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Update on great Aussie athlete Jessica Hull

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  • #18
    Originally posted by dalton View Post
    Thank you Internet developers!
    Girls going pee pee in their pants. That's why Al Gore invented the internet!


    • #19
      Originally posted by vincp40 View Post
      AUSPRAYLIA would have been the approriate text on het shorts
      Ill Spray Ya. I wonder if the girls behind her ever get sprayed.


      • #20
        She took part in the 3000m diamond league event at Lausanne on Friday and appeared to wet halfway through (she stayed dry at the commonwealth games after the big wetting at the worlds), wasn't any great closeup footage as she was midfield, but might be some new photo's.


        • #21
          A pissy panty tumblr, including some pics of Jessica Hull: https://peterwolf0001.tumblr.com/

          Some of the videos are low quality, because, well, tumblr is tumblr.

          BTW if you're into skirt peeing, as I am, search for this: "Nasty girl peeing on herself in downtown San Diego" Nothing nasty about her! She has her skirt pulled up a bit to keep it dry. She sits there peeing in her thong panties while having dinner with friends.
          Last edited by Peevert; August 29, 2022, 07:05 PM.


          • #22
            I don't have a real update on this lovely girl, other than she has recently married, but I did however find a series of pictures. Now, it's nothing new, I've seen 2 pictures of this series before, but this time I found 9 pictures of the event in which Mrs. Hull had an accident in her green tight running shorts. All in an acceptable 2000 x 1333 resolution with a jpg-quality of 75%.

            I've uploaded them in a zip-file. Right click and unzip:


            Hull_SM_27_610 x 407.jpg
            Last edited by dalton; December 22, 2022, 07:09 AM.


            • #23
              Originally posted by dalton View Post
              I just realized: times have changed. When I was young, people did not yet have Internet at home and there were no flat-screens yet. When I was watching women's athletics, sitting before a huge and heavy TV-set, staring at the women's tight athletics shorts, I could only dream of seeing anything like we see now so often.

              Amazing, when you think about it... Thank you Internet developers!
              We all forget to thank Al Gore for inventing the internet.


              • #24
                No real update, just a better version 1365 x 2048 version of an old image:

                Last edited by dalton; February 6, 2023, 06:01 AM.


                • #25
                  Originally posted by dalton View Post
                  It might be here, but you can only watch this from the UK.
                  Many, perhaps most of us, are not in the UK. I tried using Opera's almost useless VPN, and it continues to be useless. Closest I could get to UK was "Europe". Please considering uploading this to sendspace so we all can see it. Thank you!


                  • #26
                    I saw an awesome post on tumblr from Aloo:


                    Which set me off down the rabbit hole of leaky runners again and I found some (I think?) new names and pictures I don't think I've seen before. Sorry-not-sorry if they're not new but enjoy

                    Lauren Gregory
                    She doesn't appear to be a prolific pee-er because this seems to be her only accident, on camera at least, but that red uniform sure makes it obvious . Can't find higher resolution of these unfortunately.

                    https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fp_hq69a...jpg&name=large (the wet crotch grabs your eye but don't miss the pee streak running down her leg)
                    https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fp_hsE-a...jpg&name=large (lovely view from behind)

                    Here's a video of the same event:

                    Lauren Gregory at the beginning, same race as the photos above I think.
                    Taylor Werner at 2:10, finishes the race wet, turns around and bends over a bit, oh my lord...
                    Camera then pans back at 2:25 to watch Devin Clark finish, who has also wet herself.

                    ​​​​​​Taylor Werner
                    Taylor has come up in these threads before as a soggy runner but I don't remember this picture:

                    It's a lovely high-resolution picture taken some time after the race. Her wet patch is fading. Carina Viljoen appears to have dribbled a tiny bit maybe?

                    From a race in Rhode Island. Almost looks photoshopped....... but it's on her own twitter page :P Maybe an earlier wetting now fading away...

                    Devin Clark
                    https://arkansasrazorbacks.com/wp-co...2/GR1_4796.jpg (this one is hard to see because she's in shadow but the tell-tale half-moon is there . Tilt your screen up and down a bit if you can't see it)

                    Krissy Gear
                    https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRm974uV...jpg&name=large (during... with splashes and streaks)
                    https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRm-A0FU...jpg&name=large (after, celebrating)

                    If any of these are broken, I can upload to imgur...
                    Last edited by xxxxx; March 22, 2023, 10:20 AM.


