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  • #46
    El Jardín de Bronce - S02E06 2019

    Moira (Maite Lanata) wets her grey sweat pants in fear at the end of a therapy session when she gets flashbacks of witnessing a man being killed. Later in the episode Moira arrives home, still wearing her wet pants and a jacket wrapped around her waist.

    The actress was 18 at the time of shooting.

    el jardin de bronce - s02e06 2019_cut.mkv
    31.3 MB 00:02:54 1280 x 720


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    Last edited by dalton; November 28, 2022, 06:56 PM.


    • #47
      Triple 9 - 2016

      A bank employee wets herself during a robbery creating a large dark patch on the carpet she is lying on.

      triple 9 - 2016_cut.mkv
      7.36 MB 00:00:50 720 x 302


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      Last edited by dalton; October 17, 2022, 02:01 AM.


      • #48
        I quickly browsed trough the third episode of season 2, but the story writers seem to have dropped this part of the story line, also to the astonishment of the fans of the show. I would have loved to see her wearing diapers and a tank top to bed.

        Originally posted by xazomaras View Post

        somewhere i read we have and third bedwetting scene in this series


        • #49
          J'embrasse pas - 1991

          A young woman, played by Emmanuelle Béart, is locked up in a police cell. She becomes desperate to pee, but the officers refuse to let her out. Finally she starts to cry. Her male friend, who is with her, holds her hands, while she empties her bladder into her pants. A yellow puddle is formed onto the floor. Later the man is waiting for her release at the prison gate, offering her newly bought clothes.

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          • #50
            Body 19 - 2007

            Thai horror. A university student pees in her skirt in class while having flashbacks to her abusive childhood. A splattering sound is heard, and the pee is shown running down her legs and dripping from her chair. At the same time strange streaks appear on her skin.

            body 19 - 2007.mp4

            32.8 MB 00:03:29 720 x 304


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            • #51
              Detective Story - 2007

              A detective and a businessman search for a serial killer who removes people's organs. Takashima and Mika are at an art gallery together, when Mika tells him that she has to pee. Instead of going off to a bathroom, she stands in the middle of the gallery and begins peeing down her leg, while wearing a short. She smiles and says she couldn't hold it. Then, she is shown with a towel wrapped around her middle, washing her white pee panties out in a sink, while her shorts and shoes are already hanging at a washing rope to dry.

              detective story - 2007_cut.mp4

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              • #52
                Some Girls - 2012 (2014) S03E01

                In this episode the ditzy Amber (she's the blonde in the pleated skirt) looses her phone through a front door letterbox. She waits outside while her friends try and retrieve it, announcing a few time she 'needs the toilet', 'needs a wee' and 'needs the loo' She even has an unwise drink of soda while she waits.. she ends up laughing too hard when she realizes she has the key and starts peeing. 'I'm having an accident!', she shouts, while a stream comes from under her skirt, forming a puddle. The funny thing is that a male friend, who works as a street sweeper, explains the accident: 'It's called giggle incontinence, it's a form of urge incontinence.'.

                The actress was 21 at the time of shooting this episode

                some girls - 2012 s03e01_cut.mp4

                23.8 MB 00:01:46 1280 x 720


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                Last edited by dalton; November 3, 2022, 09:30 AM.


                • #53
                  A Dark Song - 2016

                  A determined young woman and a damaged occultist risk their lives and souls to perform a dangerous ritual that will grant them what they want.

                  In this scene, Sophia (Catherine Walker) is performing a ritual requiring her to sit inside a circle for two days. At one point in a montage we see a puddle of urine form around her. This wetting incident is not followed up or discussed later. It's just this wetting scene.

                  a dark song 2016_cut.mp4

                  11.1 MB - 00:01:50 1280 x 534


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                  • #54
                    Woman wets herself while watching football on TV... caused by jumping up and down cheering a goal.


                    Young, but not too young. Old enough to have bladder leaks from having babies. Hot Latina girl.

                    File size is about 4MB and the video is under 30 seconds. Large wet spot visible on her jeans. We get a front view first, then a back view as she heads upstairs to change her clothes.

                    Great accident, clearly genuine and not staged.

