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Dear Wetset owners: Please use SSL

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  • #16
    Edit: To everyone who is not 2prnot2p, I apologize for bumping this thread. It is past its prime. This guy just needs to be set straight.

    Originally posted by 2prnot2p
    My pal is a Systems Analyst at Ford Motor Company. Are those credentials enough to impress you?
    No. There are lots of people with impressive sounding titles who don't know anything.

    Originally posted by 2prnot2p
    He told me I'm safe, that the person who owns the signal would not have a clue how to find out where I've been on the web or who I am. He said the only exception is if the person was a wizard of a techie and in that case, they would not have left their signal unencrypted! Savvy?
    But if you can connect to it, that means anyone else can too. You don't have to worry about the owner of the unsecured wifi network, you have to worry about the guy in the apartment next to you who has one of the many products that can sniff wireless network traffic.

    Originally posted by 2prnot2p
    As for motels, they have much better things to do than to see what sites their guests have visited.
    Probably. But see my point above about the guy in the room next to you.

    Originally posted by 2prnot2p
    You're obviously not the techie you claim to be. No way. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. My pal, who I mentioned earlier, has home Wi-Fi and said, "It would take a friggin' cannon to get into my system." Go back to school.
    If he's talking about a brute force attack, sure. But there are a lot of ways to compromise a network. His system may be very secure, but if your network password is pinkpoodles123, you're probably more vulnerable than you thought. Any password protected network is better than an unsecured network, though. Even if you don't care about anyone finding out about your fetish, you should be worried about them sniffing your passwords.

    Originally posted by 2prnot2p
    YES, YOU'RE PARANOID!!! Do you, by any chance, have OCD? At any rate, please go away. I think we'd all appreciate it. Thanks.
    I don't really understand the hostility that has met this suggestion. But as Drying said, it's probably been seen and either will be implemented or won't be. Why are you still beating this horse?
    Last edited by kochel428; May 4, 2013, 04:22 AM.


    • #17
      I don't have a dog in this fight but yes, this-

      There are lots of people with impressive sounding titles who don't know anything


      • #18
        Originally posted by 2prnot2p
        YES, YOU'RE PARANOID!!! Do you, by any chance, have OCD? At any rate, please go away. I think we'd all appreciate it. Thanks.
        I'm a little confused as to what OCD has to do with this. And yes, your rant did sound unnecessarily hostile.