                    • #27
                      Originally posted by xxxxx View Post
                      I saw an awesome post on tumblr from Aloo:


                      Lauren Gregory

                      Here's a video of the same event:

                      If any of these are broken, I can upload to imgur...
                      Great finds! Unfortunately I can't open the Tumblr image from Aloo. I don't have an account. Can someone repost this elsewhere?

                      I would love to see the video too, but it says I don't have access to the server. Can anyone capture this?

                      Lauren Gregory also pees near the end of the race. This seems to happen often. I wonder if there's an explanation for this. Possible causes:

                      1. It's a biological reaction, like a fear wetting. This is supposed to be a left over from the stone age. If you have to run from danger and your bladder empties, you run faster. Animals have that too.
                      2. It's from excitement
                      3. Near the end of the race, some muscles and perhaps nerves stop functioning because of the extraordinary achievements. Remember these are top athletes.
                      4. With the finish line in sight, they relax a bit and some urine escapes
                      5. It's just stress incontinence. But that doesn't fully explain why this seems to happen near the end off the race or near the finish line more often.
                      6. Their bladder is simply full and the loose it due to the pressure on the bladder

                      I think, the 6th cause is not very likely. I can't imagine you start a race with a full bladder.

                      Perhaps it's a combination of cause 1 to 5...

                      Thanks for posting. Here is a video of Jessica hull. Go to the end. Videos of this event have been posted before, but I think this is a newer one in better quality.


                      Just went:
                      Last edited by dalton; March 23, 2023, 05:04 AM.


                      • #28
                        I don't have the ability to download the video sorry but here are the pictures Aloo posted on tumblr:


                        The whys and wherefores of this are certainly strange.

                        Fantasy option 7 for your list is "Because they're one of us and are loving every second of it!" but that's extremely unlikely wishful thinking lol, although certainly not entirely impossible.... (I can dream, right?)

                        Many of these girls don't just dribble or spurt a bit, they all out soak themselves, a lot. The wet patches are often way up the front of their bikini panties (TIL runners call them "buns" or "bun huggers" lol).

                        Mostly they're distance runners but even the 10000m only takes around about half an hour to complete. It's unlikely they're filling their bladders to capacity in just the race time alone. A lot of these girls run the 1500m which is over in just about 4 minutes. Even if you're on track for 10 minutes before and after, you're still less than 30 minutes in the arena...

                        My best bet is that runners wetting themselves is a mixture of hydrating heavily, pre-race warm up and mental routines that don't necessarily allow for a last minute bathroom break and a combination of basically all of your options but mostly stress incontinence.

                        The wettings always seem to happen at the very end of the race, when distance runners give their absolute all and will be hitting the ground with the most impact. If somebody were prone to stress incontinence, that would be the most likely moment for an accident. Add in excitement, focus, adrenalin, anxiety, a filling bladder because of all that gatorade, and the fact that no elite athlete is ever going to let a little thing like pee get between them and winning and you've got a recipe for wet buns... and long may it continue


                        • #29
                          the activity is just hard on the relevant muscles, and mentally draining - when they are focusing on putting all their energy into pumping those legs faster other muscles are not a priority.

                          Think of it like trying to drum, you can only do so many things at once, a girls plumbing is a lot less complex, so a moment of concentration that causes a lapse makes a leak

                          If you are into weird kinky mind control experiments - if you could convince a girl to pat her head, rub her tummy, and tap her foot, all at the same time, and using a different pattern for each, while she had a full bladder, assuming she actually focuses enough to do those three things all at once, she would immediately wet herself. Generally tho she will mess it up because of conditioning etc, and hold the bladder instead, so one or more of those three tasks will screw up because she is prioritizing her bladder.

                          In an athlete however the win is the priority, reinforced by much training, so they have learnt to override the wasteful bladder prioritization, in female athletes who shed any pee hangups this gives them a competative advantage, since they can redirect resources into moving faster instead, and focus more effort on smooth rapid running motions.


