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Discussion on Dusty Harold's death

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  • #16
    R.I.P. Dusty

    Dusty was a guy that shared our common interests. I wish him a happy "send off" to the "other side".
    I haven't posted here in a very long time due to my Beloved Wife Marie having developed serious health issues that pretty well preclude basic physical intimacy, never mind the rollicking wet play we used to have.
    Count your blessings, enjoy them while you have them!!!


    • #17
      What can I say.... Anyone who visits the wetset board had to have been aware of Dusty Harold. He was such a regular contributer. I will say this, though. As far as I'm aware, all of his posts were positive, complementing, or thankful towards other posters who posted a link, or something...... R.I.P


      • #18
        I can confirm Patches' suspicion that he was diabetic. He mentioned it to me several times in private messages, and it was clear that it had taken on a very life-threatening form. I feel almost certain that diabetes was a primary cause of his passing.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Patches
          All I did was correct his punctuation and sentence structure.
          I think that alone may qualify you for sainthood.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Peevert
            I think that alone may qualify you for sainthood.
            Saint Patches blesses you with her holy water!


            • #21
              mmmmmmm Patches


              • #22
                When Dusty first appeared on this forum, he mentioned that he was severely disabled and confined to a wheelchair. It's common for people with such conditions to die early; and, ironically, the cause of death is often kidney failure caused by repeated urinary tract infections. I suspect that he some sort of birth defect, perhaps cerebral palsy. Although I frequently disagreed with his methods and comments, he was never hostile to anyone who posted here. RIP


                • #23
                  I just heard of this, as I had not been active in the usual communities for a while. His last post was on July 19th 2016, although the login shows August.

                  I think he didn't log in, because if he had, he would have posted.

                  edit: Yes, he died in August. It's not hard to find if you knew him. There is a nice picture as well. I didn't consider him "that old". His obituary suggests that he died of diabetes, but who knows /edit

                  I have answered hundreds of emails from him and know SO much about him. He was hard to stop I never felt stalked or uncomfortable, aside from his interest to run a plastic tube up the urethra, which I did not share, everything was fun.

                  His emails lit up my day more than once or twice and I must honestly say that I am shocked now. He saved me one day when I couldn't pay rent and bought far too many clips. I forbid him to buy anything from me for a few months. I thought about him all the time but somehow I just thought he was around. Like he always was.

                  The things patches said, about that signed poster - he told me about that several times and he was so happy with it. He admired patches for sure but he was an all around expert on models who peed.

                  A truly unique character, his way of expressing himself made me smile very often.

                  This is a total shock to me. I would wish I never read this. ((((

                  The last message he sent me was

                  "Sweet Dreams , Sinna "

                  I just sent him sweet dreams back. This has taken me off guard
                  Last edited by Sinna (2pee4you); March 8, 2017, 01:14 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Sinna (2pee4you)
                    His obituary suggests that he died of diabetes, but who knows /edit
                    As somebody that has type 2 diabetes, with the usual cause (my heavy keyster), I know that you most definitely can die from diabetes or complications from it.

                    I'm sure you brightened his day quite often, too. That's pretty cool.

