Originally posted by Wet Trousers
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Discussion on Dusty Harold's death
First of all, I'm sorry to hear about Dusty Harold. Requiescat in pace!
Secondly, if Trump is one of us - and it's a big 'if' - it proves he's at least good for something.Last edited by Adrian6970; January 18, 2017, 09:35 PM.
Originally posted by PatchesJust a note to everyone: Dusty Harold has died. He passed away last year. You won't see any more posts from him.
I never could find out about the cause of Dusty's death. The funeral home would not give out any details. They simply said to contact his family for more information. I was not about to contact his family because then I might have to explain who I was and how I knew him. Yes, I could have made up a story but I didn't know how private his family might be.
Dusty lived with his parents and if they didn't know about his fetish, they surely would have found out when they discovered his stash of DVDs and examined his computer. Dusty had a number of health problems in addition to his disabilities. He never told me specifically what his health problems were but I suspect he had diabetes and may have died from a complication of that disease.
Originally posted by AccidentalTouristPatches, how on earth did you learn of his death in the first place?
Originally posted by bwetfanPerhaps the Dusty talk deserves its own thread. Patches - do you have the ability to split threads with your super duper admin powers?
Oh man. That's so sad. You could tell there was something going on with him, if you cared to look a little deeper and think about his situation, his posting style, all of it. I thought it was really endearing how much of a fan of Patches he was. He was a lot more active on this board than many of us. RIP Dusty Harold
I think Dusty was an ardent fan because I showed him respect. I answered all of his countless emails to me and had patience with his constant questions. I could tell he was lonely and just wanted someone to talk to about his fetish.
Sometimes I did things for him that I would not normally do for customers. For instance, scene 32 in Patches 54 was done at his request with the clothing, scenario, and model (Georgia) that he wanted. I even printed a full size picture from the scene on photo paper, had Georgia sign it with a message just to him and mailed it to him.
I also helped him write the one story that he posted on my website before the stories section was removed as a requirement for having credit card processing. I did not write the story for him. All I did was correct his punctuation and sentence structure. It was totally his story.
Having someone reach out to him to help him and show an interest in him as a friend made him such a loyal fan. He often overdid it with his gushing posts of praise to the point of embarrassing me. All he really wanted was to be understood and accepted.
Thanks for your kindness, Patches
Originally posted by PatchesI think Dusty was an ardent fan because I showed him respect. I answered all of his countless emails to me and had patience with his constant questions. I could tell he was lonely and just wanted someone to talk to about his fetish.
Ours (going to the bathroom in our pants) is a fetish that is really still deeply buried; it is much less socially respectable than bondage, or even golden showers (which at least gets a paragraph or two in books on sexuality). There is a loneliness that many of us face, I think. For all his "differences", Dusty was not so very different than the rest of us.
-- AT