                          • #30
                            Originally posted by Enkil View Post
                            the activity is just hard on the relevant muscles, and mentally draining - when they are focusing on putting all their energy into pumping those legs faster other muscles are not a priority.

                            Think of it like trying to drum, you can only do so many things at once, a girls plumbing is a lot less complex, so a moment of concentration that causes a lapse makes a leak

                            If you are into weird kinky mind control experiments - if you could convince a girl to pat her head, rub her tummy, and tap her foot, all at the same time, and using a different pattern for each, while she had a full bladder, assuming she actually focuses enough to do those three things all at once, she would immediately wet herself. Generally tho she will mess it up because of conditioning etc, and hold the bladder instead, so one or more of those three tasks will screw up because she is prioritizing her bladder.

                            In an athlete however the win is the priority, reinforced by much training, so they have learnt to override the wasteful bladder prioritization, in female athletes who shed any pee hangups this gives them a competative advantage, since they can redirect resources into moving faster instead, and focus more effort on smooth rapid running motions.
                            To go into more detail (an "Enkil ruins everything" moment):
                            fun fact porn stars use a similar trick to pee or squirt in sex, it takes practice tho. also why g spot orgasms are so messy, their body is trying to fuck, kiss, process cliteral stimulation, vaginal stimulation that triggers a contraction and ignore any signals from the bladder all at once. In sex, your bladder isnt a priority - so If you cross that magic number of things to focus on at once, and the bladder isnt one of them, it leaks. Takes reverse conditioning tho. Kids are conditioned for years to hold, until they dont even realise they are doing it all the time, by the time they are adults.

                            The other trick is over training at the expense of pevic floor. Which is the main issue with female athletes they focus on the push, run harder, run faster, run longer. Kind of what happens naturally when women have babies, the bladder weakens, because reproduction is more important than holding pee for no good reason. (and really in wild monkey logic, why would you want to hold it?)
                            Also the muscles needed to push babies out are also used to push pee out, a pregnant or new mother has stronger push than hold muscles thanks to Braxton Hicks until balance reasserts itself usually with pelvic floor exercises - but depending on the exercises used a girl can make it worse just for fun, making her hold weaker and her push stronger instead such as adult performers, where they make a living from it, so it has a survival imperitive aspect to it.

                            Also - Just the act of giving birth by necessity has to break the childhood 'hold' conditioning to push during contractions, so once broken it is not always easy to return the body to the constant stress state of holding all the time, which is needed to rebuild the pelvic floor. New mothers just assume they are supposed to have a weak bladder because everyone tells them, even if they dont, they get into the habit of not holding anyway, because everyone expects them to have accidents.. this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because not holding all the time causes the muscles to weaken!

                            Pelvic floor is also a muscle like any other, if you exercise it a particular way it gets stronger that way. You can make holding stronger, or pushing stronger depending what exercises you do. Even stronger than any natural sexual clamping down instinct associated with sex. It is a lot harder for men as a physical 2 way valve flips, but in women there is no valve just a "tap" that they can train to leave open. Also a trick porn stars use. You can see them flexing the muscles just before a squirt scene, if you talk to them candidly they will disclose they can squirt really easily now but not without cost. They all have hair trigger bladders, because their conditioning is quick evacuation over holding, and their ability to cum is stronger than their bladder muscles. If you leave the tap open while climaxing, the contractions make it squirts things out.

                            My own favourite wet lover was always straining to pee for me, once she got over the "hang up" stage she leaked a little, once she had enough positive reinforcent for that - she focused on practicing her "push" during sexual activity, or just in her underwear when i wasnt home, then it became easier and easier, until she got to the point during any sort of sexual activity she could just push pee out anytime she felt like it. Then having children made it easier still, she got in to the habit of not holding at all, because a baby on your bladder is uncomfortable - which meant all it took was a push to spray out after that.

                            Also https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=90301...-cotton-undies here is an example, she is super busting to pee, squirming all over the place as she masturbates, she cant pee until she first gets off, then once she starts to pee, she can hold her value open and she is able to keep peeing herself as she masturbates until the depravity of the feeling makes her cum again a second time in about a minute and half from pissing herself.
                            Last edited by Enkil; March 24, 2023, 10:09 AM.