                    Sorry, I meant to post this in the "real accidents" thread.
                    Last edited by Lawrence; November 13, 2022, 02:40 PM.


                    • #55
                      Sobrenatural - 1996

                      Something strange is going on in Dolores' apartment house--or is it mainly in Dolores' head that the strangeness lies... When her best friend Eva is murdered on her doorstep, and her husband begins to have violent nightmares, it appears that there is definitely something amiss in the world of delusional Dolores.

                      In this scene, Dolores (Susana Zabaleta) becomes terrified. She looks down when she realizes urine is running down her legs, while wearing a skirt. Afterwards she mops up the pee with toilet paper.

                      sobrenatural 1996 - susana zabaleta_cut.mp4
                      4.69 MB 00:01:24 720 x 480


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                      • #56
                        Smuggling in Suburbia - 2019

                        A young blonde woman (Shelby Yardley) pees herself from fear after witnessing the leader off a diamond smuggling ring kill another woman, who was stealing diamonds from him. The woman is sitting on a kitchen chair when she pees, wearing pale blue cutt-off jeans, but unfortunately we only see pee dropping down from the chair and we do not see her bum when she walks away.

                        The actress was 27 at the time of shooting.

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                        80.4 MB 00:01:57 1920 x 1080


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                        • #57
                          Sun Choke - 2015

                          Janie is recovering from a a violent psychotic break, when she develops an obsession with a young woman, Savannah, that she feels an inexplicable yet profound connection to.

                          In this scene, Savannah is tied up to a chair. She tells Janie that she has to go to the bathroom. A little later, Janie gives Savannah an electric shock, using a remote controlled dog shock collar. This causes her bladder to empty. The pee accident apparently brings Janie out of her psychosis for the moment and Savannah is allowed to take a bath.


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                          Last edited by dalton; November 28, 2022, 06:48 PM.


                          • #58
                            Overdose - 2022

                            A couple of prisoners are transported by the police. The SUV they're traveling in comes to a total stand still, because of a traffic accident. Vanessa Sanchez (Naïma Rodric) says that she has to pee, but is told to hold it. Shew replies she can't and then the camera pans down to her crotch as pee is running out of her leather shorts. This is only seen for a second and a half.

                            In the confusion this causes, the prisoners try to escape, by overwhelming the officers.

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                            40.5 MB 1280 x 720 00:01:39


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                            • #59
                              Beautiful Sisters: Flesh Slave - 1986 JP

                              A maniac breaks into the apartment of two sisters and abuses them sexually and physically until they turn the tables.

                              A woman wets herself when threatened by a man with a knife. Her panty hose are partly down at the time, but she's still wearing her panties and she pees through them. We see a view from below and one from behind (looking through her legs at another woman). Later we see her sitting on the bathroom floor to take a shower.

                              ** Warning: violence, kidnapping, rape, nudity ***

                              beautiful sisters flesh slaves 1986_cut.mp4
                              27.0 MB 00:03:15 700 x 460


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                              Last edited by dalton; December 5, 2022, 09:44 PM.


                              • #60
                                This is a clip from a TV series called Men of a Certain Age. Don't know which episode. Prior to finding this, I had never heard of the series.

                                No actual peeing or wetness is seen. But it has some great dialogue around a woman's desperation while stuck in a traffic jam. He is driving and she is in the passenger seat.

                                The show is a comedy, and there are certainly some elements of humor in the dialogue. But on balance, it is presented in a way that is fairly realistic. Within the fictional setting of the show, the desperation is presented as real, and genuine distressing to her. The desperation itself is not funny. What's funny is that he doesn't get it. He does not understand how serious it is until it is too late. She makes it out of the car but wets her pants on the doorstep. Unfortunately, nothing is shown. But the scene is very well done, and it may be of interest to those with a good imagination.



                                I have not been able to identify the actress with certainty. The series only had two seasons, and she only appeared in a couple episodes. It was apparently a minor role. The video description identifies the character as "Terry's girlfriend," but the Wikipedia entry for the series contains no reference to such a character. The actress may be Melinda McGraw, who played Barbara Gordon in The Dark Knight, and had roles in Mad Men and The West Wing.
                                Last edited by Lawrence; December 6, 2022, 01:00 PM.

