ES

                        An ordinary schoolgirl's life unravels after an evil creature takes over her body. Only her mother, with the help of a strange doctor, will be able to save her.

                        The possessed daughter (Claudia Trujillo) pees down her leg (for only a second). A small puddle is seen on the floor. The actress was 24 years old at the time of shooting.

                        horrorscope _ short horror comedy film - 2019.mp4
                        2,37 MB 00:00:18 1920 x 804

                        Full movie:

                        horrorscope _ short horror comedy film - 2019_01.jpg
                        horrorscope _ short horror comedy film - 2019_02.jpg


                        • Bloody Trip: The Equinox Killer (2024, YouTube movie)

                          Three friends decide to spend a wild weekend away from the usual routine but end up stumbling upon a satanic ritual.

                          At the start of the movie, a blonde girl named Emily (Daiana Petronella) walks slowly away from her bicycle in a field. She is injured and very scared. The girl is wearing a thin summer dress and white basketball shoes. Moments later, she begins to pant softly, grabs a branch and urinates down her legs, while holding her crotch. The urine runs down to her shoes.


                          deadly getaway - bloody trip - the equinox killer_cut.mp4
                          8.75 MB 00:01:25 1920 x 720

                          deadly getaway - bloody trip - the equinox killer_cut01.jpg
                          deadly getaway - bloody trip - the equinox killer_cut02.jpg
                          deadly getaway - bloody trip - the equinox killer_cut03.jpg
                          deadly getaway - bloody trip - the equinox killer_cut04.jpg


                          • Anthropoid - 2016

                            In December 1941, Czech soldiers Jozef Gabcík and Jan Kubiš parachute into their occupied homeland to assassinate Nazi officer Reinhard Heydrich.

                            A woman wets herself when she is interrogated by Germans (1:26:30). One of the Nazis notices it and says: 'Really?' The wetting scene is part of the plot, because the woman asks permission to clean herself up in the bathroom. There she commits suicide by taking a poisonous pill.

                            anthropoid - 2016_cut.mp4
                            37.2 MB 00:01:47 1920 x 800


                            anthropoid - 2016_cut01.jpg
                            anthropoid - 2016_cut02.jpg
                            anthropoid - 2016_cut03.jpg


                            • Groland (or Groland Sat 2001 - 2002) News Anchor peed in her dress

                              Does anyone have more info on this, or a better version of this video? This is from a French TV news parody series Groland, but I think this scene is from Groland Sat, the 5th show in the series, which aired from 2002 to 2002 on Canal+. The character is news anchor Chantal Lazure, played by actress Aurélia Petit (18 April 1971). After the broadcast, she look behind her a little worried. As she walks away she appears to have peed in her dress.The damp spot isn't explained or mentioned , other then Chantal Lazure is always nervous backstage, but she turns into the news queen during the broadcast.

                              start at 6:20 h**ps://youtu.be/53sJ7jqJQ0s?si=ZrzwgDWamdI5Soxi

                              groland - chantal lazure_cut.mp4
                              2.13 MB 00:00:56 320 x 240 LQ


                              groland - chantal lazure_cut01.jpg
                              groland - chantal lazure_cut01b.jpg

                              groland - chantal lazure_cut02.jpg
                              groland - chantal lazure_cut03.jpg
                              Last edited by dalton; March 18, 2025, 09:42 PM.


                              • Plerng Torranong - 2011 E12

                                Plerng Toranong is a drama encompassing family conflicts, individual struggles to achieve their ambitions and romance. The premise of the story surrounds Plerngrit Chatiyotin (Mario Maurer) who lived a humble life in the fishing village of Ranong with his parents Pipat and Phongpeo for the better part of twenty years. However his life goes on a complete 180 degree turn when he learned that he is the grandson of Kon Ying Thongthra, owner and operator of Thailand’s number one diamond company, Thai Diamond.

                                A young couple are at the beach together when the girl Namfon (Taew Natapohn Tameeruks) needs to pee. She is shown mildly desperate before heading off by herself. She then starts screaming because a tarantula is on her leg. The guy (Peung) rescues her but sees that she has peed in her brown shorts. Any wetness is shown for only a second, and is difficult to discern despite being on both her shorts and legs. She acts embarrassed but also grins as she knows this will turn him on.

                                The actress was 22 at the time of shooting.

                                plerng torranong - 2012 e12_cut.mp4
                                4.54 MB 00:02:46 640 x 360 LQ


                                plerng torranong - 2012 e12_cut01.jpg
                                plerng torranong - 2012 e12_cut02.jpg
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                                plerng torranong - 2012 e12_cut04.jpg

