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Dear Wetset owners: Please use SSL

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  • Dear Wetset owners: Please use SSL

    Using http means anyone can read what we're looking at. Switching to https would encrypt your content so no one can see it. This is especially important for public Wifi -- like, say in a hotel room. I know it costs a teensy bit of money, but it would be so worth it for our peace of mind.


  • #2
    I think that this site would have to start charging members.


    • #3
      SSL certificates can be pretty cheap (like, $200/year), and they can cover the whole domain -- wetset is a paid site, so they have revenue.


      • #4
        An alternative would be a self-signed certificate for those who want ssl.
        Accept once, and your data is safe (unless you were under a MITM attack during the first visit).


        • #5
          Originally posted by kochel428
          This is especially important for public Wifi -- like, say in a hotel room.
          So you're worried about the desk clerk finding out you're a piss perv? Grow up.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Peevert
            So you're worried about the desk clerk finding out you're a piss perv? Grow up.
            Nope. But hotel wifi can often be sniffed by the entire hotel.
            If someone is looking for a way to blackmail or whatever...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Drying
              Nope. But hotel wifi can often be sniffed by the entire hotel.
              If someone is looking for a way to blackmail or whatever...
              Sounds fairly paranoid to me.


              • #8
                Can anyone say, "Paranoid?" Talk about absurdity! You choose to visit a pee site and then expect the owner to accommodate YOU?! What friggin' planet are you from? Jeez! Some people have a lot of nerve. Go away if you're so worried!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 2prnot2p
                  Can anyone say, "Paranoid?" Talk about absurdity! You choose to visit a pee site and then expect the owner to accommodate YOU?! What friggin' planet are you from? Jeez! Some people have a lot of nerve. Go away if you're so worried!
                  I don't care. If I were worried, I'd be using a cozy proxy or tunnel or whatever.
                  But OP simply gave a suggestion, and I seconded it and clarified the reason.
                  You're the one turning this into a big thing...

                  Also, paranoia is not bad for you on the internet (believe me, I know my way around it), and if you have a lot to lose, you probably do want to watch out.


                  • #10
                    I have precisely ZERO knowledge about such tech stuff. What I DO know, is that whenever a businessperson provides a service or product for FREE (such as this website), that the proper response from those who enjoy that free service is, at a bare minimum, "Hey- Thanks".
                    This is as compared to your concept of- "Here's my spiffy idea about how you can do more work and spend more money to make your free product better for me"!
                    Jeeze Louise- Vic


                    • #11
                      This has become a fascinating thread since the last time I looked at it. I'm not trying to cause any problems, it was a simple suggestion, one that anyone with the tech savvy to run a website wouldn't have much trouble implementing.

                      If you frequent tech message boards, there is a refrain you will see (among others): web developers should be using SSL on every website. This goes doubly for websites that contain (any) user information, and I think fetish porn is a good example of sensitive information. If you think there's no way that a hotel clerk or fellow hotel guest knowing your fetish could have negative repercussions, you're pretty naive. If you think there's no way an attacker who has compromised your home wifi network without your knowledge could use your web surfing habits against you, you're wrong.

                      People who haven't worked in tech seem to have no idea how non-secure the internet can be, and no idea how their personal information is stored and used across the internet. Talk to anyone who has first hand experience with this stuff, though, and you'll realize that I'm not being paranoid, just realistic.


                      • #12
                        I work in tech, and I realize how insecure the internet is. I just think this crosses the line into paranoia. I'm on wifi right now, my neighbors could easily know I'm talking about pee porn. And I really couldn't possibly care less.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Peevert
                          I work in tech, and I realize how insecure the internet is. I just think this crosses the line into paranoia. I'm on wifi right now, my neighbors could easily know I'm talking about pee porn. And I really couldn't possibly care less.
                          I agree, and am in the same situation.

                          But I also agree with Kochel, that *every* website should use ssl really.

                          Anyway, as this was just a suggestion, and we can probably assume it has been seen, I propose we leave the discussion at this, as it is actually very much off topic.


                          • #14

                            There is really no reason for any form of digital communications (except broadcast television) to ever be sent unencrypted.


                            • #15
                              Dear Kochel248:

                              I use Wi-Fi too, in my apartment. I have no idea whose signal I'm borrowing and I couldn't care less. I'm not a techie, but...

                              My pal is a Systems Analyst at Ford Motor Company. Are those credentials enough to impress you? He told me I'm safe, that the person who owns the signal would not have a clue how to find out where I've been on the web or who I am. He said the only exception is if the person was a wizard of a techie and in that case, they would not have left their signal unencrypted! Savvy?

                              As for motels, they have much better things to do than to see what sites their guests have visited. You're obviously not the techie you claim to be. No way. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. My pal, who I mentioned earlier, has home Wi-Fi and said, "It would take a friggin' cannon to get into my system." Go back to school.

                              YES, YOU'RE PARANOID!!! Do you, by any chance, have OCD? At any rate, please go away. I think we'd all appreciate it. Thanks.
                              Last edited by 2prnot2p; May 3, 2013, 05:46 PM.

